Everyone that's experiencing abdo pain should read this. I might finally have a diagnosis!

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Well today I had a psychiatrist appointment and we went over my medical history and I told her about my stomach problems. And she asked me if I was having anxiety and depression and I said yeah. And then she asked if I was from europian decent and I said yes and she said if anyone had miscarriages in my family and I said yes there have been a lot. And she said well there is this newly discovered thing called MTHFR and it's where this enzyme doesn't break down folic acid like it should and whenever your pregnant your supposed to take folic acid and sense the enzyme doesn't break it down you have miscarriages.

My point being this is a genetic disease and not only does it cause anxiety depression and miscarriages it can cause GI things too like:

-Pancreas Problems

-Liver Problems

-Gallbladder Problems

-Intestinal problems

-Appendix Problems

-Stomach problems

And it can cause autism, bipolar, autoimmune diseases, heart problems. (etc.)

And so I'm being tested for this soon and the way you fix it is by taking this supplement. And so if anyone has undiagnosed pain this might be your diagnosis!

You are at risk for this genetic disease

-If your European Decent



If you have those 3 things you have an >85% chance of having this.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello. What is the supplement you have to take.
    • Posted

      wow the things they find now!  good for you for not giving up.  i was tested for C.S.I. D. which is something they thought only happened to babies.  Guess what it doesn't and if i had this since i was born it got worst as i got older.  see if you can find a support group i am told (because i have not found one yet) that that will help.

  • Posted

    Hello, I had been diagnosed with MTHFR and PAI. I have trombophilia and I had two early miscarriages probably because of that. Now I am on a folic acid and when I get pregnant again I should use fraxiparin. I also have stomach problems and depression because of everything that has happen to me. It is hard to live like this, I am 33 years old and I really want a baby. Recently I even got tissue inflamation where my appendix was. I had appendix removal in 2001, doctors didn't know why the inflamation happen 15 years after my operation. They did nothing (I was in the hospital for 10 days for an observation) and it still hurts, I am afraid that if I get pregnant again soon, it will not be good for the baby and another miscarriage will happen.

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