Estradiol vaginal cream
Posted , 8 users are following.
anyone tried it for dryness?
does it work?
any side effects?
0 likes, 11 replies
Posted , 8 users are following.
anyone tried it for dryness?
does it work?
any side effects?
0 likes, 11 replies
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jude84900 dev77856
Hi dev,
I was on a 50-50 mix of bio identical cream consisting of estriol and estrodial. No side effects, just positives. Regained my lubrication and my tissues became much healthier. I stayed on the creams for 3 years and then switched to pellets. I have nothing but good to say about my bio identical hormones and will stay in them the rest of my life. Only regret is not getting on them sooner.
dev77856 jude84900
mine just gave me estradiol. is it healthier or more natural to mix the two?
jude84900 dev77856
When I first started my compounded hormone treatment through my holistic dr he added estriol ( the more protective estrogen) thats just what he did. Estriol is more mild and might be tolerated better for some women. Now I'm on pellets which only has estrodial. The cream I used was called bi-est. It has to be compounded and most drs practicing regular medicine don't go that route .
shylee dev77856
hi dev,
Judes reply about it and bio identical hormones sounds very positive. i wish i had been able to try it. i unfortunately am on synthetic hrt and though it is working i have hadto take medication for other symptoms which is now causing liver problems. as for the cream i have been using it but not for dryness it was given for a bladder pain issue due to peri and it did help with that but not enough. the hrt mostly sorted it. I however had no side effects from the cream. I hope you find one that suits your needs and gives you good results.
jude84900 shylee
Its never to late to switch over to bio identicals.
Gigi368 dev77856
I use Estrace Cream.. 1 gram daily for 2 weeks to start, now I'm down to 1/2 gram twice a week (going into my second year using it.). My doc let's me use as much or as little as I need. I can't take any oral hormones so i can't speak on that issue. But I'll keep using the cream for the rest of my life..
It has built my tissues back up to where they should be, restored moisture and made my bladder very happy. Also, do your kegel exercises daily, it does help. I also have atrophy and even that has gotten bearable.
Don't use any scented washing powder or fabric softner on your undies. And no soaps on your lady bits, warm water only since the vagina is self cleaning.. all that contributes to dryness.
JacquiR dev77856
I was on it for just 2 weeks - I know that isn't a lot of time but I had horrible side effects and had to stop. I gained ten pounds and was so bloated! My breasts swelled and I was so emotional - crying all the time. I was shocked that I felt all that from just a pea size amount used one time a week!!!
FYI: I am 55 years old and have been in menopause for 5 years. I have just started having vaginal dryness. I am looking into natural products now. So far nothing has worked and I am super discouraged.
Everyone reacts differently - I hope you have a better outcome. There are sites online where people rate prescription drugs and the reviews for this cream are not great. Good luck!
dev77856 JacquiR
omg thats awful
did unlose the weight when u stopped?
i really sont want to use it but my poor hubby is dying over here!
JacquiR dev77856
I lost the weight and got back to my former self ... but it took a month. SO FRUSTRATING.
I understand about the hubby... Thank GOD mine is so understanding. This whole problem sucks... I feel so defeated. I will let you know if I find a better solution.
You can give it a try - it might work for you. I think you will know pretty quickly...I did.
i heard of MaCa. have you?
i heard of MaCa. have you?