Explain why is it our left side always affected.
Posted , 11 users are following.
Hi ladies can anyone enlighten me on why our left dide gets affected all the time and makes us feel l8ke its d end of life?
2 likes, 16 replies
Posted , 11 users are following.
Hi ladies can anyone enlighten me on why our left dide gets affected all the time and makes us feel l8ke its d end of life?
2 likes, 16 replies
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Guest wendy36287
wendy36287 Guest
Guest wendy36287
klm1213 wendy36287
I am wondering that myself!! Always left shoulder, hip, knee, foot, arm & butt cheek !!!
supemack39 wendy36287
It's my right side.....hip, shoulder....
susane84679 supemack39
me too! while both me legs are bothering me at the moment, my right side is hurting more. my hips are killing me,which make it difficult to walk and my thighs. meni is just so awesome...NOT!!🙄
Guest wendy36287
wendy36287 Guest
Guest wendy36287
My lower back kills all the time ( disc issues)...armpit sometimes. My ribcage not so baf since GERD under control...sort of, maybe! 😀
wendy36287 Guest
WildwoodMama wendy36287
YES! This!!
Seven/eight years ago (I was 32) my left side went completely numb. No feeling, minimal movement...my husband brought me to the ER, we and the doctor believed I had a stroke. MRI, CT scans and nothing. Now I have burning pain on the left side of my chest, going into arm and neck, with shortness of breath, again only on the left side. And of course CT shows nothing...why, why, why is it only on the left side? What an excellent question!!!!!! Thank you 😊 since I've joined this forum I do not feel so alone and adrift.
Guest WildwoodMama
Omg! My left foot went dead one morning last year... not like pins and needles... I couldn’t feel anything ...ER said nothing seemed wrong. Then, got screened for MS...all clear. Hasn’t happened in awhile...it will probably happen now that I mentioned it😀
wendy36287 WildwoodMama
menopolized wendy36287
JoMarie1970 wendy36287
Guest JoMarie1970