Experiences of HRT
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hi Ladies,
I’m am interested to know peoples experiences of HRT. At 45 I wonder if I am too young as still having periods but all the perimenopausal symptoms. I would happy take anything to feel better. I understand it isn’t for everyone and comes with risks. Does anyone have any success stories to share?
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wilson170568 Louise4586
Sassyr12a Louise4586
Hi Louise
I'm 43 and have primary ovarian failure diagonised at 16 so quite different to many, but I put off taking HRT over the years due to the perceived risk back then.... Wish I had though! I've been on bhrt for 3 months now and am feeling sooooooo much better. I was crippled with anxiety, couldn't sleep, was in pain and I could have avoided it if I'd started sooner. I've more energy now, not taking any kind of other medication, I sleep well, no pain and most of all the terrible anxiety is so much more manageable. I'm not sure how it works for others, being a bit cronky myself but I would say dont put it off if there's a chance to feel better. Good luck xx
lori93950 Sassyr12a
So glad you’re feeling better and a good success story with BHRT ! I wish I would have stuck with it longer than 2 weeks but I was just soooooo desperate . Once I get stable with this HRT patch I may go back to it and give it another go as much prefer a natural route . If you could let me know your mg dosage and I can compare it with what I have .
Sassyr12a lori93950
Hi Lori
I remembered that bhrt wasn't giving the results you wanted, so understand you being desperate. I'm on 1 sachet sandrena estrogen, 1 capsule of utrogestan progesterone, and 5mg of testogel. Glad you feel a bit better - go with what works for you xx
lori93950 Sassyr12a
lori93950 Louise4586
I started with BHRT 2 weeks only but made absolutely no difference and actually made me more dizzy .
So I was at my wits end and got the dr to give me HRT it’s alleviated a few symptoms but no where near normal yet . I’m only on day 10 so hopefully with each day I get better.
My main gripe is the fatigue and dizziness. the hot flashes sweating never really bothered me as you can still get on with a normal life but this ‘drugged dizzy’ thing is just awful .
Louise4586 lori93950
Please keep us updated on your progress. I would imagine like most medication it takes time to get into your system. Good news that you have seen some improvement after just 10 days. Long may that continue for you xxx
lori93950 Louise4586
Definitely ! hopefully my pain and trauma will help others in the future . 3 months of hell and being housebound has changed me . I was run over by a car 10 years ago and boy this is on par with that . At least I knew what was wrong with this crap we are so uneducated it’s like walking around blindfolded ...women definitely have been shortchanged . God bless us all. I need an exorcism 😀
tina00239 Louise4586
Hi Louise, I was having awful periods right up until December last, my Dr had taken blood for another reason, I began getting all the symptoms, and really severely, my Dr told me the blood test showed my ovaries had crashed. I was put on HRT straight away, low dose pills which had no effect, then onto a higher dose pill. I felt so much better, even though I am considered a high risk patient, my symptoms were so debilitating and I was so ill so my Dr weighed it up and said the pros outweighed the cons. Today, I am on Evorel Sequi HRT patches, and I feel good most days. I do still get bad days but no where near as much as if I was not on HRT. It may not be for you, but you won't know if you don't try. Good luck hun, here if you need me. X
Shana_rifka Louise4586
It was horrible started bioidentical HRT
Cream. Been a miracle. Still having my regular bouts of gas pain and bloating but no more sickly, headache and bloating. I’m so happy. I have a Gyno specialist and the bioidenticals and the safest and natural. The others are synthetic. Hope this helps!
lori93950 Shana_rifka
You must buy:
Standard Process Okra Pepscin and
Solaray Yeast Cleanse .
Both of these worked miracles for me . Try to stay away from wheat dairy sugar as it sounds like you have Candida .
I used to eat at a restaurant and would be double over with the pain . Certain foods made it worse so now I try to stay away from bread and pasta .
vicky77852 Louise4586
lori93950 vicky77852
Love hearing good news ! We are all so desperate ! How long before you saw the turnaround . I’m doing just a little better on HRT but nowhere near normal ... here’s hoping !
vicky77852 lori93950
Louise4586 vicky77852
Do you mind me asking if you are still having a monthly cycle?
Thank you x
vicky77852 Louise4586
lori93950 vicky77852
4 months !! 😖 that’s so long when men can just take a viagra pill and get results right away .
vicky77852 lori93950
As for dry vagina Lori Hrt helps immediately! 😂 But regarding energy, sleep, aches and other symptoms it takes more time...
lori93950 vicky77852
Oh no ! Well I don’t have a boyfriend right now so that doesn’t matter . Just want to get my happiness magic ‘spark ‘ back . I guess I’ll ferl great in time for Xmas then 🤣