Estriol cream.

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Ive been suffering for a few months now with feeling dry down below and stinging when i pee. Its been such a rollercoaster ride for me being in and out of the doctors trying to get to the bottom of finding out what the problem is. Ive had swabs, blood tests, urine samples.. antibiotics (many courses) and all came back clear etc. Its only when i moved from home to a different town with my partner, registisering at the doctors here they told me its a UTI and that im lack of oestrogen. Ive been prescribed estriol cream with the applicator using twice a day for 2 weeks then after that once a night for 2 weeks. Im hoping this works for me as this problem has been brimming my self asteem down for a while now, the pain is sometimes unbearable and VERY uncomfortable. It lasts a little while then can go for days or even over a month then just hit me hard unexpectedly. :-( as of my age 23 i wouldnt of expected to experience something like this. Totally oblivious to these kind of problems. I wouldnt wish this on anybody and for all of you in this forum i hope it works a treat too.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I haven't had the vaginal dryness yet but I have heard that the cream works.  I have been told HRT helps when the Estrogen levels are more stable. I think I am going to try it because I'm only 44 and postmenopausal. Talk to your gyno about HRT. Hope the cream works. 

    • Posted

      Its not all the time i get the vaginal dryness. It usually happens just before my monthly cycle ive noticed and thats when the stinging tends to happen too. its so frustrating and im hoping it does actually work. I will deffo speak to my gynaecologist about it.
  • Posted

    Hannah only two weeks ago i had an UTI as well, as you say unbearable and painfull, had two lots of antibotics to clear it too. I cant work out why at such a young age you would be low in estrogen? UTI are usually caused by bacteria infection which does get worse during the menopause but your only 23.  UTI can be caused by atrothapy ( cant spell it)  caused by estrogen levels dropping and causing areas below to become dry below but your so young. All i can say is i hope the estriol cream​ works for you, i bet it does, Meanwhile keep of sugery food, drink plenty of water and i found half teaspoon full od bicarb in a glass of water eased the burning and some disloved in warm water and poured over whilst and after you pee helps ease the discomfort as well. presume the dr. has checked you out for thrush as well. I was prescribe vagifem with applicator a few years back but had to stop using them due to side affects.  But then im 65 but used to have the most horrible UTIs when i was in my 20s and 30s, turned out to be the pill causing my problems.


    • Posted

      I was prescribed trimethoprim twice which didnt seem to work then another course of a stronger antibiotic which i didnt end up taking. I admit i dont drink enough fluids. Especially water. I do try my best now though as well as cranberry juice. Im really confused as to why i would be low on oestrogen too at my age, this has caused me so much stress and looking up all of this on the internet has made it even worse. Ive had canesten cream and a tablet to use internal too, but it cant be that either as it still came back. Literally anything you can think of ive had it. Ive had a load of cystitis powders also. My GP told me if this cream doesnt help i will have to go get examined! It freaks me out i always think the worst.

      Also she said i have Urethritis. Im constantly worrying each day.... praying the stinging doesnt come on. The worst thing i could possibly imagine

    • Posted

      Hannah i do feel for you, what a place to feel such discomfort a, Try not to worry as this although very painfull and frustrating and horrible as it is , is quite a common ailment. By the way the cranberry juice should be sugar free and no sweetners or else wont do you much good.  What i dont get is why they dont just take a swab drom the urethra itself. When i get the attacks its like more in the urthera than any where else. Not to bad at the moment but the amount of chocolate  ive been eating over the weekend serves my right if it returns. I do hope they sort you out, are you on the pill by any chance?

      Sue x

    • Posted

      Its really awful. I cant wait for this cream to get in my system as i had another eposide last night, you forget how bad it is until it returns. Oh really!? I just got an ordinary cranberry the other day, oops! I wont be having that then. Im just trying to drink gallons of water see if that helps me also.

      Mines in the same place, the Urethra, does it give you tummy ache sometimes?

      Will laying off the fatty food and chocolate help it also? Ive not thought about any of that effecting it. Will it ever go thats the question. Im not on the pill no. :-) x

  • Posted

    Hi Hannah I have been prescribed the same treatment even though I do not have any uti's or infection or burning pains and do not suffer dryness. I just get terrible razor sharp pains when trying to have intercourse. Dr seems to believe these pesseries will resolve my problem so will start the course as suggested and see what happens.

    Hope the treatment works for you too Hun as if you have pain like me I can completely understand your desperation. Thinking of you xxx😀

    • Posted

      Hello, have you! Lucky in the sense you dont get any of what i do its horrible where as when i have intercourse its not a problem. I hope the cream helps you a lot though :-) i cant say if its working for me as yet maybe it is im not 100% sure because i used to have my good days of not feeling any stinging when i pee etc so will just wait and carry on using it as normal and we shall see. Fingers crossed! I googled yesterday about having intercourse when using the cream, i read a few comments saying to avoid as the male could possibly soak up the cream or something. I cant possibly remember what my gp said either whether she said I could or not. Has your gp said about having sex whilst using it? My partner doesnt seem happy haha.

      I hope you get sorted soon and thank you. :-) xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Hannah I do feel for you as it sounds like you have really painful problems which must be so draining and frustrating.

      No, my doc didn't say about my hubby soaking up any of the cream as I think she presumed we wouldn't try until the discomfort had gone. I did smile though as I wonder what would happen if they did soak it up??

      I'll keep you posted and send you best wishes for relief of your symptoms ASAP. Take care xxxx

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