Evorel 50
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I have been on everol 50 for a week now for really severe menopausal symptoms, ie depression, anxiety, low mood. I also have the marina coil fitted, in fact my symptoms increased when a had my coil replaced in March. Has anyone else experience this? Also when does the patches 'kick in? I have really good days when I change my patch but really down days when I am due to change my patch the next day
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Shivers1 victoria86074
I too have started on these patches a month now with no change in symptoms . It will be interesting to hear other people's take on this .
lisa30097 victoria86074
lori93950 victoria86074
AJacynM victoria86074
I was on Evorel Sequi patches and the last two weeks when I switched to the combi oestrogen & progesterone patches I felt exactly the same... just awful.
I've since switched progesterone type and been better.
AJ. x
lori93950 AJacynM
I’ve felt pretty crappy on this patch . Trying to keep it on a few more weeks but it’s tough going .
AJacynM lori93950
Hi Lori,
Depending on circumstance a gal possibly doesn't need progesterone, for instance if she has had a hysterectomy... then oestrogen is used alone.
Or of progesterone is needed the mirena coil can be used as an alternative to tabs/patches as a different way of introducing progesterone to the body...
it's all very complicated when it comes to us women and our hormones!!
I'm still trying to get my regime right too!! 😖
Stay strong girls!
AJ. xx
AJacynM lori93950
Ps... sorry - I'm now trying my second month of continuous oestrogen only patches (Evorel) then adding in utrogestran (progesterone) tabs for the last two weeks of the month...
I've tried other progesterones but apparently this one is bio identitical so hopefully my body may, fingers crossed, accept it better!!
AJ. xx
lori93950 AJacynM
AJacynM lori93950
Yes defo try and give it a little more time if you can but if you know, like I did after 3 months on the first regime, that it was defo making things much worse then chat to your doc and try and work out an alternative or what ever you think is best.
Good luck hon as I know you're struggling right now. It is horrible and I do understand, I think those who are going through it will all understand to be honest!! Try to stay strong, we will get through this one way or another.
AJ. xxx
Scottish_Granny victoria86074
Hi Victoria.
I'm on evorel patches and a marina coil. as i have allergies and can't have the hrt tablets.
it maybe that you need a higher does the does i am on is a slower release and i change my patch twice a week ie on a Monday and a Friday.
i have been on them for quite a while and am also on sertaline to help with my mood swings etc.
the combination of this has helped me with most things especially to save my marriage as my poor hubby has gone through hell with me before the doctor took me seriously due to my age at the time it took seeing a different dr (who was Male) to find out that i was going through the menopause. and he recommended one of the female drs in the surgery who he felt was the best one to see.. she has been a god send..
i still struggle with lack of energy and not being able to get up in the mornings amongst other things but its way better than it was at the start. the patches i'm on start working straight away and i noticed a big difference within a couple of days
i don't know if this is much help to you but stick with it but talk to your dr and see what they think. or your local pharmisist as they are also a great source of information. sometimes it can also be that a brand isn't right for you. as i have 1 brand i can't use due to the glue they use..
victoria86074 Scottish_Granny
Thanks for the reply. I have spoken to doctor for my blood test results on Wednesday & it turns out that I also have very low iron levels so now on iron tablets. She said to return in 4 weeks if my anxiety had not improved. I am also seeing a councillor on Monday to see if this helps. So fed up with this now. I was seriously asking for the coil removing & coming off hrt to see if this would make any difference.
Scottish_Granny victoria86074
coming off of the patches can also make you feel worse...
my memory is really bad and i forgot to order my patches and was off them for a week.. my hubby noticed a difference very quickly and pointed out that i had returned to being the b***h from hell (or rather he told me this once he was safe too) once i had been back on the patches for a few days...
your iron levels may also have a lot to do with it..
feeling really bad for you.. so sending a hug
victoria86074 Scottish_Granny
I will give it another week, I am now off work sick, never done this in the 13 years I have worked for the company. I have read that it's the best combo to be on marina coil & patches. My problems started when I had my coil replaced, massive hormone imbalance which the doctors failed to tell me. I was not on anything then. Hate this depression, anxiety, low mood feeling, I work in a really stressful job which I used to thrive on! Now, I really don't want to go back! Hugs right back at ya!!! Xxx
Scottish_Granny victoria86074
really feeling for you. i was a really busy person before all this menopausal crap started ran a 2 small businesses with my husband and did a huge amount of volunteering work with kids etc in my spare time..
i was 37 when i had an accident which knocked my confidence and i had to take 6 months out of work etc..
which then added a huge problem to my confidence..
to then discovered the following year that is was going through the menopause.
so yes it does eventually get better but the trick is finding the right treatment for you.
i am really happy with the coil and patch its a huge help for me... but i still have dips and find that work isn't something i am desperate to do these days but needs must..
and with 2 grandchildren i put as much of my free time in to them and my garden instead of volunteering so a lot more chilled out. most of the time..
but have found that i am quite reclusive these days delighted to see people but can't be bothered with going places unless there is a good reason for it...
part of that is also to do with my accident as well though..
keep your chin up and yell my direction if you need to or scream i and everyone else on here understands what its like..
victoria86074 Scottish_Granny
An update... on the patches started having really dark thoughts so I have now stopped them. I have also had the coil removed today, going to see how things go without any meds apart from iron tablets for my anaemia & various vitamins. Doctor has given me some AD but do not want to start taking them yet, they are my comfort blanket for the time being. My FSH level is 98 which came as a huge shock to me, doctor is confident I will not have any bleeding. Just a bit worried about the mirena crash! Hugs xx
lori93950 victoria86074
victoria86074 lori93950
Went on the estergen patch only Lori due to coil but felt worse than I ever had! Decided to come off everything & she how things go. All this started when my coil was changed in March, wish to god I had not had it replaced!