Everyone seems to get pregnant so quickly except us!!!
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Hi everyone,
I thought I would post as some things have really been getting me down recently.
Firstly I will say that we are very lucky to already have a child - who is our absolute world. However we are starting to think about baby no 2.
I suffer intermittently with anxiety and OCD and in my last pregnancy both of these things got really bad, so I am already a little concerned that things may take the same avenue this time around.
I am taking the necessary vitamins and have also had a review of my medication with my dr, with our plans in mind. Including having weaned myself slowly off my anti-depressant medication in preparation.
Having to take all this into account, although we started planning this over 6 months ago, we have only been actively trying for 4 months.
However I already feel my anxieties starting to kick in about things that could harm an unborn baby that I may conceive (which I constantly have to keep in check), even though so far there is no baby to announce!
It took us 12 months to conceive our first child (and that was with me and my partner on the same work patterns, which this time isn't the case), so I know 4 months is nothing! However, so many people I know are getting pregnant as soon as they start trying that as much as I hate myself for it, I am finding myself resenting my own body for the fact that we aren't there yet.
I think the impatience comes from the increased anxiety I am feeling month on month and the thought that this has to get worse before it gets better, as the dr won't (and I don't want to risk) being on anti-depressants while trying for another child.
I also find that it's stressing me out - which I am sure is also stopping us conceiving.
I just feel so down at the moment and like there isn't much (if any) support out there for couples who are trying to conceive, but failing. :-(
I suppose I just really want to know if anyone else out there feels the same way and whether there is anything anyone can suggest to make this phase easier.
(I apologise for anyone reading this who is still to have their first child - I don't mean to appear insensitive. I know how lucky we are to have one child and if one child is all we are destined to have, then we will be very happy and grateful to have what we do have. But we would like another child, both because we would like two and so that our first child has a sibling for company).
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PharmaSara Ange1a
its funny as I was just replying to your other post!
We tried for 2+ years, then two miscarriages then finally two babies at the end of it all. Won't bore u with a long story. All I can offer is some friendly tips on how we got through. And I know what u mean, it's not like we had ivf or anything, so I felt bad for feeling so fed up about how long it was taking, when friends of ours were having three unsuccessful Ivf attempts. You feel selfish, but it's ok to have these feelings.
my tips:
RELAX - I know easier said than done.
Drink wine.
Do things you both enjoy. We did spa days, long walks, playing music, gardening.
get and stay fit.
we both took pregnacare conception tablets.
hubby took the herbal tablets Tribulus, as a sperm booster.
throw away all ovulation testing kits and thermometer.
stop talking to each other about trying to conceive. Talk about fun things.
make sure you use a sperm-friendly lubricant, like Preseed.
it seemed like everyone I knew was getting pregnant and that felt awful, you are not alone. Give the Tribulus a try (online or Holland and Barrett), we found they worked quickly.
Good luck!
Ange1a PharmaSara
Yes, sorry I kind of duplicated my message.... it was writing that that made me think "I'll post my own discussion, about the parts that are actually bothering me"! Lol.
PharmaSara Ange1a
Do you do everything else right, like not smoking etc?!
Wishing you well x
Ange1a PharmaSara
I barely drink (other than I had 4 small glasses the other nightto celebrate my birthday & relax a bit... then stressed the rest of the night in case I ad conceived & didn't know, so am wary to do that again!!!
The thing I could really do with doing more of is exercise. I am starting to feel depression setting in which is affecting my motivation to do most daily things at the moment. Certainly exercise which I can't say is something I enjoy.
I'm also taking conception vitamins including folic acid.
Thank you again. :-)
PharmaSara Ange1a
I really liked a little book recently, called the Madness of Modern Parenting. There's an interesting bit about alcohol and pregnancy in there.
Anyway, gotta go now and feed the baby! And yes I do drink a little alcohol (only wine, not spirits) while breastfeeding (naughty me)...this was actually on the advice of my midwife as I was stressed and anxious at the start, and it really helped me chillax, enough to help the milk supply.
Exercise is the key when you feel down, I'm a firm believer in that.
All the best!
Ange1a PharmaSara
PharmaSara Ange1a
oshana21415 Ange1a
i just wish one day its ME. I have been in that depression stage and it made it even worse.
im sure there is option out there for you. GO to the doctors and see, there others way IVF.. etc.... you may can try that? Do some reseach on it.
im in my mid 20s and my husband is in his late 20's..... all we can do is keep trying.
i hope for the best for you and your husband.
Ange1a oshana21415
safia22954 Ange1a
Ange1a safia22954