Excessive head and face sweating

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I am 63 and for the last 22 years have suffered with excessive sweating on my head and face, which seems to be getting worse.  This is uncomfortable and embarrassing.  If I do anything even slightly energetic (hoovering, ironing etc.) it is worse, and it takes a long time for me to cool down.  I was referred to a dermatologist who prescribed pills, which just dried up my eyes (red, sore and bloodshot within 30 mins) and mouth (making it impossible to eat or even speak).  She point blank refused to consider any other treatment, even telling me botox does not work for the face, which i know is untrue.  This condition, to other people, seems trivial but it is not.  In the summer I cannot go outside, so I can't even play with my grandchildren.  I certainly couldn't go out shopping or to a social event, the sweat drips off me and my hair is drenched within minutes.  I obviously cannot use make-up, or even have a decent hairstyle, which zaps the confidence.  I do have a thyroid problem but that is well controlled.  I am a little overweight but not much.  I have other non-related medical conditions (arthritis, fibromyalgia).  Has anyone any experience of the new gadget around which includes a mask for the face, plugged into a machine - sorry I can't remember the name of it.  I know they are very expensive but I am desperate.  Any helpful tips would be great.  Thank you. 

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    I'm 40 yrs old and live in Nova Scotia Canada. After finding this discussion I've made a Dr appointment. I thought it was just me but after reading here I'm so excited to see there are options to control this. If any of it works for me it'll change my life!! Thank you all for sharing.

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      if u leave in Canada you migh wanna try Avert, it works quite ok let's say, me I leave in Europe and I buy it for very expensive since there's transport fees and douane. 

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      It has definitely changed mine. If i get dry mouth, there is an oral rinse that will get your saliva glands going again. Dry eyes i just use visine. Etc etc... It is worth it to me to address each of the side effects and live with them.. because i am now able to go out without a drenched head and back. I'm fine being hungry for 3 hours in the morning. Totally worth it to me.

  • Posted

    Hi gill I'm 66 years old & I also suffer with this sweating problem,I've spent hundreds of pounds on herbal tablets & creams but nothing seems to work,I went through the menopause at 46 & now I'm much worse,I've been to doctors but she thinks it's menopausel & isn't helpful at all. I found this site & realised that there is other people going through the same problems as me,I'm fed up of constantly sweating & looking all dirty because my hair is plastered to my head like a grease ball, & I hope someone can give me some advice because I'm desperate now.

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      Hi Mary - we all know it's not the menopause!  Where do you live?  Do you have access to a dermatologist?  I'm in the US and it still took some searching before I found a dermatologist who dealt with head/face sweating.  Once I met her, she told me it was fairly common .... just took ages to find her.   You're not alone x

    • Posted

      I have also been advised by numerous doctors that my excessive head and face sweating is the result of menopause. If only I were so lucky! When a stranger--specifically a female-- sees me blotting my face with a dry hand towel (don't leave home without it!), they nod their heads knowingly and say, "Hot flashes, huh?". I always respond with, "I wish!!". Because a typical hot flash is just that--a flash! It comes on quickly and then disappears equally as fast. My "flashes" go on for what feels like an eternity...😥😥

    • Posted

      Hi altygirl I haven't been to a dermatologist about My sweating but I might ask my doctor to refer me.I'm glad I found this site because I'm getting some tips to take to my doctor,thanks for your advice.👍

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      Hi altygirl I forgot to mention that I live in the U.K.
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      HI Mary - I hope your doctor can help.  I'm English but live in America now smile  Good luck.

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      Hi Mary!

      I saw that you mentioned that you are from the UK. I am in the USA, and because I live here, I truly appreciate any and all info I can get here with regards to things that the FDA has approved here in America. And, I am particularly pleased that there are people from several different countries represented on the forum! I guess what I'm truly hoping to see in this forum is everyone here sharing what they have had or done to help control their excessive sweating, and that they also specify the country in which they reside. For instance, sadly for us Americans, there are a variety of products and procedures available in Europe that may not have been approved by our FDA. However, I believe that we should all still share the various things here that has helped so that someone from the same country where you reside can seek out whatever it is that helps in their particular country!

      I have to admit that I am so very blessed to have found this incredible forum, because like most people here, I thought I was alone in the suffering that literally controls my life.

    • Posted

      Hi Racingirl911 - I agree!  I was so relieved to find this because I thought I was the only one.  My husband used to say (lovingly) - "You just sweat more than the average human!".  Huge relief and the med is really making a difference to me. 

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      Hi. Please tell me the name of the medicine that is helping you.  My dorctor has been no help.
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      Hi!  I'm sorry your doctor hasn't been helpful.  My primary care/GP didn't know much about the condition but did some searching and found a dermatologist who helped me.  The medicine is glycopyrrolate, which is the generic medicine name.  Mine comes in 1mg tablets which I can take up to three times a day.  One is usually enough for me.  Last night I went to an industry dinner which was held in a tent/marquee and I took two just in case it was warm.  The only side effect I see is slight dry mouth, but I was drinking water apart from one glass of wine and I was fine.  I really hope your doctor will let you try it.  Good luck x

    • Posted

      Hi racingirl911 if you are on Facebook you can join the uk group & find out all the treatments that people are getting,you might find out about some different products that you can use,I've joined the uk & USA site today & found them helpful.Take care & good luck & keep in contact.👍

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      Thanks for responding.  Im sitting under an industrial sized fan and sweating!!!
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      Oh, bless your heart, Mary! I actually didn't know that there were any type of support groups on Facebook! Thank you SO very much!

      You know, before I found this forum, I truly thought that I was the only one suffering with an excessive sweating problem. And, I have NO idea what is causing it. I have been dealing with this for roughly 15 years, and I've gotten to the point where I seldom leave my house for fear that my sweating would cause untold ways to embarrass me. So, like so many other people who found this forum, I am eternally grateful for not only the various types of treatment others have shared here, but, more importantly, the support I have gotten since I first read the stories of people like you, Mary.

      I probably don't really even need to say this, but you and all of the other incredible people on this forum have, by virtue of your shared stories {and the various treatments some have had some luck with, as well} truly become a "lifeline" for me! And, now, as a result, I actually believe that I can FINALLY begin to pull myself out of this seemingly endless black abyss, and, with a very grateful heart, I have begun to take small, yet much more confident, steps on a path that is now beautifully lit by all of your caring hearts and a tremendous amount of some truly amazing support! I can FINALLY allow myself to begin walking up that incredibly beautiful path that will eventually lead me to a place where I can take back the life I used to have. And, for even just that one thing alone, I will be forever and eternally grateful to each and every one of you, AND that even includes the people who started this specific forum! You all are MY heroes!

    • Posted

      Hi Racinggirl I hope & pray you get some help & support for these nasty sweats,I went to my doctor & she thinks it's still menopausal,I'm 66 & I've been suffering for 20 years.Every day I am soaked in sweat from my head & downover,my hair looks like a grease ball all the time no matter how many times I wash it.So I can only buy products that will help me because I can't get them on prescription.Sorry for the rant but it does get you down.Thank you for your kind words Racingirl & good luck.

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      My primary care doctor wouldn't prescribe it to me... so i went to a dermatologist and told her about it. She started me on glyco on a trial run and when she saw the results she said i can take it long term now. A few years later, my primary care doc agreed to start prescribing it to me so i don't have to pay the extra now to go see the dermatologist.

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