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So after 10 months of irregular periods and a serious amount of symptoms, two nurses and two doctors not acknowledging my problems and basically wanting to shove anti depressants in my direction without diagnosing me I have finally found someone who listens .
I have been to see the long standing nurse practitioner of my GP surgery today. She listened and listened, questioned me to find things out, took into consideration my family history and then said yeah I think you're peri menopausal, she has took loads of blood and is getting EVERYTHING checked from my hormone levels, estrogen, to my thyroid and rheumatoid arthritis along with all the normal checks of organ functions.
Finally feel like I'm getting somewhere. My rib pain (my worst symptom at the minute)she is checking for inflammation possibly costochrondritis or fibromyalga and says to just take painkillers and use heat pads when necessary and to check in for blood results on Wednesday where we'll discuss further.
Feeling a tad more relaxed that I haven't got a life threatening illness and just going slightly mad with hormones haha.
Hope everyone is doing okay today. Squishy hugs to you all xxx Sheena xxx
2 likes, 8 replies
maureen12052 sheena4572
sheena4572 maureen12052
Thank you lets hope it's the start of me gaining back some control x
lynda20916 sheena4572
paisleygirl sheena4572
sheena4572 paisleygirl
paisleygirl sheena4572
looloo43 sheena4572
squishy hug back. xx
sheena4572 looloo43
No she's not but she's been thru it and is lovely. I just wanted someone to listen not judge tell me I'm too young or it's all in my head, both of which have happened, I now feel if it's not this that's fine but at least I'll know. Will update after results in. Thank you for your kind words x