Excessive head and face sweating
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I am 63 and for the last 22 years have suffered with excessive sweating on my head and face, which seems to be getting worse. This is uncomfortable and embarrassing. If I do anything even slightly energetic (hoovering, ironing etc.) it is worse, and it takes a long time for me to cool down. I was referred to a dermatologist who prescribed pills, which just dried up my eyes (red, sore and bloodshot within 30 mins) and mouth (making it impossible to eat or even speak). She point blank refused to consider any other treatment, even telling me botox does not work for the face, which i know is untrue. This condition, to other people, seems trivial but it is not. In the summer I cannot go outside, so I can't even play with my grandchildren. I certainly couldn't go out shopping or to a social event, the sweat drips off me and my hair is drenched within minutes. I obviously cannot use make-up, or even have a decent hairstyle, which zaps the confidence. I do have a thyroid problem but that is well controlled. I am a little overweight but not much. I have other non-related medical conditions (arthritis, fibromyalgia). Has anyone any experience of the new gadget around which includes a mask for the face, plugged into a machine - sorry I can't remember the name of it. I know they are very expensive but I am desperate. Any helpful tips would be great. Thank you.
29 likes, 808 replies
bonnie83199 gill22568
tinaj1962 gill22568
gill22568 tinaj1962
tinaj1962 gill22568
gill22568 tinaj1962
vicki48285 tinaj1962
I had the same overheating problems. My head chest face drip ridiculously. I just found this forum and I put a call into my doctor asking what her opinion is on the drug you mentioned. How quickly did you notice changes.? The only medication I am on are water pills for high blood pressure. I am 54 and hormones from menopause could be a problem but I think it's more. What everyone has described is me!
vicki48285 tinaj1962
pajoneski vicki48285
something else, just to see.... I will keep you posted. So happy I found this group!!!!!
MrJonas pajoneski
dude, I've also tried oxybutilin but it's like becoming a zombie! I feel drownsiness and I' cannot think 100% lucid and clear!
when I go out for party or something where no brain is need it's fine... however to work, where I need to focus and be efficient 100% it's not so good... do u take any other med to counter this effect ?
barb47892 vicki48285
I have had this overheating problem for quite some time. I live in the Midwest and this summer has been hot and humid which has made this even worse. My Doctor attributed it to menapause and recommended hormone replacement therapy. I am a nurse and opted not to go that route and instead opted for antidepressants which did not help the problem. My continued research found this site and it's been a godsend. I have made an appt with my doctor and hopefully I will finally get some relief.
aine15167 MrJonas
hey, I was prescribed it to and felt high as a kite! I don't like to drive or anything when I have one, though if I take it regularly it dies seem to work
shawn_89391 MrJonas
shawn_89391 barb47892
kim49809 tinaj1962
Hi, I just found this forum, and like everyone else I'm delighted to be a part of a group that has the same problem I'm having. NONE of my friends or family have this problem and I'm tired of explaining why I'm dripping all over everything. The medication you're taking does it make you feel loopy, or like you shouldn't be driving?
Deemchl tinaj1962
bonnie1229 tinaj1962
I tried the same medicine but had a bad reaction from it. I'm 68 and have the same problem. It really keeps me from being sociable.
nutmeggins tinaj1962
I have extremely bad dry mouth but I am still thinking of trying oxybutrynin. I am very hopeful that it will help with the horrible sweating without making it even harder to swallow and talk. I have not tried the prescription pills yet but I am thinking about trying the OTC patch. Has anyone else tried the OTC patch?
kathy52177 nutmeggins
You sound exactly like me. I carry washcloths with me and if I forget, I am always on the look-out for paper towels. Yes, sweat dripping in your eyes all the time HURTS. I am stopped at security at airports because apparently someone with sweat dripping down their face appears to be nervous and therefor suspicious. It is only my head and face and my hair looks like I just got out of the shower half of the time. Everyday I spend time getting ready to go out and wonder how long it will be before all of the preparation was just a waste of time. Does anyone know what this is? I have Lupus and my doctor has always dismissed this as an autonomic sweating disorder but has never suggested anything I could take. I also am not sure that this is what it is because it is only the head and face. Do you get cold eventually? Sometimes people think I am sweating because I am hot, but I am actually cold. When I feel my face, it is ice cold. I never do anything without ending up a sweaty mess. What is the OTC patch? Did you try it? Is it working?
ltanya59218 kathy52177
Hi Kathy. I also suffer from profuse facial and cranial sweating. I'm gonna try an herb called black cohosh and see if it helps. I'll let you know.
Racingirl911 ltanya59218
Hi there Itanya59218!!
Okay, the good news is that I found a dermatologist nearby who, according to his nurse, does do Botox for head and face excessive sweating! The bad news is that he is in Lima. I have an appointment with him in the next few weeks, so I'll let you know how it goes! Have you researched Cleveland Clinic yet??
mary_10261 ltanya59218
I've tried all herbal remedies & spent a lot of money but nothing works for me.
bill09319 MrJonas
If you read some of the studies out there, oxy can lead to cognitive decline wheras glycopyrrolate has not shown these effects. From personal experience, i can tell a difference in how i function when i take glycopyrrolate... but i definitely don't feel like a zombie. Glyco seems safer to me in this respect. I am not sure why doctors would prescribe oxy over glyco with this information in mind. It doesn't make sense given the risks.
Patsy_-_Pat tinaj1962
Tina, what is the dosage of Oxybutynin you are taking? I am currently on this drug for weak bladder problems taking 10mg per day. That has not helped with the profuse head, face, back and front sweating. Are you taking more than 10mg a day? Thanks much.
P.S. I have asked my regular doctor, and GYN doctor about this sweating and they say, "I don't know why you would do that?" It would seem some doctor somewhere would also have this and be able to help those of us who have it as well.
drennen_92505 tinaj1962
I'm 65 years old. I have excessively sweat from my face and head for 40 years. I've been checked for medical reasons. I'm fine. I can't be in the heat, or do anything that exerts energy. I'll be dripping perspiration. I'm going to ask my Dr about the Oxybutilin. I've been hospitalized 4 times for electilyte imbalance. I take vitamins and drink plenty. Thank you for the information!!
Karenbutter Racingirl911
Dj14 ltanya59218
Diane051166 Dj14
pat49338 kathy52177
omg, I JUST FOUND THIS SITE. I thought I was totally alone with these sweating problem When I go grocery shoping and get up to the check out I am soaking wet on my head and the sweat is just dripping from my hair. People stare at me like I'm having a heart attack. I too carry paper towels with me. Has any one found a cure for this?
Guest pat49338
Yeah, I just found it yesterday too. I read through a lot of the comments and there are some t hings that have worked for people and some that haven't. I'm going to check with my dermatologist about some of the suggestions and see what she says. My next appointment is on the 25 of this month. I'll let you know what she says,
janelle99012 bill09319
I have been searching for months to find a forum like this! I am finding the facial sweating to be a real hindrance to me professionally. I take paper towels into every meeting and I sometimes have to remove my glasses because they keep fogging up. I am calling the dermatologist tomorrow. I have MS and wonder sometimes if that has something to do with it, but when I mentioned it to my neurologist she just laughed and said call your regular doctor about menopause. I am 46 so that's possible but I think less likely. SO hoping the derm can help me.
kathleen85123 drennen_92505
Hi Drennen - I am also 65, but this didn't start until just about a year ago. I also have electrolyte problems AND a genetic potassium disorder. I take Vicodin for degenerative disc disease (my neck), anti anxiety medication and blood pressure medication (a nervous system inhibitor). I truly think I need to get off of one for awhile to see how that goes, then go from there. BUT...............................
?I before I can really do that I need to figure out how to deal with my pain and my blood pressure, so I guess I'll try stopping the anxiety medication. I have a very long and intimate relationship with the medical community. UGH! Just got diagnosed with something that I've always had (because it's genetic) and have been going to doctors for 20 years. Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis - it's very rare and there is no cure, no fix; medications are slim to none because it's so rare.
I do notice that stress will trigger it and of course heat is the enemy. I think the electrolytes play a part somehow (a lot of people have mentioned electrolytes in this forum) but I don't know that. I also have been diagnosed with Fibro, Sjogrens, RA and the DDD.
jeanne70329 janelle99012
I have heard that and many other things said to me by at least four different doctors. Not one has ever heard of the condition, one Otolarygynologist even said "there are no sweat glands on the scalp". At my request, he submitted a claim to my insurance for Botox injections, but they denied it. The doctor said it would $800. I went to a plastic surgeon who said it would be $2,000. Of course it would depend on how many cc's of Botox was used. The Plastic Surgeon, who had never heard of a condition like this, did reasearch was very kind and called me back. I am thinking of asking him to re-submit the claim to my insurance because I have learned that insurance sometimes does cover underarm hyperhydrosis. Those of us who suffer this condition know that it isn't just the social stigma of it, but the "hot head" that goes with it. Usually after I have had an "episode", I am completely drained. I am 74, and the condition seems to increase with my medical issues that I take nine different prescription for. It may behove us to look into teaching hospitals or Mayo Clinic.
Best of luck to you, "persist"...
Guest jeanne70329
It amazes me when Dr.'s just laugh about stuff and brush it off like it's not important and that we don't know what we're talking about. Grrrr! I had a male Dr. for a while that someone else recommended. He didn't listen to me like I wanted him to. I felt like he was treating my symptoms as trivial. I changed to a female Dr. and told her why I wanted a female Dr., stating that I felt the male Dr. didn't listen to or understand my female issues. She listened to me at first, but eventually she stopped too. I went to her because my hair was falling out drastically. It was everywhere! She wrote it off as stress and just laughed. I felt like she was treating me like a hypochondriac. I changed Dr.'s to another female. She did lab tests and decided that I have an underactive thyroid, which was making my hair fall out. I take thyroid medication now and the hairloss did slow down, but it's still pretty thin.
It had not ever occurred to me to go to a dermatologist about my hyperhydrosis until I read some comments in this forum. I had already been seeing a dermotologist for some other issues, so I wrote down most of the things people on here that said worked for them and then showed them to her. She stated that the treatment that works the best that she has seen it Glycopyrrolate. Unfortunately I can't use it because I take another medication that causes problems with it. Dang it!
Some of the people's comments talk about Botox and that it isn't covered by insurance. If that was a long time ago, you might try going again. Insurance does change over time and will sometimes start to cover thins they didn't used to cover. Party because they have found more uses for Botox now rather than just your physical looks.
I read that only 2-3% of the population have this problem, so I can understand why there isn't much info out there about it, but you would think a Dr. would be willing to do some research on it rather than laugh at us.
Keep on keeping on!
MarshaNV pajoneski
I’ve been on various numbers (1-3) of Robinul & not had much success. One & two didn’t do much; one day with three sent me to bed & sleep for most of the day! My problem is I’m on OxyContin (20 mg/day) for major back issues. The combination makes me not function well. Not sure what’s worse—sweats or exhaustion!!!
bill09319 MarshaNV
Hi Marsha,
Did you take the robinul separate from your other meds and on a fully empty stomach? I have found that if i even take an advil along with mine, it won't work. The only way it works for me is if i break the glycopyrrolate up into quarters and give it a full 2 hours alone in my stomach, only drinking water with it.
MarshaNV bill09319
No, I wasn’t told to do anything but take one near dinner (because it made me too sleepy to take during the day) & one at night. Thanks for your comments!!
bill09319 MarshaNV
valerie1313 Karenbutter
kristen76056 kathy52177
I just found this forum and am sitting here crying as I read all these because they discribe me perfectly and it feels so good to know I’m not alone or crazy. I too have Lupus have you tried the medication everyone is mentioning has it helped?
Thank you
MarshaNV kristen76056
Hi. Unfortunately, no meds worked for me. But going off OxyContin & Oxycodone have reduced my head sweats considerably! Don’t give up.
Guest tinaj1962
paolad kathy52177
jan53959 drennen_92505
jan53959 paolad
diana91800 jan53959
jeanne70329 diana91800
jackiek101 jan53959
I started taking it today but don't know if I can handle feeling bad. Haven't been sweating this afternoon.
jackiek101 jan53959
paolad jan53959
jeannie16346 tinaj1962
jackie_47272 kathy52177
Dana58 jackie_47272
Hi Jackie I'm really sorry to hear that you too are having problems. Yes it is a problem and people live with this problem for years. Mine started in the late Ninetys but over the ladt 5 years it has become so extreme it just runs down my nose and now wetting my whole head and shoulders. I have just been to a Dermatologist that specialises in this problem. I feel bad for people who sweat like this under their arms, hands or between their legs. It would be horrible not to say the head is not. I have tried so many solutions, pills and nothing works. The Doctor is hoping to try Botox inhections which has a great success rate but ofcourse its expensive but I am desperate just to have a small part of my life back. See I am on so many other pills for multiple injuries so its been hard to see any improvements on any pills I have tried. When I get to try the Botox I will get back to every one with the results. The Doctor told me the Botox will be cheaper because its for a medical problem but still if it works I will pay anything.
It must be extremely hard for any of our friends on this forum who have to go to work each day and keep going with every one looking at you in a strange way when they see you sweating let alone going into a shop and it starts. Anyway hope every one is well. Catch you later. DANA
sharon38700 Dana58
Hi Dana,
Working with this condition is horrible. I've had people say...what is WRONG with you?? I am a retired teacher and I substitute now. I have found that it's just easier to explain before it happens. The most understanding people are the children.
One thing I have started doing that seems to help is carrying a hand towel everywhere I go. I drape it around my neck when the sweating starts...at least I'm not dripping as bad using the towel.
jackie_47272 nutmeggins
amanda03041 jackie_47272
Hi Jackie,
I had botox a month ago and am so happy with the decision. I was able to holiday in Majorca and my head and scalp remained dry. I still feel hot and like I'm going to break out into a sweat but remain dry where I was treated 😁
gatorsxray amanda03041
How many injections did it take, was it expensive, and how long is it expected to last?
amanda03041 gatorsxray
I lost count of the no. of injections as was in my forehead, scalp line all the way round and nape of neck. Cost £350 and should last 4 -6 months but I will have to see. I pay in instalments and shall have it every 6 months. ...can't really afford it but worth it for me
gatorsxray amanda03041
I see. Thank you! ...I shouldn't ask, because I'd do anything to get rid of this head and face sweating, but, was was it painful?I
t does me not good to do my hair and foundation anymore. In 15 minutes it looks like I've been swimming or showering and didn't take the time to dry my hair before going out. LOL (I laugh but it really makes me want to cry!) Thanks for your reply. :-)
I have heard some people say that their health insurance covered it (probably US) if their doctor coded it correctly as a medical necessity.
amanda03041 gatorsxray
I can't lie it hurt a little bit but not that I couldn't have a conversation at the same time! I am in UK so no chance of healthcare paying for this for me! It really has changed my life though ... like you I couldn't wear make up and my job was also suffering as well as social life and mental health! X
Guest amanda03041
Hi - I'm interested to hear that botox worked for you. I'm in the UK also and have suffered with this for the last 20+ years! Herbal + Doc meds havent worked for me and feel I am now worse than ever with this horrendous condition. I am now considering botox but wanted to ask whether after your treatment you had compensatory sweating elsewhere in your body? Also, if you don't mind me asking, how did you source someone competent to do forehead & scalp treatment as many providers in my area don't offer this. Is it a more specialised treatment than the usual areas where botox is used? I am desperate for any relief whatsoever.
amanda03041 Guest
I haven't had any compensatory sweating touch wood. We have a local aesthetics clinic which offers the treatment by a nurse independent prescriber about whom I had heard very good reviews. The clinic is called Melior and has a few practices nationally. I had seen a few practices which offered the treatment though.
Guest amanda03041
Thank you so much for your reply. I have an appointment with a new GP next week to plead again for help and will also enquire re an aesthetics clinic as I’m still having difficulty finding one in my vicinity (Co. Antrim, NI) that treats forehead and scalp areas but I’m prepared to travel to mainland UK if necessary. I'm also researching/considering CBD oil as I've been reading some articles on its use for craniofacial hyperhidrosis. I would never have dreamt of using either Botox or CBD oil but like so many suffers am in such a state of despair that I'd try just about anything. This condition really does ruin lives and so it is indeed heartening to learn that some suffers do manage to find a solution.
congraz75 pat49338
I am as excited as everyone else about this forum!!! Head sweats are the worse and I have had them for 30 yrs. I am 61. I am now trying bio identical hormones which do not appear to be working. I don't think it is a hormone issue. I am happy to see the botox info and the CBD oils as options and do plan to check the CDB oils for sure. I will let everyone know what the outcome is.
I too look like I just got out of the shower about 10 minutes after I am all ready with makeup, hair fixed ect., to head out the door. I have short hair and have opted to invest in numerous headbands that seem to work well for me to keep me looking somewhat normal throughout the day, until I find a product/solution to this, which I have tried and tried to find. What a pain. And yes all doctors will write it off to menopauseas mine have.....blablabla. I'm not listening to it anymore. I wish us all the best of luck!!!! It is a horrible thing to live with.
congraz75 Guest
gatorsxray congraz75
Yep- I didn't have 'head & face sweats" with menopause! There is a big difference between hot flashes and head sweating. I haven't had hot flashes since I started on hormone replacement therapy a number of years ago. This head sweating started much later than menopause (a couple years ago, and I am 63). I do think that the increased steroids I take for an autoimmune disease may have triggered this problem for me. I have tapered off the steroids and still have the head sweating, so even though it may have triggered it to begin with, getting off the steroids though, which hasn't stopped it, although I can't stay off them for very long so don't know if the problem would eventually go away if I was off the steroids for an extended period of time. (I guess I'll never know that.)
I am going to try to stop taking some dietary supplements I am on just to see if there is any relationship between the sweating and anything I take that can be safely stopped. (CoQ-10, Vitamin B Complex & Magnesium).
I take Tramadol and Lyrica for chronic pain relief, and I've been told that Tramadol can cause head sweating in some people. I am also considering trying to wean off the Tramadol (Ultram) and just deal with the pain to see if it helps stop the sweating.
For some very small percentage of people, excessive sweating can be a symptom of Diabetes, or even low blood sugar, so everyone be sure to get checked for those problems just in case they are the culprit! Good luck all!
congraz75 gatorsxray
According to my homeopathic dr., Anyone over 50, should be on Coq10, 50 mg, then 50 mg for each prescription drug they are in that depleted Coq10. Magnesium is so important for your metabolism as well. I hv recently started taking both, as recommended by my dr. The head sweats were not effected on way or the other, but we are all different. I hv to say, I feel so much more energy, since I hv started these 2 supplements, even though head sweats were still continuing. CBD oil, 350mg, seems to hv stopped the head sweats for now!! I am SOOOOO HAPPY! We shall see if it continues!! For now, I’m head dry!!

gatorsxray congraz75
Yes, I know the CoQ10 is important, as is the magnesium, Folic acid and B Complex. That is why I started taking them. I am just trying to start as as close to Zero as possible to see if anything affects the sweating for me. Both Vitamin B Complex and Magnesium can cause sweating, so thought I'd try to at least stop the things that I can do safely for a short while. I am on lots of prescription meds that I can't stop. If I see no change after stopping the supplements I will start them back up again. I honestly thik the sweating started when I started the Tramadol for pain, but that one is very hard to live without.
I am interested in the CBD oil. I will try that! Thanks for the input!
salwa_15551 congraz75
This is so great! The CBD oil is that like cannabis?
gatorsxray salwa_15551
It originates from the same plant, but from the hemp portion, and contains very little or no THC, depending on the brand, so it won't make you high.
I spoke with a medical doctor I work with regarding CBD oil. She said she had heard good things about its pain relief properties, and was considering getting some for her father.
I have ordered some and am anxious to try it for both pain relief and the head sweating! I will let you know how it works for me.
jackie_47272 gatorsxray
brad437 gatorsxray
I took hemp cbd oil, 1000 mg, without any change. I now have a medical marijuana card (NY state) and seem to have better results with the marijuana blend instead of the over the counter hemp blends - a high cbd/low thc oil tincture blend is what I use. No head high, but it definitely has not been a cure though. I just seem to be less sweaty, but it’s still beading on my forehead. It’s just not a river of sweat, but still much more than the average person and it still happens when others think the temperature is comfortable. This all began just over 2 years ago and totally out of the blue. Head sweats within minutes of any activity, like walking a few blocks.
Like everyone else, I have been to every doctor and tried every suggested solution that I can find. I am 47 and don’t have any other medical issues except a spinal fusion from 1994. I’ve done the topicals, I’ve done the vitamins, I’ve seen the psychiatrist, several general practitioners, cardiologist, Rhuemotolgist (check for Fibromyalgia), I had 2 MRIs, at least 10 blood works and 2 urine tests, checked for Lyme disease - you name it, I’ve agreed to do it. All the blood and urine work comes back normal. They can’t find the cause.
I tried the glycopyrollate from the Canadian pharmacy (that I found from an old blog post here) with good results, but that took some playing around with to get it working without too much dry mouth. I now have my primary doctor prescribing it. Since it takes a few hours to kick in for me, I take 2 mg at bedtime (11pm), and as long as I don’t eat breakfast, I am good for most of the next day. It starts wearing off 2-4pm.
Good luck everyone! I read these updates diligently hoping that someone comes across the miracle cure we all need.
Missy7581 jackie_47272
Hi Jackie 47272,
I used to take tramadol but i weaned myself of them about 5/6 Yes ago. I was sweating before and after coming of tramadol. I 100% believe it's craniofacial hyperhidrosis brought on by fibro because I had it before going on the medication I take today. I don't deny that it exasperates the condition but it is caused by fibro as you go from stage to stage of the disease, the worse you get with fibro the craniofacial hyperhidrosis follows but that's just my experience and not just fibro suffers get this, people with other diseases smiler to fibro also suffer from craniofacial hyperhidrosis. I never had it before fibro so why do I have it now, plus it didn't have it while on tramadol it progressed along with the progression of my fibro plus my other illnesses, but as I say that is just my journey. XXX
congraz75 salwa_15551
It is the oil from the cannibis plant w/o the THC high. It is legal in all 50 states. Do a search for CBD oil for sale near me and see what comes up. There my be something not far from you.
jackie_47272 Missy7581
I’m among the many looking for an answer to the nightmare this diagnosis brings. I’ve never tested for fiber myalgia but don’t really know anything about it either.
bonnie1229 congraz75
Where do you get the CBD oil? Is 350 mg a lot? I’m ready to try anything.
gatorsxray jackie_47272
Thank you, Jackie47272- I believe you may mean serotonin syndrome, and not cerebellar syndrome. (There was a patient in the literature who already had cerebellar syndrome who was given IV Tramadol in high dose and had seizures). There is certainly some evidence that Tramadol can cause serotonin syndrome, especially when taken in high doses and in conjunction with an SSRI. I have been on Tramadol 3-4 times daily for about 10 years. I only take the prescribed amount and never take too much. I do think that serotonin syndrome is a dangerous potential side effect and although I am not taking an SSRI, I would like the stop taking the Tramadol, but so far I can't find anything else for pain that works and doesn't damage my stomach. I am already on Lyrica for muscle pain. Since 2007 I have been on high doses of steroids and various immune suppressants for a rare autoimmune muscle disease called polymyositis. It causes muscle damage, weakness, and pain. They are now testing me to see if I may also have psoriatic arthritis as well.
Missy7581 gatorsxray
Hi Gatorsxray,
Have you tried MST ( morphine ) with paracetamol because they work well together. I used to take Tramadol but i weaned myself of them to go on MST. I also take Lycra ( pregablin ), Celobrex, Amitriptyline, MST, paracetamol, Sulfersuazide, Methotrexate and plenty more. My pain is much better on MST & paracetamol taken together with my other pain meds. I would never go back on Tramadol again I would rather be in pain, but its very hard to come off. XXX
gatorsxray Missy7581
Yes, Missy! Tramadol is hard to come off of. I did it once last year for a couple weeks, but pain made it too hard to go to work or even do the simplest things I enjoy, like reading a book or watching TV, I started taking it again. I would love to be without it, as it did make me feel more alert and less foggy when I was off of it. Same thing with Lyrica, but I know it is the one drug that saved my life! Before the Lyrica the pain was so bad I had to come home and lay down on the floor to get any relief from my chest back muscles spasming. I could hardily breath from the pain. The Lyrica was such relief.
I don't take the full strength Lyrica, only the 75 mg capsule 3x a day. if I take a 4th one my fingers swell up. I do it when we go on a trip on something where I need to walk around, etc. The 150 mg twice a day wore off too quickly, and I couldn't focus enough on my work to be productive so had to split and stagger the dose.
I've never heard of MST. Thanks for that advice. I will look into that!
flip82499 pajoneski
I am a male 59 now and I have had these head and face sweats for the past 15 yrs. I do know for a fact it is not menopause "unless men go through it too". It is so embarrassing to try to have a outing or to go to the grocery store! I have been seeing a pshchiatrist for this and it has done no good just made my mind go numb with the meds.
ginny45805 amanda03041
Hiya ... I live in France now but have travelled to London for Botox injections for scalp sweating, so I can be seen in public when we go on holiday !! It is wonderful but has cost me around £700 plus flight and hotel each time, which I can't afford to do 4 times a year. May I ask where you get your treatment ? It is not possible to have this treatment in France .. they only do underarms !! I am now seriously thinking of having my head shaved so I can use anti - perspirants , and having a wig made. That at least would allow me to go shopping or out for a meal. Thanks in advance
beth3003 tinaj1962
Hi tinaj1962, i ahve been prescribes pro-banthine but have seen online taking such drugs like Oxybutilin and pro-banthine can increase the risk of dementia?
KCSepia nutmeggins
Hello! I too sweat out my scalp and face with the added bonus of turning beet red! Even as a young adult people would stop to ask me if I was OK, showing extreme concern. Events as simple as a packed event (church, weddings, indoor sports events ) became too stressful. Being very shy, and having everyone's attention diverted to myself, was horrifying. I stopped going to gyms, socializing in any event that could create becoming too warm, from other peoples body heat etc. I have the same problem with dry mouth my entire life, so very interested to know if medication worked at all? and was it tolerable with the already existing dry mouth problem? Thanks for any advise you have, appreciated.
kerry26543 KCSepia
my Dr perscribed a Parkinsons related medicine for head sweating My mother passed away of Parkinsons and i didnt think it made sense so I never took it The head sweating started while on antidepressants and continues now
good luck, i hope you find something to help you
Myspirit nutmeggins
To what OTC patch are you referring?