excessive burping/passing gas, palpitations
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ive been having palpitations on and off that lasts hours at a time, ive been burping excessively/passing gas for about 3 weeks now. i also deal with indigestion stomach rumbling, gnawing hunger pain, etc. i took zantac for about 2 weeks and i mostly had bananas oats rice chicken (not fried) vegetables etc but i still hve the same problem. i have gerd for a while but i never had palpitations with it not that i can recall. not sure if its my anxiety but these palps just started after i ate a food that completely set off my gerd and ever since ive been having shortness of breath urges to stool etc.
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joe93594 shaexo2000
have you been tested for anything? I had the same symptoms for years and was told it was ibs to eventually find it was h.pylori and gastritis.
excessive burping, passing gas, gerd, bloating, constipation was all my symptoms of h.pylori, maybe get an endoscopy
shaexo2000 joe93594
do yk what caused it? i first had gerd after takin iron pills for a long time & having too much citrus. then months ago i started getting bad stomach pains that got better once i eat and i would only get pains when eating certain foods but i got disgnosed with gastritis without an endoscopy
joe93594 shaexo2000
I don't think they can diagnose gastritis without having a look inside you're stomach, which is redness, inflammation of the lining and something causes the gastritis as in my case h.pylori caused the gastritis, a bacteria that that buries itself into you're stomach lining.
you're symptoms sound very familiar, as foods like dairy, citrus, spicy can irritate the gastritis further so it's ideal to cut those foods out while in recovery but first you need to find out whats causing the gastritis if that's the case and only way that is done is by getting an endoscopy, which you're doctor should refer you to you're local hospital.
if you need to ask anything else you are more than welcome.
jarmall03426 shaexo2000
definitely get an endoscope done..I had one done that revealed mild bile reflux..gastritis. I can identify with many of your symptoms. it WILL get better. .
ickihun shaexo2000
When did you last get your iron levels checked?