Estradiol and Provera
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I was wondering I take a lot of medications Should I take the estradiol in the morning and take the provera at bed time or should i keep the estradiol at dinner because i would like to know if i take the estadiol will it help with my bathroom and having water retention durring the day
He did not say how i should take it would like to know
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jayneejay susan21149
you need to be asking your doctor that question
hope your feeling better
susan21149 jayneejay
teresa2545 susan21149
I only take Estradiol and i was advised to take it the same time each day.I am not always very good at remembering to take tablets but as i normally go to bed near enough the same time each night i keep them on my bed side table and so far i have remembered to take it every night.
susan21149 teresa2545
Right now it just that i am in and out of the bathroom urinating so much it drives me crazy every 5 to 10 minuetes
I am doing physical therapy to strengthen both sides down there
The urologist said i was retaing fluid and he orderd a medication which i am not going to take because i am on way to much meds as it is so i am just going to work on the physical exercises and talk to my physical therapist about this. My sister says she retains water herself i think it just runs in my family and this urologist seems to always want to prescribe meds which i am not to fond of