ESR and urine infection
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Hi all. I have been in peri for some time now and have had lots of symptoms. I was on Hrt but came off about 6 months ago. Whilst on it I was getting the occasional water infection. Just recently I went to my doctor because I was aching so badly. She did an ESR test that came back with raised levels. I had a water infection and was put on antibiotics. It did not go away and my ESR was up again. The doc has now referred me to a urologist and has told me that it might possibly be a tumour on my bladder. I have no blood in my wee and I have no symptoms of an infection. I really don't think it's a tumour but perimenopause. Has anyone had anything similar. Thanks for reading.
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DearDoe helen95781
helen95781 DearDoe
tina00239 helen95781
Hi Helen, I stopped receiving messages from my bladder around 3 years ago. I have had every test there is, no infections, no tumours, just total unexplainable incontinence so I have to wear pants all the time and heavy ones at night or I soak the bed. It had ruined my sex life with my partner, no one wants to be near that part of a person when they are constantly leaking and smelling no matter how much I clean myself. I feel uncomfortable being intimate with this damn problem. Hoping my HRT will sort it as had a very good sex life before and really miss the closeness of it with my partner who has the patience of a saint! Hope it helps to know that you are not the only one with problems in the waterworks dept. Keep coming to the forum as loads of ladies experience these problems too. You are never alone on here. Hugs and x's to you at this horrid time.
helen95781 tina00239
Thanks for the encouragement Tina. I'm just waiting for my appointment now, so I can hopefully put my mind at rest that there is no cancer.
Helen. x
tina00239 helen95781