Esophagus tear alleviate my anxiety.
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So my hypochondria is acting up again. Probably going to have to up my dose of Medicine soon it seems. To the worry though. Friday I was eating tacos and swallowed what a large piece of shell. Pretty painful on the way down. Though it didn't seem to lodge or anything. I'm worried though that I might have torn it. I know it would be unlikely and I probably wouldn't have this worry if I didn't know someone who had this happen(alcoholism was their cause). I threw up not long after from worrying plus drinking lots of water to keep the shell moving. I feel like if it was torn that I would have seen blood or something after I threw up. The only problems I'm have now are real bad refluxe and chest pain towards the center of my chest. The pain was on the right side of my chest and I attributed it to being maybe muscular. Now I'm having a sharp like pain in the center basically. Could be constraditis due to a cold I seem to have acquired. I feel like more symptoms would be prevalent by now if it was something to worry about. But I can't escape my thoughts. Dr can't get me in until the 14th. I've just recently started running a temperature of 99.9 in the past hour. I don't know if it's because a virus I have or because of a tear causing infection.
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trisha87499 Fall123
pippa58442 Fall123
sanya11314 Fall123
It can take days until this feeling goes away even the (hard) food is long gone there.
A taco also would soften and go down, cannot really be lodged unless you have a constriction. It's not like a fishbone (I had that) stuck.
If you have been eating, swallowing soft well chewed food (even painful) and drinking since then, you are fine regarding lodged or completely blocked since it seems to pass down to the stomach and not bulk up to your throat.
We have experience with torn oesophagus due to massive vomiting, fresh red blood coming up. (Mallory Weiss tear).
The only thing (if not bleeding massively, there is always a grey zone for everything) that could be done was:
taking anti acids (PPI) and very soft liquid food/soups/shakes for days.
If tear was very bad, would have been put on iv nutrition and eat and drink nothing to help healing, not ripping it open due to food passing.
Operation is very rarely needed when bleeding is massive and doesn't stop.
But it was not that bad for us and healed within 5 days (no more blood vomiting).
Imporant if scratched or bleeding is, to have soft food or liquid food only.
I can just tell you from my experience, that it can take many days for the feeling of a sharp scratch to subside even the culprit is long gone even without throwing up blood.
You don't know if you injured your oesophagus and even if you did, it does heal. We never needed antibiotics or anything. Our repair and immunesystem is great.
Please drink some warm tea, preferably sage or thyme (if not allergic) as they are naturally helping with clearing infections.
All the best.
Please keep us updated how you are going within next few days. TA!
Fall123 sanya11314
Thank you very much for the well informed awesome answer. I can't think you enough. I figured I had done something simple to it but due to transitioning in my medicine my hypochondria is up at the moment. My mind is jumping from one thing to the other. I feel bad for posting about my worries as there are people out there with actual problems and I assume I just have some. At the moment my bowels have been messed up since Saturday basically and my automatic go to is that I have an obstruction. When I try to rationalize that, I come back with I caused myself a hernia throwing up Friday evening and that's what's causing obstruction. Though I can still have a bowel movement I convince myself it's a partial can see what kind of turmoil I'm going through at the moment. So your answer helped me rationalize one of my worries.
sanya11314 Fall123
How is your throat feeling currently, the taco scratched spot?
Is it getting better, same or sorer?
Can you swallow liquids, soup and mash? Does it stay down?
An oesophagus can narrow, if it's injury or odd food lodged, those people feel a 'gullet', have swallowing difficulties and does not go away.
The only way to diagnose is imaging.
Often people have those feelings without a physical problem found in imaging though.
If you did a taco scratch, it should get better by every day.
If not, yes please, see a doc asap,
but just wanted to let you know, that one can have blood vomiting and scratches in oesophagus without doc intervention needed, too.
Blood vomiting though is always a 'go to doc' indication though.
Wishing you all, all the best!
Fall123 sanya11314
Throats feels fine. I never really experienced any blood coming out either end so to speak. I'm able to swallow foods and keep them down fine.
sanya11314 Fall123
That sounds good regarding your taco experience.