Exposed to Norovirus, In Dire Need of Advice (Emetephobes Please Help)

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So today I went to a clinic to get antibiotics for a sinus infection, and while I was waiting to be called back, a father and his child were standing to my left, at the check-in desk, probably about 8 feet from me, and then I heard I splattering noise coming from their direction, so I looked over, and the child had vomited on his shoes. Immediately (within 3 seconds), I exhaled, covered my nose and mouth with my hands, ran past them, and out the door to my car. I didn't smell anything and I didn't conciously inhale after I saw it. I've gone home, taken a scalding shower, changed clothes, and bleached everything I had with me, and now I'm just waiting, paranoid, until the average incubation period for Norovirus (12-72 hours) is done so I can either face my worst fear or thank God that I didn't come down with anything. Anyone who is knowledgeable about this virus or other gastrointestinal viruses, please try to tell me how likely it is for me to get sick. Be blunt, I want to be prepared.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    G,Day katie12944 your being silly ,Your body has it own defence working to fight off all Viruses there are 1000,s of wokes that attack every day and our own Body fights then Off .sorry but your just being silly .
    • Posted

      Thanks for being real with me, goldwingman. I was in a panic and I didn't stop to think about practical things.
  • Posted

    G,Day katie12944 i hope it did not upset you as i was trying to help you ,You have to get real your Body can and will fight off any thing that will hurt your Body thats why you have a Immune Centre it fight off all the Bad Germs and try like me i dont worry about any thing as it get us no where .Try and live your life in a Happy Mood as worrying about every thing gets us no where ,I used to worry but now i dont about any thing it serve,s no purpose to worry Life your life as its your last day and enjoy life as no matter how bad you are there are always some one some where a lot worse off than us so Be Happy enjoy your self be Happy Ok let me know how your getting on Ok Thanks ?
    • Posted

      Oh, It didn't upset me. I'm doing quite well, after having some time to get my mind off of it, and sort of reconstruct the way I think about the situation. Thanks for your positive response, and I hope all is well for you!
  • Posted

    Hi katie12944

    I looked after my grandson last tuesday who had norovirus he vomitted all over my shoulder (he is 18 months) is now sunday almost a week since...I did not get it and I couldn't have been more closer to virus....don't panic..I was told by a mum who knows about these things that adults rarely pick up norovirus from children......hows your sinus infection? wishes...

    • Posted

      Hi! Thanks for the positive encouragement, Lilian. I'm doing well, but still a little congested, Thanks for asking.
  • Posted

    I don't think you are being silly. I would have done the same, because this winter vomiting bug is a nasty thing to get.    Being sick is one of the worst bodily functions in my opinion.

    This is the time of year for it.   I have heard that probiotics can build up your immunity to it and of course, always wash your hands a lot with good old soap and hot water.   When me and hubby come in from being among others, like shopping, we wash our hands as soon as we come in.  

    I wish you a healthy end of 2014 and a good 2015 !

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