Experience with black cohesh

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Hello everyone, has anyone taken black cohesh, particularly for hot flushes. Or can anyone recommend something better before going down the hrt route!

Any advice would be welcome.


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Reb

    I've never taken this but have read about it extensively to try and help my wife. It has terrible effects on the liver apparently - for us this far outweighed the potential benefits ref hot flushes, but you may feel differently. I'd just advise doing a quick bit of reading about it before you decide to take it.

    Other remedy wise - try Sage. My wife has been on it for about a month (we are doing everything we can to avoid HRT) and it seems to be having a bit of an effect on those rancid flushes and sweats - fingers crossed. Good luck : )

    • Posted

      Thank you for giving that piece of advice. I've since seen the issues regarding liver problems and feel a little put off. Some one else has recommended sage too, so I will look at the benefits of taking that. Thank you 😃

  • Posted

    Hi Reb,

    I had tried Menocerin from Amazon or iherb.com. It contains Black cohesh and other herb. It helps me a lot for menopause symptoms.

  • Posted

    It made me extremely nauseous. I was unable to take it.

  • Posted

    I took a "Spring Valley" version Black Cohosh complex that had a morning/night version and it helped a bunch for hot flashes and night sweats. It had more than just black cohosh in it. Like soy and I'm not sure what else now. I can't get it here anymore, but it worked great at the time.

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