Exposed to Herpes HSV 1 & 2. How long must I wait to get a clear test result?
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So about 4 months ago, I met a guy and we quickly became friends then later a couple. Before he and I engaged in any sexual activity, we both got tested. We went together to a clinic, where I was contacted within 3 days with my results (which came back negative for everything) however my boyfriend never received a phone call so later went to his primary physician to get tested and was notified within 3 days that his results were negative. However they did not test him for herpes. So given the fact that he was assumed to be clean, we then began having sex. We always used a condom except for two times, we didn't have any, so he performed oral sex and he anal sexed me. I never performed oral sex on him.
A month later, he went back to the clinic we initially went to together to be tested, but this time it was for minor chest pain. He saw a doctor who treated him for his chest pains then gave him his std results for his previous visit and wrote him a prescription. There it was. HSV 1 POSITIVE 8.4% and HSV 2 Positive 8.2%. I was devastated!! How did this happen?? Why didn't the clinic contact him? Or did they? Why didn't the other clinic test him for herpes???
So a week after, I went to my dr and had blood drawn to test for herpes. Results were NEGATIVE. So then I went back a month later after that and was tested again. Results NEGATIVE. A month after that I had been experiencing extreme tooth pain and needed to get a tooth pulled. The dentist prescribed me with penicillin which I took for 10 days. I think the antibiotics caused me to develop a yeast infection, not to mention, I was on my period at the time and had recently started wearing a different brand of maxi pads which caused me to develop what appeared to be a diaper rash. I check down in my private area and my skin between my butt cheeks were peeling and raw. Slight bleeding, slight itching, slight burning but no physical signs of blisters or cold sores.
I then went back to my dr, and she once again tested me for herpes via blood test. I believe it was the igM screening and igG results. She also prescribed me with fluconazole for the yeast infection. 3 days later my results came back NEGATIVE.
How long should I wait to be tested again? Or am I HSV negative and I am good to go. I tend to worry a lot and I am constantly checking myself everytime I feel different or notice something. It's like I am driving myself insane. Please help me understand!
Thanks in advance!
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FelizCastus leeSee
Do not do the IgM test for herpes; it is unreliable and not recommended by the CDC. The IgG test is good at 3+ months. Your partner's results don't make sense, by the way. They are never expressed as a percentage, so maybe he just scored 8+ in both cases.
leeSee FelizCastus
Thanks so much for your response!
FelizCastus leeSee
Negative at two months is excellent news, especially with such very low numbers. I would not worry if those results were mine, and if you want to follow the 3-month test window recommendation, retest in mid-Jan, but I bet you'll be fine (assuming no new exposure risk). If you had it, you'd expect your scores at 2 months to be higher. Also, you'd expect a proper first outbreak 1-2 months ago if you're truly HSV1 negative.
leeSee FelizCastus
Thank you so much!! My mind is finally a little at ease. Ive worried myself sick! Darn anxiety!! Haha..
But as recommended, I will go back sometime in January. Maybe around January 20th to be tested again. If I remember, I will try to come back to this post to share my results for anyone who may be interested.
...and, also, you are right! I read a few post on here in regards to the initial outbreak experiences. I didnt suffer anything any remotely close to what a few members described. Just heavy discharge, in which I received a swab test for that, however results said Bacteria Vaginosis was Not Detected. So I assumed the swab was not for herpes. But anywho, again, thanks for enlightening me! Truly appreciate it!
Wish me luck!