Extended fever in adult mono?

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My name is Arielle, I’m on week 12 of my mono journey, and I just can’t shake the fever. Every single day I have had a temp between 99.5-101 F. Has anyone else experienced this? My doctor says I can’t go back to work until I’m fever free for 72 hours (not that I can imagine going back to work at this point anyway) but I wish I knew what sort of timeline to expect. I had a C.T. scan last week and am still waiting on results for any splenic/lymph abnormalities that might be contributing to fever. 



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8 Replies

  • Posted

     I’m a 34 year old woman and my bloodwork indicates this is an initial EBV infection. 
  • Posted

    Hi Arielle, I had a lowgrade fever for 3-4 months, so you're not alone, although it's very annoying and I felt really tired especially late afternoon. It still comes and goes, only a few days at a time, I'm 8 months in. Good luck, feel better soon.

    • Posted

      Thank you Malmed! It’s good to know this is normal. Were you working during your mono recovery? 



    • Posted

      Hi Arielle

      I wasn't working at the time, but I would have been able to after the initial first couple of weeks, even with the low grade fever. I just felt a bit off and tired, but I could get on with my daily tasks. But far from everyone is able to work at all for several months.

      I guess just go with your feeling, and don't overdo it.

      Get better soon,

  • Posted

    Hi Arielle,

    So sorry to hear you've been so unwell with mono at the moment, really empathising having went through an awful time with the virus many years ago. Just wanted to write to reassure that what you're going through is normal for the virus, the low grade fever constantly was the thing that frustrated me the most and made me feel horrible throughout the virus, but it does get better and this whole virus does go away with time Arielle. 

    I know after 12 weeks you must be so weary, I remember the first 3-4 months for me were awful as couldn't see any improvement and felt so down and in a daze as to what was happening. What you're going through now is BY FAR the worst phase Arielle, it will get better, just so hard to cope with the intensity and longevity I know from experience. You WILL get there and get through this, don't panic if it takes a little time still, this can happen but absolutely you will get there and the intensity lessens as time goes on until you reach full recovery.

    Hope that the CT Scan results can come soon and offer some reassurance and put your mind at rest - most likely it is the virus causing the fever and nothing else but always wise to check these things. 

    Taking vitamins and herbs really helped me during recovery, a good strong multi-vitamin per day, high doses of Vitamin C (1000mg-3000mg per day), a B complex vitamin per day (good for energy levels and nervous system) and immune boosting herbs like siberian ginseng, oregano and echinichea. They can help your body at least cope a bit better through the rough time it's having. 

    Thinking about you and hang in there, remember you WILL get better - take it from me as someone who went through the same and struggled with the low grade fever and thought at some stages they never would - it's hard to have patience through this I know, just coping with each day and getting through each day is an achievement Arielle and don't look too far ahead.


    • Posted

      Hi Craig,

      Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful response, it was exactly what I needed to hear. It definitely is frustrating, especially as my doctor indicated I should be fever free for 72 hours before returning to work. What was your experience with working during your mono recovery?  I’d like to be able to take that advice but am also starting to worry about finances after not working for so long. Tempered by my fear of a relapse if I push myself. 

      The C.T. scan I think was more for my doctor’s peace of mind, that she wasn’t missing any possible abdominal infection - although I have had some pretty intense  abdominal discomfort and vomiting, which it seems from these forums is not uncommon, it will definitely put my mind at ease to know it’s just EBV causing it. 

      I will definitely take your suggestions on supplements, that was on my to do list for this week (a friend suggested bee venom therapy but that seems like a risky thing to explore when my immune system is all out of whack). 

      Thank you again for your kind words, it really means a lot to know that I’m not crazy or missing something, my friends keep convincing me something else must be going on. My doctor did test for all tick borne and tick related illnesses as well as run an autoimmune panel, so I feel fairly certain this is just mono/EBV doing its thing. (My professional background, ironically, is in immunology  research). 

      Thank you again for taking the time to write such a thoughtful response, it really made me feel like I’m not alone in this. 



    • Posted

      Thanks Arielle,

      You're definitely not crazy this is a real and horrible virus, and just wanted you to know that you will get better from it. For me, I had to be off work for quite some time I was off work completely for 5 months and had a long phased return after that, the whole thing just affected me quite badly physically and mentally. I know it's so debilitating and depressing, I do believe you are going to get better Arielle hang in there and thinking of you.

      Going through a hard time myself for other reasons right now, at quite a low point in my life as have had some pain and health issues and losing job and it's all got on top of me - so I do know what it's like to suffer in the present too and praying that God helps us all Arielle through our individual battles right now.

      You're definitely not alone in this Arielle, and you will get there and get through it with God's help.


  • Posted

    Hi Arielle,  

    Has your doctor done blood work to see what us going on.  Please let us know how your CT turns out.


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