Eustachian tube dilation success stories
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Who has had the eustachian tube dilation and it was a success for you! I have met only 1 person. Mine was NOT a success. They say the success rate is 80%. I would like to hear from anyone who it has worked for.....was it instant or it took weeks for you to feel that it worked.??
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burak07076 kelly91202
Hi all. Just signed-up to share my success story with balloon dillitation surgery. I silently was following the comments during my suffer time.
I suffered with chronic eustachian disfunction for 3-4 years chronically repeated. Once it started it haven't stopped 3-4 months and my life sucked a lot because of the symptoms of it which were sneaky a lot and changing everytime to something else. Most common symptoms for me => Fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, anxiety.
Since the symptoms doesnt everytime understandable that it comes from the ear, during this 3-4 years time i frequently found myself having brain scan, neurology checks but nothing was wrong.
OK then finally i found a very good doctor in my country and he told me you have eustachian tube disfunction and deviation in nose(hardening to breathe with nose). And doctor added, to fix the eustachian tube you should have both operations same time.
Currently 3 weeks passed after my eustachian tube and nose surgery. Healing on my ear started to happen after 2nd week. And my doctor says it is up to 6 weeks. But even from now i feel my symptoms are cleared and the mucus left on the ears are frequenlty draining from nose which is a good thing. When i yawn, when i chew, when i open my mouth now i feel the air reaches to my drumhead which feels good and lets say i missed.
I suggest this operation to all of you guys. Don't loose time waiting itself to heal itself if it is chronic. In my case i dont remember how many tubes of sprays i tried. After a time they also stop helping.
So Good luck to you all!
Casey1337 burak07076
burak07076 Casey1337
My doctor told me a blocked nose could cause blocked eustachian tube in years...
So he did both surgeries together. he just removed some cartilage tissue internally to let the nose breath better. (nothing external) i didnt need any special scan for my nose, any doctor could easily say i have a blocked nose when making a simple check.
i was suffering for 3 years and started be paranoiac. cant even point that this strange feeling was coming from my blocked eustachian tube. had several brain MRs and blood checks when i got panicked!!!
after my surgery all strange feelings disappeared in weeks. dont delay it if you have the similar... i lost 1 year of time by delaying... but now life is perfect
Guest burak07076
Casey1337 burak07076
Moderator comment: I have removed the email address as we do not publish these in the forums. If users wish to exchange contact details please use the Private Message service.
Casey1337 burak07076
JeanJL burak07076
?Dear Burak,
?I am also suffering from chronic blockage of nose and ETD, giving me -110 dB pressure on my ear and Tinnitus started like a month ago, which is like a buzzing of 24 hours and especially troubling at night when it is quiet. Couple questions if you don't mind sharing your experience -
?1. Did you have pressure in your ear? If so, what were the -dB level?
?2. When you clear up your nose (with rinse or spray), does your ETD symptom go away? For me, even when my nose if cleared, I can still feel the negative pressure in my ear, so I wonder if your doctor says ETD could cause blocked nose, or only the other way around?
?3. Did your doctor mentioned about inserting Ear Tube (Tympanostomy tube)? I am scheduled to have Tympanostomy Tube inserted on 6/5 (in one week) so I am wondering does Tympanostomy tube work as effectively as Eustachian dilation? Would your doctor know? Which operation has a higher success rate of ETD?
?Your response would really help me combat this chronic disorder that's causing me anxiety and trouble sleeping for a long long time.
burak07076 Casey1337
burak07076 JeanJL
Thanks for your message and hope you get recovered soon.
First of all i am not a doctor. Just an experienced patient. So i cant know which operation is best for you. But if you are sure that you have blocked Eustachian tube, then i would say Baloon Dillitation is newer technique and has better results. So please make sure you have visited not an old fashioned doctor but a doctor who is also capable of making Balloon Dillitation operation. So check again what technique he offers?
I think clearing up nose will not mean clearing up eustachian tube since both or separate tubes. But clearing up nose will help clearing up the eustachian tube or prevents future blockage of it. So the rule is even you have health eustachian tube, still keep the nose cleared.
Again i am not a doctor but i am an engineer
So according to my logic, if Eustachian is blocked, Balloon Dillitation directly aims to clear up this tube. Putting ear tubes will only help balancing the ear pressure and help to drain some dirt. But whats the outcome of this procedure when your eustachian tube is still blocked? I have never tried ear tube operation.
JeanJL burak07076
Thank you for your response Burak. Do you mind addressing my first question - [u]1. Did you have pressure in your ear? If so, what were the specific -dB level your audiologist tested on you?[/u]
?I think this question will help us distinguish the symptom of Ear Pressure vs Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. If you only had ETD and not experiencing ear pressure of -100 or above, then Balloon Dilation might be the best bet. But if you have heavy/constant ear pressure, Ear Tube might be tackling that specific issue. Maybe both do the similar thing - and I am not a doctor as well, so we can only look at it from our symptoms perspective. The heavy pressure on my left ear is causing Tinnitus so I need to tackle the pressure straight on.
Ear Tube seems like a less risky of the two operations (with much higher success rate I assume?), so maybe Ear Tube is worth a try, and if it doesn't alleviate the pressure, Balloon Dilation comes next? Do you think that's wise decision?
?I don't have experience finding doctors with Balloon Dilation experience. Do you mind sharing [u]your doctor's location[/u] and [u]hospital info[/u]? If you don't feel comfortable sharing here, feel free to private message me.
Also, what [u]exact type of scans [/u]did your doctor perform on you to determine the severity of the ETD?
? Q - [u]Is CT Scan of Temporal Bones something very useful to determine ETD?[/u]
Thank you for sharing your experience as it helps tremendously for people who are going through this terrible daily pain.
burak07076 JeanJL
Hello Jean;
The symptoms i was having was dizziness(more in outside, less in closed environment like home or car)
Hearing my own voice when talking.
Inbalance in my head with little pressure feeling. I didnt have strong pressure or strong attacks but it was non stoping constant and too annoying that harming all my social life. i remember even my body feels strong i wanted to sleep all day or put my head on pillow since my head wasnt good.
I have visited most famous doctors in my country. My understanding is ETD cannot be diagnosed %100 correctly specially if there is no visible pressure in your drumhead. This Balloon Dillation is like try and see but has good success rate on my searches. All the doctors checked me, could not see any visible symptoms and my drumhead was perfect. All the outcome is the symptoms i was having that i know there is a problem but not visible to any doctor.
All the audiology test results was very fine for me. The only proof was the last test they have done 2 days before surgery. I dont know the name of the device or test but basically they connect a sensor on your ear and doctor ask you to swallow. Repeat this for both ears and the sensor measures the pressure. For me both ears were problematic according this test results where not enough pressure is transmitted because of blocked or not very good functioning tubes.
I havent read any risk of Balloon Dillitation so far. Only risk for me was it was done under general anesteshia. But still safe if you dont have special allergy to narcos. Both ear takes 15 minutes. For me it took 1 hour including nose operation.
Its really hard for me to advice you what to try first. But the worst you can do is waiting which i did. Try and see without loosing time. Again i am not a doctor but thinking aloud, a functioning ET will balance the pressure on your ear, so your logic didnt sound me correct. Naturally this is the way how it is balanced and ear tubes is just a hack. I would still recommend you find a good doctor who is capable of doing both (Balloon Dillation & Ear Tubes) so he could decide better.
I will write you my doctor's name in private since we saw above its not allowed by moderators.
Everybody here could have different story. I am just writing mine in detail and will be glad if this could help somebody since i ve spent too much money and time on this.
Casey1337 JeanJL
Denis Poe in Boston
Brian Weeks in San Diego
Cuneyt Alper in Pittsburgh
I’ve read different people online say they’ve received the dilation from a doctor in the Philadelphia area and Canada. It seems it’s getting more and more attention following FDA approval.
JeanJL Casey1337
Thank you Casey!
?Do you happen to know a website where I can search for doctors who has performed specific medical procedures, such as Ear Tube or Balloon Dilation?
?I'm new to finding doctors online.
?Any website or even reliable reviews of doctors online would be very helpful.
All the Best!
JeanJL burak07076
Hello Burak,
?Yes, definitely your symptoms appears to be very different from mine --> Dizzyness VS Pressure in my left ear + Tinnitus. Since I don't know any reliable doctor in my area to perform Balloon Dilation, I would listen to your advice and do something instead of waiting around (which I already waited 7 months). Therefore, Ear Tube would be the next best thing.
?I just don't know what are some good tests I should tell my doctor to perform before narrowing down that ETD is the only cause of my Ear Pressure and Tinnitus. So far, my ENT doctor has performed Laryngoscopy? + CT Temporal Bones. Anything else you guys would recommend the doctor to perform before the surgery? MRI really needed, or CT Scan suffice?
?Thank you all once again.
Casey1337 JeanJL
JeanJL Casey1337
Do you know why not many folks have tried Ear Tube before trying Balloon Dilation? Common procedure but with less risk and good result? I don't really know how our ears will recover after the tube falls out after 6 months, but Balloon procedure is so new and success rate and risk appears to outweigh the benefit. Do you think so?
?I wish there are more doctors on the west coast to choose from. So far only one reliable one Dr. Weeks in San Diego on the west coast.
?Any one has experience with Ear Tube in this forum that can share their story? Such as protection when showering and airplane ride?
Your help is appreciated!
Casey1337 JeanJL
JeanJL Casey1337
Yea, all I'm hoping for is just "release of those air pressure" (dB -110 that I mentioned on one of my ear when the audiologist tested), and if simple ear tube does the job, I would be thrilled. Do you have ear pressure? If so, what's the decibel level of pressure? I would rather have 6 months of good balanced hearing on both ears as a "hack", then continuous Balloon Dilation, which from many folks on the forum, such as diana & merlin, have indicated that initial surgery don't usually work, due to the procedure being so new and lots of "trials and errors" have been reported by many folks.
?As Burak have mentioned, waiting too long might make the symptoms worst - which is for my case, since I Tinnitus just started for me the last 3 weeks due to this constant pressure in my ear.
?I wish there are more patients who can share their Ear Tube experience. Also, more experienced doctors around the world so patients can get more successful treatments for ETD. Most of the doctors I have visited just tell me to relax and just prescribe Flonase, which helps me breathe better but not solving ETD pressure.
?Praying for better days ahead...
Casey1337 JeanJL
The first round of treatment I was prescribed after the clinic was Flonase of course. I now have an appointment to go back and have my pressure checked again. The doctor at the clinic basically offers me the balloon dilation surgery already. I’m pretty sure he’s only been performing test trials as of recently with the device. He was very up front in telling me that he wasn’t sure if the surgery would help my condition or not.
Guest Casey1337
burak07076 Casey1337
I have some updates for you. 2-3 days ago i went for camping and stayed in a tent. I got little cold there and we had a camp fire that night. Because of the random wind i got effected under smoke of the fire time to time. And smoked too much that day. The next day i started to feel again fullness on my left ear and clicking and still have it. And since my surgery (6-7 months) i havent stopped smoking. My doctor warned me before that i should stop smoking not this to repeat.
Anyway, i wish this will be temporary after i get recovered of flu, i hope my ear to be fine again.
The conclusion is even you get surgery and get well, you should stop smoking and be carefull about flu. Flu can easily cause swelling of your tissues in nose and all your eustachian tube. If you have that, do not hesitate using Illiadin kind of spreys to keep nose open all the time until you get well.
But if i my ear doesnt get well in some days or weeks, i can have another balloon dilitation surgery with my eyes closed! I remembered how a bad feeling it is now again!
Guest burak07076
JeanJL burak07076
Question - How is Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride 0.05% (Illiadin) different from Fluticasone Propionate (Flonase)? Which one is more effective or they treat different things to our body?
Thanks for sharing your experience!
burak07076 JeanJL
I am %95 healed again naturally by using illiadin + sea water sprey for my nose and by drinking good amount of water and exercise more. But this experience still proofs that even after surgery doesnt mean it will not repeat again. Should wait for the next flu to observe more
Before this balloon dilitation method was avaliable, one of the old fashioned but good doctor recommended me to have an active life and consume a good amount of water to fix this naturally. I think sitting in front of a computer all day at work teases the symptoms. Going to gym and drinking a good amount of water really helped for me in the past till the tube totally get locked one day. And after nothing has helped except the surgery.
Also the other things helped me in the past temporarily was using Allergodil and Rinnoclenil spreys. The outcome was visible not before than 10 days using both regularly. But ask your doctor first before using.
I have no experience of Flonase. But to my knowledge Illiadin also has nothing to do directly with eustachian tube. I use it to keep my nose open so that this open air canal helps eustachian tube to heal better. And my doctor also recommends sterilized sea water and i use both when i get flue and not try to use Iliadin too much.
Guest burak07076
burak07076 Guest
I dont and didnt have tinnitus. But yes i am having popping and crackling when i feel the issue is present.
JeanJL burak07076
Thank you for sharing that Oxymetazoline + Sea Water spray works for you!
Do you have a link to what exact sea water spray are you referring to? I use salt water sinus rinse that Neil Med makes, is that similar to your Sea Water Spray?
?I'm kind of experiencing the same as you described that - EXERCISE more does alleviate some of the symptoms, even though "ear pressure" feeling still might be present, but at least it does bother me as much if you know what I mean.
What's weird with my symptom that's different from you guys is that - I Do Not have many popping and crackling sound, so my Eustachian tube is rather "quiet". It's just that -100dB pressure that's "filling" my ear that wouldn't go away. I do have Deviated Septum so I'm not inhaling much oxygen on the trouble left side compared to the right side.
Why is ear so complicated?
Guest burak07076
burak07076 Guest
I am back to perfect condition, %100 healed. Just i need to be carefull about flu and the smoke for the rest of my life. It showed me ETD problem may repeat anytime but surgery still keeps its magic.
burak07076 JeanJL
The Sea Water sprey i was using branded as Sterimar. But i dont think the brand will make any difference. Sea water is just sea water. And according to my doctor best is to swim in a high dense salted sea. The spreys is just sterilised version of normal sea water.
I agree with you that ear is small but so complicated.
Good luck!
Guest JeanJL
I hope everything is going well!
JeanJL Guest
Thanks for your well wishes Roger! I did try the ear tube, but it resulted in decreased hearing but some slight improvement in ear tension and circulation. I should've tried the airplane ear tube which lasts about 4 months instead of the 9 month t-tube. I didn't know ear tube will decrease hearing, so my hope is that in a month or so, I can see improvements... fingers cross... praying hard!
Guest JeanJL
JeanJL Guest
I didn't know that it would reduce hearing dramatically. I have had it for 24 days now. The tube is more comfortable now, but audiology test hasn't improved at all.
Casey1337 Guest
Casey1337 burak07076
Eda_28607 burak07076
Hi Burak.
I hope you're doing well.
I have just registered to connect you....So I'm compeletely new in here.
Looking up your name,I thought we could be living in the same country.I have seen many doctors but none of them couldn't diagnose the main problem so I really need a good doctor to help me.Bur comparing to your situation mine seems alike..Could you please share the doctor's name and contact information with me?
Thank you so much and hope to hear from you soon
burak07076 Eda_28607
Hi Eda;
Welcome to the stage. I am still great after the surgery. Hope you will be fine too. What is your latest situation?
Sorry btw, i was on vacation and just saw your message.
I live in Istanbul / Turkey and your name sounds Turkish too
My doctor's name is Yusufhan Suoglu and i can recommend him. You can give him my reference.
We are connected with Gokce too and if you want too i am sending my contact info via private message.
This is one of the simplest but most annoying issue in life i have seen.
Wish you good luck!
abrenfrow JeanJL
I had the eustachian tube surgery back in December 2017 . I have had eustachian tube dysfunction for almost 10 years . do eustachian tube dilation did not work at all! I have found that the only thing that works for me is the tympanostomy tubes . I averaged a new set of tubes once a year. life is almost unbearable without them! I hope you find your resolution! this is a miserable condition.
gaurav303 burak07076
I know this is a very frustrating condition. I have been suffering from ETD for past 3 years or even more. I am 30 male from India. Went to several ENT doctors who asked various tests ct, mri etc and finally said etd. i have problem in 1 ear only. but it has ruined my life to say least. the worst thing is no one understands it unless they have it. you are finally classified as nutcase and your social life goes zero. its really debilitating.
docs gave various nasal sprays but nothing worked.
so i read somewhere that oral steroid prednisolone works and taking 40 mg for 20 days really worked but not completely, basically this is self medication on my part after getting frustrated.
finally doc said to go for balloon dilation and its due tomorrow. lets see what happens. hope for the best and fingers crossed.
t52656 burak07076
hello burak
new here and just had balloon dilation surgery 2 weeks ago. my symptoms prior to surgery were popping and clicking in ear, fullnes and pressure, sounded like i had water in my ear even though i didn't and my main complaint DIZZINESS. i still have the symptoms listed above, however my ear is less full. Also, the "water in the ear" sound is gone. My question is how long after surgery did you have improvements? I'm glad to hear the surgery was successful for you. THANK YOU!
burak07076 t52656
Hi t52656;
As far as i remember my symptoms started to clear after 2 weeks. Not immediately!
Even after the surgery, my issues repeated during the times i smoked too much or i got flu. But somehow i succeeded to recover.
BTW, I find this youtube video very helpful as a self healing technique. Worked for me before.
t52656 burak07076
thank you for getting back to me and thank you for including that video. i appreciate it! i will do the video technique. I'm on my third week after surgery and felt like symptoms were starting to settle down and then today it hit me again with vengeance. (For the record i dont smoke and i am not ill). i hoping this heals soon.
THANKS again 😃
judi44826 Casey1337
my balloon dilation was done by DAVID BUTLER HERE IN SANTA MONICA He is excellentmine was three weeks ago hope it will help not healed yet
darryl47089 judi44826
Hi judi44826 and burak07076,
How are you now?