Exhausted, amoung many other things.
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hi ladies,
i have been going through stuff for years, but now seem to be at my complete worse, my colour is worse than grey, my hair has fallen out and so thin now, sleepless nights, amxiety and panic through the roof, weight gain even though no change in food intake, migrains, but and a big but as if all those are not bad enough, the lifeliness, the walking a few steps and gasping for air! literally feel as though the life is being zapped outvof me! not exagerating at all i feel terrible in saying this, but honestly feel as though i am terminally ill, i cannot put it into words of how so so very unwel and ill i feel, pls can anyone else pls tell me that they have felt this at all..
thank u...
1 like, 11 replies
Guest mandygolf
Hi Mandy, yes, hormone fluctuation can make you feel absolutely dreadful. I'm assuming you had tests done to make sure nothing else is causing your symptoms? If yes, and you are all healthy otherwise, than there is no doubt it's perimeno or meno. My worse time was for a full 18 months of feeling like I was dying. The last 6 months a little better but still having episodes of shortness of breath, joint pain, burning feet and legs, headaches, flu malaise feelings. I've tried to stop complaining about it, because I realize that I never have one day where I'm symptom free. My last bloodwork showed I'm postmeno, but two days ago I got my period again. I'm seriously praying that these symptoms let up after meno sets in, or I don't know what I'm going to do! I have to say feeling dreadful is my new normal now. It rots.
mandygolf Guest
hi lovely,
been like this on and off since i was 29 when i had to have a hysterectomy! but honesltly last 5 years have been slowly getting worse, i am now 51. have struggled with health, as been dealt a bad deal, had serious mrsa from operation, left with m.e being diagnosed, as well as fybromalgia, low immune system.... had a tvt mesh put in years ago, then became one of the many women that was left with erosion of mesh, so a couple of weeks ago had another big op to remove mesh! trying to recover from op, but think body has thrown me again in menopausal times, so back to doctors today for more bloods to find out what i am low on:.. , but can honestly say darling at such a low point, as struggling to get over the op, but now with all the most horrid sysmtoms from hormones!
so so worn out...
thank u for response... doesnt take it away, just feel so alone with it all...
kelly55079 mandygolf
Yes, I feel lifeless at times.. tired, achy and just don't care about anything. Sometimes my feet hurt, knees ache then at times it's fine. At times I'm absolutely exhausted where I go back to bed and sleep for hours then other times- I have energy to be out and about and get things done. I can't figure it out so my guess is it's hormones. I just started having terrible cramps with my period which is very heavy. It sucks dealing with all this but I try to take it day by day and make sure I'm taking my supplements as I believe I would be worse off. Exercise is good but lately that has been out the window. Holidays are coming and I just want to fast forward thru it..
debra16694 mandygolf
HI Mandygolf - i am afraid i have experienced everything you are experiencing & continue to do so.The shortness of breath thing really ramps up the anxiety for sure. i have had a history of allergy induced asthma so i immediately went to my allergy dr to get put on some protocol for when i have these "shortness of breath" episodes. Just so you know, this is fluctuating hormones that are causing this, but you should have back-up in the event you get into a trying to catch your breath situation. Getting into a steamy shower should also help. i havent experienced my hair falling out, but now have extremely dry hair & skin. Seriously, nothing works to add moisture back in to my skin & scalp. i would suggest taking a really good probiotic, it aids in calming the gut which in turn, calms the anxiety. Your gut has its own brain. Also, if you havent already, get an extended thyroid panel done...not just the regular one they do...your thyroid may need tweaking, if your hair is falling out. Just try to stay calm, this to shall pass -
debra16694 mandygolf
hi again - oh, i just read your response - Anesthesia from your most recent surgical procedure can totally be the culprit for your hair falling out -
Guest mandygolf
Are you talking about the color of your skin or all color in hair! YOU not terminal we all MOST of us suffer all that incluiding the breathlessness! I'm back down with a divertiuculisis infection on top of all this. Suffer with the low moods, hopelessness and muscle twtiches, spasams and even numb legs! AND the list goes on.
mandygolf Guest
colour of skin is grey! wouldnt mind if it was just grey hair to worry about! xx
debra16694 mandygolf
hi again - have you had your Vitamin D level checked recently? s/b checked 2 x a year - it might be very low -
mandygolf debra16694
had all the bloods done this afernoon, will wait to see results,, i just pray something can help me, as i am such a strong lady, but this has got worse and worse, , to feel this weak and unwell, this honestly is no life, sorry to sound extreme, but cannot describe how unwel i am... thanku for your messeges..
Indifferent mandygolf
I felt that way just before a good uphill climb where I started feeling well again. It was terrible! After years of anxiety and depression that even darker state came over me and I seriously though that was the end...I couldn't take anymore. But after a few weeks of just wanting to take to my bed...lots of tears...soooo tired of the fight...emotional hell like never before. then suddenly it started lifting. And these last few months have been better than the last ten years.
I seriously feel like I did in my 30's again most of the time. I have 2 great weeks a month and two lazy weeks a month. But just lazy...not emotionally drained or anything. I read books those two weeks and practise self care. it will all be good for you soon...just hold on!
debra16694 mandygolf
oh & also low iron can cause hair loss & extreme fatigue - might want to check that as well -