EUS result
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EUS came back normal. So far Blood/fecal Elastase/CT/Colonoscopy/Endoscopy/MRI/MRCP/EUS all normal but still a to z CP symptoms. right now on enzyme , pain killer ,H2 Acid blocker, multi vitamin , probiotics , coconut oil , low fat vegetarian or fruits diet. What else can I do ? what should be my next steps ?
back pain
center abdominal pain
intolerance to fatty food, actually cannot digest lot of food which I used to.
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Shortie79 Andy37193
Have you been tested for gastroparesis? It mimics symptoms of CP. Do you vomit undigested foods?
Andy37193 Shortie79
yes i have reactive gastrroparesis but should not cause that much pain . and pain start after some time not immediate .
Shortie79 Andy37193
CP pain isn't immediate pain. It's not like you eat and then you feel pain immediately, it takes hours upon hours to digest a meal. Usually if you have CP the attack comes on the following day after it has tried digesting. Also there's unintentional weight loss that's usually a pretty big drop at first then almost impossible to gain weight. There's a lot more symptoms with CP. I have gastroparesis too and I have to take Reglan for it. If I don't take the Reglan and my digestive enzymes then I am in a world of pain even without my pancreas. After having my pancreas removed I developed EPI, so I literally cannot absorb fat, carbs etc., without the digestive enzymes. Maybe your dose is too low or you need a different prescription? My endocronologist told me I would get severe stomach pain if I forgot to take my enzymes and he was right. It felt like I had my pancreas back all over again. Slow digestion can be very pain full.
vedawms Andy37193
I admit that I'm stumped.
Have you read the EUS results yourself? I've had doctors say "no change" or "everything looks good", when there may be lesions, etc. that need monitoring.
Have you looked into disorders of the esophagus? Barrett's, Sphincter of Oddi, LES Dysfunction, etc.? I'm doubtful, but it's worth reading up to see if anything matches.
Shortie79 vedawms
You make an excellent point. Even my own doctor didn't see a reason for my abdominal pain until I pointed out my CT Enterography showed atrophy of the pancreas. Since it was out of her expertise she didn't know. Good thing I always request and research the medical terminology of my results.
Andy37193 vedawms
they hand over report . in which they mention : there is no change in
parenchyma of pancreas for chronic pancreastitis and pancreatic ducts are not dilated .
vedawms Andy37193
Can you tell us a little about your diet?
Also, just because ducts are not dilated does not mean that the pancreas does not have issues. I have never had a duct issue, but I have plenty of calcifications (and pseudocysts in the past.)
Can you tell us what the previous report said about the parenchyma?
thank you all for valuable input. i am sure i have CP because my symtoms exactly matches . at this point i just have to somehow manage my symtoms. that all i can do . .