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So I am now going through feeling like I am getting sick, they whole body ache thing but mainly in my arms ...the closest I can think of that it feels like is if your iron levels are really low. I don't know what is going on but so over feeling like I am 90 and unable to do much. I went to see some birds today with the kids and I had to climb a hill. Not a very high one but I got up and no one else was out of breath, just me and I felt sick too. I hate this. fat, can't do anything, hot flashes and now feeling kind of faint, achy feeling. What next?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    i woke up at 3 am with a headache took something and still wike up with headache disnt sleep well feel nauseous eyes burning very tired anxious want to cry feel weak everything aches and i have tonanf it feels like the littlest thing eill ake me lose it im trying to hold my emotions in which im sure doesnt help i have no appetite cause if nausea im in fay 4 of period dont know if thats what it is ir not but i was fine until sunday then it started i know i had anlit if stress last few weeks but my brain says im losing my mind ughh

    • Posted

      I am sorry you are going through all this too. I was on the last day of my period. I think its all related to this time but how does anyone realistically function 😦

    • Posted

      its so odd cause i have been okay i dont know if its the combo of stress and period eventhough im not bleeding anymore but still only in day 4 i was thinking that it was the rising eatrogen making me anxious but today ughh ibfwlt like i was dying of something thendrain on my body was horrible and the anxiety was kicking head racingbwith crazy thoughts that make you think you are losing it ughh having two kids and wirking from home is not easy and im going to be 50 this month omg lol!!!!

    • Posted

      I know what you mean, we are away trying to work out where we will move. Also what work I will be looking at doing while thinking of the two kids I have "with me" and my two adult kids in two other countries from where I am now. No matter I am losing it haha..... Am 46 now but may as well be 90

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