Estriol Therapy for Vaginal Dryness Post Menopause
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Hi Ladies,
I have been post menopausal for 10 years now. About 6 years ago I developed the worse case of vaginal dryness. It was horribly painful and made intercouse impossible. I was prescribed estring by my ob gyn and had very little change and it is ridiculously expensive. I talked to my new hormone Dr. and he prescribed Estriol cream. After 9 days all symtoms have disappeared completely! I am delighted!! Also, as the estriol works to rebuild collegon and elasticity to the vaginal area I am dabbing around my mouth to see if it will help me there as well. I will let you know. This is a miracle to me as the estring was over $400. w/o insurance and the cream was $75. and will last 3-4 months or more. Yay!!!
I have a question to put out there. 2 days into using it I noticed soreness and slight cramping around the ovaries/groin area. I thought I had a UTI but no back ache or burning urine. On the 8th day the soreness has lessened but now my nipples are hard and feel bruised. Much like pre menstruation. Does anyone else experience symtoms of this nature? I am thinking possibly it is my body reawakening which I wholeheartedly welcome and I am conferring with my Doctor about it. Since I just started administering it and cut back the dose after tomorrow. I am thinking this will back off. We shall see. It is a welcome trade off to the excrutiating pain I was experiencing and impossibility of romance with my husband. At 55 I am not ready to say good bye to that part of my life and it has been on hold for too long already.
Input and thoughts welcome please!
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jayneejay lisagaye
i use estriol called ovestin ( ovestinon vaginal ovules ) and ovestin cream for the outer bits ..
been using almost one year and its amazing
some beauty clinics use it for face wrinkles too..
it was suggested by my Gyno .. I am age 51 and almost 2 years post meno.
luckily we can buy over the counter here in spain .. And its very cheap ..
ovules are opague in colour and silky smooth - i actually halve mine while in the wrapper and use half twice weekly.
cream should be applied to outer skin too ..
i think estriol is amazing - it repairs, hydrates and reverses atrophy also helps the urethra dryness and is the weakest estrogen.
jay x
i didnt have any side effects - however ... I think at first i felt abit of twitching inside etc but all settled and been amazing ..
i have annual well woman checks too and transvaginal scans to make sure all is okay ..
good luck hun
jay x
lisagaye jayneejay
gailannie lisagaye
It is amazing how our tissues can reawaken. Everything about us can spring back with these tiny hormones.
My experience says that the reason you have had noticed some nipple hardness and cramping around the groin area is also a result of awakening tissues. It should settle down once you get the right level for your body and your tissues are used to having some estrogen again.
Please keep this post going and let us know what you see with the cream used on your face. I have read some studies about using estriol for wrinkles and would like to hear about your experience.
jayneejay gailannie
and my other half thinks i look radiant ( havent told him i do it )
i think it is great for below and above 😄
i dont take any other HRT only use estriol i am post meno and age 51
jay x
lisagaye jayneejay
lisagaye gailannie
I did estring for 2 years with no good results. I was able to try a device on myself this morning with no pain. Now I can test drive my husband. Yay!
The doctor prescribed 1 gram per day for the first 10 days then 3x's a week. Once it is working again maybe I can back off. I will want the cream for my face either way... lol
gailannie lisagaye
As you said it may be too early to tell, but what have you seen with this cream on your face? It obviously is doing something or you wouldn't be excited about using it.
lisagaye gailannie
gailannie lisagaye
You would have thought that some incredibly smart person would have anticipated this baby boomer generation and how much we would look
for anything that really works to make us feel and look better.
I know I'm not willing to throw in the towel!
sheryl37154 lisagaye
Also using some oestriol creme on the uretra strengthens it against bladder accidents.
Now I often wondered about using oestriol cream on face but thought, no, no, it is a hormone (where I come from, need script). Strangely, I never googled.
As jayneejay will confirm, I am all for hrt - FOREVER! However, I do wonder about the safety of using oestriol elsewhere. Would not use it on throat - that is where the thyroid is - hormones and thyroid gland???? On the cheeks, we have parotid glands - once again, glands and hormones??? Eyeballs??? Very happy to hear different, if someone gets the nod for this.
Gailannie, you can keep using both (oestrodiol and the cream) and still may need to, so don't worry about stopping. There are too many people wanting the rest of us to suffer like they did.
Did someone say they use both Retinoil cream and THE cream? Do they follow up the retinoil with with cream immediately or use it on a separate occasion, or later on that evening. I kind of thought the Retinoil was a standalone to make it most effective.
jayneejay sheryl37154
hahaha sorry but i cant confirm what your preferences are regarding HRT
i only use estriol vaginally .. i am against oral or patch HRT ..
i am post meno .. natural - finished - done
jay x
sheryl37154 jayneejay
ladydawn lisagaye
One thing. If I do get my libido back, how can we make love when the cream would get into the system of our husbands? That wouldn't be good would it?
gailannie ladydawn
It is absorbed by the tissues and that way your husband won't get exposed to the estrogen.