experiencing Implantation
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had sex with my fiance and we are trying for a baby . Surprisingly I had ovulated and we tried again, but I end up being 3 days late for my period causing today to be the fourh day, but suddenly I had cramps not severe and went and wipe and Ive gotten what you notice in the picture attached. there is no flow just a light period or Implantation bleeding. its been a couple hours and ive been checking since and im sill light and only notice when wipe or the little on pad. its not bright red with small black clots or dark brown. ive been moody and body temp raised not sure how much and been having stomach pains. I barely can lay the way I want due to the aches if i lay different. Should I STILL TEST to see if i am pregnant or no?
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its bright red or brown when I whip now here and there to check and see. my apologies