Experience of Pain and Anxiety in Menopausal Transition

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Ok, had to get that off my chest.

Ladies, here is a link to a scientific study we can refer to remind ourselves that we are not going crazy.


It's a study from 2010, with results indicating that women in the menopausal transition really do experience pain more intensely. Things that would not generate a pain response in a reproductive-age woman do generate a pain response in women with low estrogen.

Same is true of anxiety... events that would not generate higher anxiety in a younger woman do generate anxiety in women transitioning to menopause.

THIS STUDY IS 10 YEARS OLD. And cites data from studies that are even older.

Why the &$^%^ is there not one decent approach to helping women through this by now?!?!?

Ending my rant, but not my boiling rage. This is ridiculous.

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4 Replies

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    I completely understand your anger and rage. My husband was reading an article (written by a man) to sum it up that there are so many more symptoms of menopause that is general accepted by medical community. Ya think? lol. Leave it to a man to point out the obvious. lol.

    The hard part is determining what is menopausal symptoms or what may be an underlying condition. That is my everyday worry.

    I am 51 and post meno almost 2 years. Peri was really rough for me. Post is definitely no picnics either. The problem with post menopause is there are still symptoms but it isn't even recognized as much as perimenopause, believe it or not. The community on here is intermixed with perimenopause and post when I look for help. I read stuff that seems just like me but they are still having periods or haven't gone a year without a period and I then think something is really wrong with me.

    My Dr that quit her practice, refuse to accept new patients with menopause symtoms! I go to my new Dr. with any symptoms and I end up seeing a breast surgeon because of left breast pain/ache (tomorrow appt). I had a clear 3D mammo in Feb. She says she worries that it might be cancer same when I mentioned my ovary twinges. It appears I have a "The sky is falling Dr" (like I need that).

    That isnt even all of my issue. I have an appt with My gyno for issues with ovary and uterine ache. Comes and goes. So now I have an appt to get an ultrasound. I was in the ER about a month ago for upper right chest above my right breast severe pain. CT scan and EKG and bloodwork was clear, told probably costochondritis. Went away but not before my Dr did a breast exam (for left breast pain) and said she felt thickening in my upper right breast area (see costo chondritis I have right calf ache that bothers me more than not. I have heart palps that feel like a heart stutter. I had my hormones tested in Feb all were low except estrogen was 125. GAH!!! I am not a candidate for HRT.

    Anyway. As much as studies go, it seems to leave out us post menopausers. IMO. So I get angry and fed up, but I am more depressed because of worry and anxiety. I feel like I am falling apart and don't have patience with anyone. Like a trapped animal. On top of that I moved to an area where I don't have any friends or family. (four years ago.)

    So I understand your anger.

    • Posted

      Hi Keljo,

      I hope you get the all clear on tomorrow's appointment!!

      Thank you for the solidarity... I am feeling your frustration too, and agree it's hideous.

      I totally understand the trapped animal feeling... I feel wounded every day, and I can't escape it. I have to work to afford the insurance for all the tests, which so far haven't been helpful in anything except telling me I am not as close to death's door as I feel. When I'm able to work, I have no energy for anything else; when I do up my exercise or try a relaxing outing, I wind up with pain or a migraine and a day off work no matter what I do. It's completely distressing.

      Do you ever get the feeling the doctors aren't that interested in finding the root of the problem? If they have any findings from a test, it seems to be unrelated to the issue you made the appointment for...?

      I'm here anytime if you need an ear... let us know how your appt. goes!



    • Posted

      Oh, also, COMPLETELY relate to the uterine/ovarian ache!!

      I've had test after test for that, and nothing abnormal shows up.

      Which is great... then at least help me treat the constant ache??

      But apparently that's not the way it works...

    • Posted

      Yes! I do feel like they aren't interested in finding the root of the problem. What gets me is even women Doctors my age seem to nay say any but the text book hormone issues. I have been met with a "What is bothering you most?" question. Well pain and frustration are bothering me most. If I didn't have pain and frustration, I wouldn't be bothering them. I am frustrated because I don't know why I have this pain. I am post menopause. Where are my $%^%# golden years? Didn't I make it through the darn test? Didn't I suffer long periods and cramps through my teen and younger life and then suffer through perimenopause hell for several years? I mean the only perk so far is no periods.

      I feel like a hypochondriac when I go into the ER or Dr when they can't figure out what is wrong with me. Right now my left breast pain and right calf pain have me so depressed,frustrated, fed up then I get the heart palps and I don't know why. God, I am such a whiner. I took two acetaminophen though I know they won't help. My husband said then why take them. Because I am hoping they will help!!! lol Ugh.



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