Evorel patches and heavy bleed
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Hi ladies
I started HRT EVOREL patches 16 days ago. I take the progesterone tablets for 14 days of the month and I started these the same day I started the patches. I didn't start the patches on the first day of my period I started 2 weeks before I was due. Today I started with a heavy bleed. Will I have 2 bleeds this first month because I started the patches 2 weeks earlier than my period started ?
I started them earlier because I was desperate to get on them. This bleed is heavier than I normally would have.
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kathryn81522 michelle46271
Zigangie michelle46271
If you are still having your own cycles this can be a problem apparently and it's why they say to start with your cycle.
Anyway just to let you know I am post started HRT in November and my first 2 bleeds were fairly heavy much heavier than my natural one.
They seem to have been getting lighter each time.
michelle46271 Zigangie
CCinCal michelle46271
michelle46271 CCinCal
CCinCal michelle46271
michelle46271 CCinCal
looloo43 michelle46271
michelle46271 looloo43
Give it 3 weeks or so. I've been on it 3 weeks now xx
Zigangie looloo43
You should see things starting to improve in the next couple of weeks.
Some of it is quite subtle because before HRT there were good days anyway and I was not sure to start with if it was a good day. My sleep was brilliant first 8 days on it but then went back to the normal but by then I was feeling a bit brighter. I put that down to the good sleeps I had but it soon became clear that my depression and anxiety were lifting.
I had some painful feet and realised I hadn't had them since starting it.
Then I had the wonderful feeling of normality sinking in about 6 weeks into it and was still noticing improvements at 10 to 12 weeks.
Some things went back to how they started before getting better eg. Heart palpitations they would start and be gone again within a few seconds instead of remaining with me for a while.
At around 6 to 8 weeks in some things felt worse and kind of came back with a vengeance nausea and a horrible taste but went away again and now I don't really get that any more.
Very occasionally I will get the doom and gloom pop up but just very briefly and it's gone again before I know it.
looloo43 michelle46271