experiences from the ones who have made it through to the other side

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hi all who have gone through the change. i just want to know does it end all the flushes the dryness and what ever else we all suffer with

i see the menapouse as like it was befor i started puberty you know like we are going backwards to when we didnt ovulate or anything.

you dont see prepuberty having problems of dryness and hot flushes and so on.but we do see teens with puberty probs because of homones changing and gearing up for full on adulthood.

does it all settle down after periods have stoped does it start to get to a steady pace and fix itself into a new age . or does it just get worse and worse till we die😟 id ask my mom but she died young and i have no aunts or nannas.

cant just ask a random old lady so what do we have to look forward to. i thought life began at 40 hmmm its not true.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I know how you feel and I was wondering the same thing. This nightmare began for me almost two years ago when I turned 40. As soon as my 40th birthday hit, it seemed like my body went crazy. I hope it all does settle down soon.
  • Posted

    It does settle down you just have to go through it but it does settle down 

    Just do some relaxation, meditate, yoga and you will be fine

  • Posted

    I get your question and know that you want some relief.  But the answer to this isn't as simple as "it will soon be over."   Menopause is the permanent loss of a minor hormone system.  This hormone system effects all other hormone systems in our bodies.  While your body is transitioning to the new lows, it does cause problems like hot flashes.  For some women they do go away, but their are others who have hot flashes well into their 70s and even 80s.   Some symptoms will change as your body adjusts.  

    However, there are others like vaginal dryness, that can simply get worse.  The longer your body goes without adequate estrogen, it will effect all those tissues that depend on it.  So it can go from vaginal dryness, into bladder issues as well.  There are woman who have vaginal dryness so bad that gets to the point where even walking is painful.  And all our other mucous membrane tissue can be affected as well.  This is where woman get dry mouth, sinus problems, etc.

    I understand your comparison to puberty.  But the thing that you need to remember, is that our bodies and cells hadn't experienced estrogen, progesterone and testosterone before puberty. (At least not at the levels of adult life.)  But once our cells have used these substances for nearly 40 years, the state of menopause causes changes that we often don't relish.  Our bodies change, in an attempt to compensate.     

    Many have found help with herbs and vitamins, others with hormone replacement.  

    It becomes about quality of life and what you want your post menopause years to look like.  


    • Posted

      Thanks for this deep insight as to why our bodies react like this. It makes sense. It's like our bodies are going through a type of withdrawal syndrome from these hormones.
    • Posted

      That's exactly the point!!  Our bodies were used to having and using these hormones and without them everything changes.  This is also why other hormone systems change after menopause, because they all work together and support one another.  As one example, after we loose our estradiol, a woman's cortisol will go up.  It a normal reaction and response.  But think about what cortisol does in the body?  It's a flight or flight hormone.  So what do woman complain about in menopause?  Anxiety.   Any wonder why?  And later........what happens when the adrenal glands can't keep up with additional production?  Well then, woman complain about aggressive fatigue!   Or think about how many times woman become insulin resistant after menopause, which can later develope into Type II diabetes.   Or how often women have thyroid issues after menopause.  All these things are interconnected to the loss of our minor hormone system, estradiol, testosterone and progesterone.

      None of our hormone systems function singularly.  They all influence one another.  

    • Posted

      Wow! This is all so profound! At least I know I'm not crazy. Some women experience these symptoms long before test results show they are perimenopausal. Some doctors, and I've even had one tell me that I am not in Peri because I am still seeing my periods every month. Yes I am but they are all over the place, late one month and early the next. Lighter and shorter one month and heavier and longer the next. It is a crazy time!
    • Posted

      Good question, and I'm not 100% sure how to answer.  Fibroids appear to be stimulated by estrogen, and the counter balance to estrogen is progesterone.  Fibroids do sometimes strink after menopause.   

      But the fact that your periods are all over the place, does indicate wild swings in your hormones.  

      If your flow is scant, it indicates low estradiol or high levels (In relationship to estradiol) of progesterone.

      If you are having heavy periods or large clots, that is indicating high estrogen and low progesterone.  

      Ain't it all just the pits!  

  • Posted

    I have just started perimenopause. But I can tell you that my mother fells better now that she is menopausal. She had never really put two and two together until I started asking her what her symptoms were. For example, she used to get daily headaches, before and during perimenopause. Now she hardly ever gets a headache. She had anxiety during peri also and now it's gone too. So there is light at the end of the tunnel. 
  • Posted

    Hi, hope you're feeling ok. I'm 55, thought I'd passed the twelve month mark but think I miscalculated so maybe I'm not quite there yet 😒 Yes, I wonder too...does everything settle down? the anxiety/moods, etc I take each day as it comes, hoping always that soon I'll have normal days again feeling well. At the moment I feel partly housebound, planning anything is a mission as I never know how I'll feel etc gggrrrrrr 😢 Before everything settles, I've heard symptoms can intensify as menopause approaches as you near the one year of no periods....fact or fiction? don't know. Trying to keep positive, busy, distracted. Take care, be kind to yourself. 

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