Exercise induced GERD/LPR, does this happened to you?

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My acid reflux is brought on mostly by exercise, I keep trying to exercise but it just makes me sicker and weaker. I have not had any tests yet other than my Dr telling me I have GERD and I am taking Omeprazole 40mg. My breathing is also affected so I can't take a deep breath, and it seems to also close up in my esophagus if I really push the exercise. Can anyone relate to this problem?


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    Just checking in while I have 18 more days untill my endoscopy. I have read many many articles and online posts and have learned a lot about this disease in the past couple of months. 

    Even though I have not had an endoscopy or any other tests yet, I do have some form of GERD probably LPR. From two months ago after exercising myself into a weakened form of a human I have recovered to some degree with the help of Omeprazole-40mg. Just two days ago I split that dose and use 20mg before breakfast and 20mg before dinner which is much better. I had my bed raised 6 inches but found I needed it higher, so now I am wearing velcro-pajamas with flanel sheets to keep from sliding out of my bed. 

    I went from 165 to 148 in two months, I wish I could use the extra skin on my body to have a fundoplication done. Actually I am pretty good considering where I was. Nausea has subsided from the medication, I still have major breathing issues, and I have revamped my meals. Still seem to be losing some weight but not as fast as I had been. The hardest thing for me is to eat smaller meals, it is not satisfying. But it beats the feeling of having reflux and feeling naseous all the time. 

    Still waiting for my test and hopefully some answers that can be fixed...

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    Yes cheryl i can. I find stomach exercises bring on my reflux so i tend to avoid them. I dont run either. I use the bike and cross trainer at the gym as so long as i dont push it too much the reflux is ok. I also make sure i leave 2 hrs between eating and exercising. This is a must for me! I do yoga also and sometimes im fine and other times it can bring on the reflux. I try not to do anything that squashes my stomach. Dancing can make the reflux worse as well. Dont give up on your exercise though just make some alterations. Good luck hun. Im determined to beat this!! Dont let it rule your life. For me stress is the biggest trigger.

    God bless


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      Thanks for replying it is nice to hear how others deal with things. Walking brings mine on, so I have slowed down to 15-20 min @ 2.5, and that is not always good. I exercise when I get up so my stomach is empty. I take Omeprazole 40mg which I have split into two doses of 20mg which seems better. Breathing is my biggest issue. How long have you had GERD and what are your symptoms? Is breathing an issue for you?
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      Hi cheryl

      Your most welcome hun. I have had chronic gerd for 2 1/2 years now. It just came on out of the blue. I had never had heartburn before in my life, not even during my pregnancies! I think stress brought it on. It coincided with me going back to work. Im a relief high school teacher!!! Say no more lol. Plus my oldest daughter is a real handful.

      For the first 3 months when gerd started i was a mess. I couldnt sleep at all because i couldnt lie flat. I just sat up in a chair and sobbed. I felt like i was dying due to sleep deprivation. I tried 3 different ppis. I was probably on them for 4 months. I was just as bad on them. Plus i had terrible constipation, chest pains ( couldnt take deep breath) and terrible anxiety. I did a lot of research on ppis and came to the decision they werent good for me. So many people are on them and they cant get off them due to acid rebound. But dont ever just stop them suddenly. You have to wean off them. I went onto zantac 150mg twice a day after coming off ppis. The zantac worked better for me. Then i just took it at night. Then i came off and went onto gaviscon extra strength. Then i used dgl licorice. I have also tried d limonene and digestive enzymes. The dgl licorice is really good. However ive just found out i have fructose malabsorption which could be the reason for my gerd. I recommend you get lactose and fructose breath test. I was fine for lactose but not fructose. I now plan to go on the FODMAP diet. I also found out i have parasites. D fragilis and blastocystis (protozoa). I took heavy duty med for this but unfortunately i found out my family also have them so it was a waste of time really. You all need to be treated at same time. The parasites can cause digestive issues. Interestingly whilst on the meds all my bloating went away and most of reflux!!! I advise you to check for the following:

      Food intolerances


      Hiatal hernia (endoscope) i have a very small one.

      Helicobactor pylori (bacteria in gut)

      Rule out SIBO ( small intest bacterial overgrowth).

      If the FODMAP diet doesnt help me im considering the linx management system (key hole surgery and they put magnets around les muscle to help it stay closed).

      Please feel free to ask me any more questions. My heart goes out to anyone suffering this awful affliction.

      Warmest wishes


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      Thank you for sharing your medical story, you have a number of atypical issues Drs wouldn't even think of checking for, how did they find them? What are your symptoms that gave them insight into finding

      this problem?

      I am assuming you have had all of these tests done that you mentioned? Have you also had all of the routine GERD/LPR tests done? My first will be an endoscopy on June 9th, the day after my B-day, a special present for me. I have not had anything done to this point other than my Dr giving me PPI's which helped to some degree. It is hard to know what is helping because when I first started taking them along with 20mg of Prednisone, I had no idea what this was all about, so I was eating a pepperoni, onion, pasta salad with oil and vinegar dressing and other raw vegetables, and I finished that for the next few days, before I started reading about this illness, so not sure what was helping or not helping at that point. I also have a very bad time with breathing from this and the PPI's my Dr gave me just made the breathing worse (which medications do for me), so I stopped the PPI's for a week or two and then I was so sick from the nausea I couldn't even drink water without being nauseous. I would belch for four days after even just drinking water.  So needless to say I lost some weight, about 20 pounds now. Which didn't hurt anything, other than my butt bones if I sit on something hard for too long. 

      When I eat I feel like the food just accumulates in my stomach, it is hard to eat much because I am not hungry and my stomach just gets more bloated as the day goes by. At the end of the day I feel like breakfast is still with me, I belch like crazy and I feel full, so I stop eating around 4 to not feel full before going to bed. Even with the weight loss my stomach is huge once I start eating my daily meals. Which leads me to believe there is something more going on than just the normal LPR (which is only my diagnosis so far, my GP said GERD). I thought maybe candida, which I had my blood tested and it was negative, but that doesn't mean it can't be elsewhere in the body. It wouldn't surprise me if that is the cause of all of my issues with GERD/LPR. This would be very hard to diagnose and if it was the cause that would have to be treated before the LPR. 

      I find the SIBO interesting as it kind of fits in with my stomach issues, do you know much about this, how is it diagnosed?

      You mentioned you want to LINX surgery, why not the Fundoplication? Are you familiar with the TIF, I want to read more about this operation if I ever have to make that decision.

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    Hi, I was diagnosed five months ago with LPR by an ENT ... I saw various GPs 12 times between December and April ... They said winter virus coughing, winter virus again and again, eventually said chronic sinus .. On and on. Now with a gastroenterologist and having an endoscopy next Thursday. Seems clued up, I hope so.

    i am also a bit breathless ... Especially if I talk too ,pong or too loudly as I did at a noisy charity event a few days ago, or just when I get tired. I managed to persuade my GP to let me blow onto a puff monitor.  I should measure around 500 and was blowing at 350 so now I am going Friday for spirometry tests ... Lung function.  The likelihood is that the constant coughing with the LPR and perhaps the acid irritating the upper chest has caused this.  Insist on doing the puff test. My ENT has already referred me to a chest specialist should it not settle down. Walking fast, bending to pick up the grandchildren, talking too much, supermarket shopping all make me super tired, bit breathless and my throat closes up more .. I force myself to walk slowly, limit phone calls etc.very frustrating. Social things are difficult when I have to raise my voice in a noisy room.  ENT said I might need to see a speech therapist to help with the voice and breathing.

    Make sure you get proper tests done to cover all the bases. 

    Good luck ... I am praying and praying this is not going to be a 'live with it for years' situation ... Unlikely from what I am reading.


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      Did your spirometry tests show anything? I have had all of the lung function tests done 5 times, one was borderline but they ruled out asthma. Not sure what to believe about my breathing anymore. 
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      Your symptoms are much like mimes. I can't talk to much, eat, or walk.  Run out of air and pressure under breast bone.  2 years ago 2 x-rays showed mild hyperinflated lungs so I was referred to a pulmonologist-  Test came out clear with flying colors, did 3 more test (spirometry) with my Asthma Doctor with the same results so they disregarded COPD and Asthma. Then they did a chest CT last year and again nothing wrong, no hyperinflated lungs.  But still today I have doubts, even when I get in the pool I feel to much pressure which is a sign of lung problems. I have mild reflux/gastritis which they think is the reason for my problems but so far PPI's has done nothing for me. Not even Asthma or COPD medication helped.  I still think is lung related unless the mild reflux is actually causing these asthma like symptoms which is very probable. But if PPI don't help and surgery is not an option then what else we have?  btw, I have done just about every test for reflux and on all of them only mild reflux shows and mild gastritis.   Will see Pulmo on Tuesday again, he will probably order the COPD test again which is way more complete than a spirometry. Do you feel to much pressure when you get into a pool neck deep? 

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    I had my first endoscopy on June 9 which showed that I have moderate gastritis in stomach and duodenum with gastric bile present, a hiatal hernia, and esophagitis.  Will be interesting to see what labs show from the biopsies. Does anyone know what lab tests they perform? 

    My meds were changed from 40mg of Omeprazole to 40mg of Pantoprazole and Sucralfate 1gm three times a day before meals. I was also treated with three pretty pictures of my inners.  I have a follow up in three weeks. It all went very smooth.

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      The SIBO test was the one I took last week, still waiting on results. And the other one Dominique is saying I'm taking it this Saturday, 
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      Let me know what ur results reveal. If you do have SIBO then its good bye carbs for awhile. Im awful on low carbs. Out of interest where do u live? Im in Perth, western Australia.

      So are u having fructose test next? Take a good book! Its a 3hr test.

      All the best and keep in touch. Dom 😊

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      Just like cherry I do not have the normal Reflux/Gastritis symptoms.  What I do have is chest pressure and lack of air every day, all day.  Rib-cage pain sometimes. Sysmptoms are agravated when I stand, walk, talk or even get in a pool.  And they decrease 80-90% when I lay back or sleep. 

      Yes, I took the SIBO which was another 3 hours and this Saturday will do the other for another 3 hours.  First one is 10 tubes, one every 20 minutes and 2nd one is 6 tubes, one every 30 minutes.  I also took a blood test for a couple of things I never had checked before including pancreas (normal) and a new stool test which is different from any other stool test I have ever taken.  Funny thing is I do not feel any worse not taking any PPI (or better) but in my case I never took to much because they never did work on me.  

      I live in Orlando Florida, but originally from Puerto Rico. 

      Thanks Dominique, are you from RD?

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    Hi Cheryl

    SIBO can be tested for through a lactulose breath test. You would need to ask GP to refer u for test. I havent had this test (yet!). Ive had the fructose and lactose one. I showed up that i malabsorb fructose. I was going to go on FODMAP diet however the hormone doc i saw put me off as he said nobody absorbs fructose?? I hoping the bioidentical hormone replacement treatment and thyroid med are going to sort all my digestive issues out, which ive read can happen. If they dont help the reflux i will try the FODMAP diet next!!

    Im doing and trying all these bloody things and i bet its just all down to my hiatus hernia. The gp said the only 2 options really are meds or op for that. I have my concerns for both the linx and fundo. Its scary stuff ay.

    I have my third endoscope booked for next month just to check theres not too much damage and to see if he can see hiatus hernia. It only got spotted on 2nd endo as its very small. He will be my third gastro doc ive seen.

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      Hi Dominique, That would be wonderful if thyroid medication would make things better for you. It is nice to pursue all avenues but it sure would be nice to find a resolution for these issues instead of ruling out everything else. It is like a crap shoot with trying all of these bloody things as you put it. 

      I would do the fundoplication but not to fond of the LINX from what little I have read about it. I just don't like the idea of magnets in my body.  Either os these are scary and I really give credit to those that have chosen to have the surgeries done.

      I had my first endoscopy on June 9th, and I have moderate gastritis in stomach and duodenum, bile in the stomach, a hiatal hernia, and esophagitis.  They took a number of biopsies but not sure what tests they run from those other than checking for cancer.  My medication was changed from Omeprazole-40mg to Pantoprazole-40mg supposedly it is stronger?? Sucralfate-1gm was also added three times a day before meals. I notice after the endoscopy things seem a bit worse in my esophagus, I can feel a differnce I suppose things get bothered especially with the biopsies. Hope you have good luck with your thrid endoscopy. I woke up a little foggy from mine, I guess I asked the nurse the same questions 4 times, my sister said I also asked her the same questions 4 times before I finally started to remember things. 

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      Hi Dominique, Have you taken the thyroid meds yet and are they helping? 

      I called about my biopsy results and I have a small HH, nothing cancer causing which was a relief as I have unknowing had this for over twenty years. He forgot to send my report so I should get it early this week then I can read it over properly.  

      Hope the thyroid meds are going to do the trick for you. Do you have overactive thyroid 


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