Ever felt like you're coming down with 'Flu......but its just the dreaded Curse?
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hiya Ladies
Now its not new for me to feel like I'm coming down with the 'flue (sorry 'flu - got that bloody fat fella in a red suit on my mind still!) PRIOR to a period. But I've now started to feel like that when I've finished! I seem to have had a period over Christmas for the whole of my adult life, so this year was no exception, other than I'd asked Santa NOT to bring my one this year! But I finished yesterday and feel absolutely exhausted: particularly that inner aching joint feeling you get when you're coming down with a virus. My symptoms used to go as soon as I bled, but this month seems to have changed things. I suppose it all goes hand-in-glove with the overall aching joints thing, but I'll be none the wiser if its the peri or is actually 'flu when I start sweating like the proverbial fat bird at a disco!!
Blimey, can you imagine: all our peri symptoms AND the 'flu - our poor families won't know what's hit them!!
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BellaRubia shaznay96184
shaznay96184 BellaRubia
Happy New Year to you too.
jayneejay shaznay96184
You will soon know whats peri and whats not, and if it was the Flu proper Flu then you would know about it, i had Flu ( not a cold) twice and my lord you cant even lift you head or get one limb out of bed, appetite gone for a month. ( no comparison)
Peri aches are different, vary day to day, get more intense around a period or worse still if periods are skipped around the missing period.
Hot flushes and night sweats are pure inconvenience, its not flu, or anything like, you will soon recognise whats what, try ride through it, think oh thats a peri blip, be kind to yourself, boost the body with vits that we lack during this time and stay positive ..
big hugs
Jay xx
BellaRubia shaznay96184