Extended period with no answers, please help
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So, it's the 11/02/2018, I'm 19 years old and I'm on day 17 of my period. Normally I last about 8 days. I'm experiencing painful cramps, nausea, stomach pain and diarrhea, dizziness/light-headedness, lack of focus, exhaustion, aching muscles and headaches.
I have been having issues with my period since it started at 12. They were always heavy and irregular. From having them a week apart to months apart. I've been on the pill and depo and reacted with weight gain etc.
March last year, after moving countries (Australia to New Zealand), I re-started my push to fix things. After various blood tests all coming back with no answers my GP sent out a referral for a Gynecologist. November last year I finally got my gynecology appointment and was told I had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and put me on the pill (specifcally Ginet) in hopes to get me periods to start working out properly. Early January I had another gynecology appointment in which they said I did not have PCOS. While still on the pill, about a week before the placebos, I started to bleed. It would be about the average for a normal woman but was light for me so I chalked it up to break bleeding. After double-checking with a Doctor I was told "its normal, give it some time". Being apprehensive and doing some research I chose to skip my placebos in hopes to get rid of the bleeding sooner, it didn't work. Last week on Wednesday (the 7th) I saw my GP and he gave me Naproxen and asked me to call him before the weekend if it hadn't worked. On Friday I went back in and got more blood tests taken and swabs done and given Cyklokapron to stop the bleeding. He said it would stop within 3 to 4 days with obvious signs of it slowing. Now on day 3 there is no sign of my bleeding getting lighter, if anything its gotten heavier.
Over the last 17 days my period, on a daily basis, would jump between heavy and light. Over a few days it would change consistency and colour, from a purple-grey to pink to orange to red completely sporadically and getting some colourations more than others. I've been getting clots on and off and some days its been like a slime rather than just blood.
My family has a history of PCOS and Endometriosis and A typical cells. All of which I have been tested for and as of this current time, supposedly do not have.
If anyone has any ideas at all, please, please, tell me. I'm so sick of being given "I don't know" as an answer and having doctors treat symptoms rather than find the problem. I already have other medical conditions, Tourette Syndrome being the main one, of which I need to pay for medications and all of this period stuff is making work really, really hard and I can't afford to keep taking time off. So, even if its something terrible or obscure or what, please share your ideas because this is ruining my life and I need help, I need to fix this.
Currently the medications I'm on are;
Fluoxetine 20MG daily (anti-depressant)
Propranolol 10MG daily (beta-blocker)
Sativex 2-5 sprays daily (medicinal cannabis)
If you have any questions then please ask, if you have any ideas please share.
1 like, 6 replies
karen60759 jessi1998
It sounds like all the meds you have been given to help are making things worse, so I wonder if you should just try to see if it resolves itself without those, because it’s not unusual for the pill to cause a lot of breakthrough bleeding in the first few months, and it doesn’t sound like you have been on it that long? Also you must take an iron supplement so you don’t get anaemic from losing so much blood, hope that helps x
jessi1998 karen60759
Thankyou! I had no idea about the laporoscopy so I'll definitely ask about that. I have had the scan for cysts twice, the first time they said there were signs but the second time they said there was nothing at all.
No I haven't been on the pill very long this time around and I knew break bleeding was likely to happen, though the doctors were concerned when I mentioned just how long the bleeding has been going for.
I think once I finish the Cyklokapron I'll give my body some time to fix everything on its own and see if that works.
Thankyou for all the input!
erika90744 jessi1998
jessi1998 erika90744
erika90744 jessi1998
jessi1998 erika90744
Oh wow lol that should've been obvious hahah
I was on the pill for 2 and a half months in total. They've stopped me for the time being. When I stop bleeding they are going to put me on a new one