Evening primrose, Flaxseed oil?
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Hi ladies, I am wondering if anybody has tried flaxseed, evening primrose?
If so, can you please share in what form you take it in (drops/capsules) and when/ how often?
Any symptom relief?
I currently take a multi vitamin, vitamin D, Omega3 and Lexapro. Of course before I would actually take anything, I would call my dr and make sure it’s ok with the Lexapro!
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samantha42264 Guest
Hi Lou,
I tried many things woman have suggested on here, I spent a lot of money looking for releif from the crazy syptoms, I don't think any of them really helped. I found the evening primrose help with night sweats a bit. I've taken omega 3 for years, even before peri, so I'm not sure if it's done anything but it's good to take, also I've read flaxseed is helpful for hot flashes and night sweats and I do add it to smothies, but I also did that before peri. Really, only in my thoughts I don't think anything can fight the hormonal fluctuations except time. For me I found eating right and doing yoga every day along with getting other physical activities were the only things that really allivated some of the syptoms and it's a lot cheaper.
Guest samantha42264
Thanks Samantha, that’s what my inner voice was thinking. I was doing a little 4am research 😀
jan66332 Guest
I’ve taken flaxseeds for a long time now I sprinkle it on my breakfast each morning ,I also started taking evening primrose but all that done was give me the poos... so stopped taking evening primrose and just taking flaxseeds ... I get hot flushes everyday but they don’t last too long I find my hot flushes are worse if my body is hot to start with and the uk weather is adding to my flushes ... my days off I limit clothes to shorts and top but my job I have wear a uniform that becomes so uncomfortable so hence more hot flushes .... I really don’t think anything actually helps with the peri I think it’s how your mind deals with it .. it’s not easy at all I’ve not had a period for 10 months there’s been times when I’ve felt emotional and angry and everything but it’s ususlly when things in my life arnt going well it brings me down which effects my moods which in return makes the peri more prominent... bit mumble jumble message but I really don’t think any meds help it’s the mind that has to be trained ... wish you the best
mamamia03 Guest
Hi Lou. I take 1000mg primrose capsules and it does help especially if you suffer with stomach issues since peri started. I also take Menopace and there is a marked improvement with every symptom. I think the worst for me is the anxiety and I'm doing my best to manage it. Hopefully this helps xx