ESR 50 - Curious sacral, hip and lower back pain
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Dear doctors,
I have been suffering from what started as a sacrum pain in the right lower back, since two years ago, strangely, after an insect bite. Initially I had 1 episode of red bloody stools which disappeared and the pain went into remission. Pain flared up again and became worse upon the taking of caffeine and chilli. A GP prescribed Arcoxia with a few days of relief but strangely pain spread to leg after taking of inflammatory Arcoxia, Pain seems to be chronic. RA test showed no signs of arthritis, just raised ESR level of 27/20. One day, GP prescribed papain for relief of sorethroat and strangely, pain spread to left sacrum and spinal chord, tests showed ESR level had increased to 47. Separately, yet potentially relatedly, gardnerella virus was found during a pap smear and antibiotics was prescribed by my gynae. Flagyl (both oral and insert) was used, pain was decreased however, pain flared up again after a jungle trekking session. - It is not known whether the gardnerella virus was the cause of the inflammation or whether the antibiotics helped merely because of its inflammatory properties. ESR level remained high at 42 after treatment with flagyl. Normal results for cell blood count tests and other inflammatory markers. Having been a person involved in competitive sports since young and very familiar with sport injuries (e.g. gymnastics) but never having hurt the back before. from my viewpoint the pain experienced is a biting and dull, numbing pain, unlike any sporting injury like ache, tear, sprain, fracture. And back pain was sustained at a time of inactivity. No sports, no exercise during that period when this peculiar pain was sustained.
X-rays were done with normal results, no inflammation of the spine, and sacral bones were shown. MRI not done yet, but might be next step, pending specialist's advice. Specialist initial diagnosis was mechanical pain, however original GP advised not to pass off back, sacral, hip, pelvic pain as mechanical. Please advise.
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e39900 mabel1982
I am not a doctor but I have been dealing with similar issues for over a year. I have been following many peoples posts and all have many things in common. It seems that all of us have had some sort of virus and the other commonality which surprises me is we are all very active. Let me know if they find anything on the MRIs as I have had multiple with no abnormal results. All tests and X-rays negative yet the pain persists. Please keep us all updated together we will find answers and a cure for whatever this is.
mabel1982 e39900
Thank you for responding to my post. Thanks also for your concern. Disucssion with the specialist and senior specialist of the hospital yielded a prognosis of suspected infection pending MRI. Will keep you updated on MRI scan.
mabel1982 e39900
Mri was done yesterday and technician saw something on the scan. She came to check my waist for any metal object but I wasn't wearing any metal in the scanning room. Didn't dare to ask for details. So now mri is pending doctors evaluation. You can check with your doctors for any bacterial infection. Besides checking for viral infection, that may yield results. Cheers!
CPK test was performed today pending results. Results out tomorrow. CPK is to determine muscular inflammation.
CPK test yielded no results. MRI scan was of sacroiliac joints and lumbar spine. Additional cameras were put on the pelvis as well. Results of MRI not known but suspected phantom pain.
My inflammation pain is more focused on the areas of the kidney. I'm not sure where the doctors will go with this neglected piece of information.
The radiographers findings were overrided by the doctor's/radiologists report. Nothing significant found in the bone structure. Lumbar and sacroiliac joints. Reactive arthritis concluded by rheumatologist. Infection acknowledged by rheumatologist. However, no medication given as infection thought to have been cured pending prolonged after effects of inflammation reduction. Thought to take at least 6 months. Further immuno, double stranded DNA tests prescribed. Unfortunately, rheumatologist only focuses on bones and joints. Hence mri non findings. Any flank pains will have to be diagnosed by corresponding organ doctors. Note the differences in deduction of bacterial / viral infections. They are different. Best to specifically locate areas of pain for further medical tests.
Did a kidney biopsy and findings were several hypercellularity in the glomeruli. This slight findings do not warrrant any medical intervention. Have to follow up with doctor over a few years. Meanwhile, I continue to be plagued by a growing ESR - now at 57. But no doctor willing to take action on the diagnosis of reactive arthritis (where the cause is known - gardnerella virus) as their suppositions are either - that too little evidence for medical intervention exists, or that ESR will go down naturally over a few months. Meanwhile, I continue to suffer in delibitating agony, not able to do housework, exercise or have coital relationship because of my lower back and abdominal pain.
i guess what hurts the most is my husband's disbelief of my pain. It's so painful, yet the blood in urine goes on and off. Plus my husband thinks I'm psycho about my illness. What should I do?
e39900 mabel1982
Vincentworld mabel1982
I have same thing mri is spanking clean.
You need to take fish oil to Lowe esr. Meanwhile ask for duexis.