Exercises after TKR

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i have a little excerise bike that sits on the floor and you sit on the chair to use it, does anyone know when I can start using it I am 6 days after TKR.  IVE not seen the physio's  yet I see them next week.

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    I borrowed one to use too,but I'll wait until the PT folks recommend.On the CPM,they told me not to go over 90 deg until the staples come out.

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    I would wait till you see them next week, to be on safe side, 6 days is early. Do your heal slides and ankle pumps, and remember to ice ice ice and elevate then more ice.

    Take meds when scheduled. Good luck. It does get better with time.

    • Posted

      Hi Tom,

      Thank you for that, I thought as much but just wanted to check. I do keep icing I do alternate hot and ice. My physio told me to do that.



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    NOT NOW! Wait until you get permission from your doctor or therapist.
  • Posted

    Definitely follow PT's advice.  Good for you to be so ambitious 6 days out.  Sounds like a great sign!

    I'm three weeks out tomorrow.  What my PT recommended in week 1 was to sit on the bike and just go back and forth on the bottom side of the pedalling rotation, going as high on your surgical leg (SL) as is comfortable.  in other words, start with the SL up as high as is comfortable (but a stretch) toward the front of the bike, then slowly push down with the SL until it bottoms out and starts going back toward the rear of the bike.  When it reaches a height that is a bit of a strain but not too uncomfortable, reverse the pedalling. If your bike has hand poles as well, even better because you have more control over how far back and forward the SL's pedal will go.  Once you get the OK, this is a great exercise to do as much as you want.

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      Hi Thanks for that, that's great advise, I will do it when the physio gives me the go ahead and do it everyday.



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    Once you start physical therapy it should be o.k. but check with them
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    Wait for permission.....don't start anythi g without medical approval

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      Hello OFG

      How are things going? I hope all is well with you?

    • Posted

      Tom, I wish I had great news but I don't. My wife who suffers from Parkinson's fell last week and broke her hip, had to have partial hip replacement and had an abnormal reaction to the anaesthesia. Today she was transferred to a rehab center and all of the confusion has got her on a tear again tonight. I only got one good leg and she's a out to run it off.

      Hope all is going well with you. Hadn't heard from you for awhile and assumed you were put getting in shape for your 1st 5K.

      You continue to take care

  • Posted

    I've got one of those and found I could do full turns straight out of hospital .. I used it religiously for 3-4hrs per day .. but didn't realise it was good for my bend but not building quads .. need a proper exercise bike for that I found out 6mths later.  I would use it now as I said I had no problems with it have heard others can't do a full turn straight away but we're all different .. position it so it's comfy for you.  I'm lucky as I was bought a hospital chair (thru government insurance due to being a road injury everything of mine is covered) I still now use the hospital chair and billed them for a hosptial table too that I sit at with my laptop.  I did at first have trouble pedaling and typing but finally got used to it smile

  • Posted

    Hi Ive got one too and used it two wks after tkr but was in agony for days! My physio told me to only do 5 mins at a time a few times a day at first and that was at four wks. Ive felt that its helped with my bend but dont over do it

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