Extreme Anxiety

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Hi All, so I joined this forum due to my extreme anxiety over having to complete an interview to keep my job. That was supposed to be today but my anxiety went through the roof and I had to cancel. Now I’m stuck in my room in an absolute state and I’m talking to myself over and over saying I want to die. I don’t want to die but the anxiety is terrifying. I’m going to lose my job and now what am I going to do? My mental health has deteriorated over the last 12 months. I’ve cancelled so many plans because the anxiety is so crippling. I had three months off work because of anxiety and depression, then walked straight back into this stress of losing my job. I seriously feel like my mind is completely broken and I see no future for me as I just cannot cope with anything. What should I do? I’ve tried psychotherapy and CBT but I feel like my issues are deep rooted. I’ve no close friends and no boyfriend in years as I fear being close to anyone in case they judge me or take advantage of me. I think I may have an undiagnosed condition, such as autism or personality disorder so what should I do, I’m in a desperate state.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Linsey, I am so sorry you are struggling. Anxiety is an awful thing and really affects your life. This is easy for me to say but, please try not to feel bad. You are going through a stressful time and anyone would struggle with what you are going through. Do you have it in your head that you won’t get your job? If so you need to try if you can to turn that around and tell yourself you will get it. I know, easy for me to say! Please, please try and relax. Is there anything you can do to take your mind off this even temporarily? Any hobbies? Anyone you can talk to? Please believe in yourself, tell yourself you won’t let this beat you


    • Posted

      Hi Christine, my employer has tried so hard to get me to this interview, they know about my mental health issues. It’s totally irrational but when I’m forced into doing something I dont want to do, my anxiety spirals out of control. I can’t do an interview in this state, I can barely leave my bed but no interview, no job. I will be made redundant on health grounds. Eaten and drunk nothing for 2 days now. My family are supportive to a point but I completely get that they find this hard to understand, I don’t get it either. Something just feels wrong. My life is very restricted by my anxiety. I have no confidence or self esteem whatsoever and I’ve always thought I’m the ugliest person on then planet, even though people tell me this is stupid. Think I need some serious therapy. I’ve always been terrified of someone telling me I have a diagnosed condition like autism or aspergers but it would make some sense as to why my life is the way it is. Just got to the point I cannot hide behind this mask of the happy jokey person who inside is constantly anxious about my bleak looking future alone. Sorry to go on, is good to get all this out.
    • Posted

      Hey, it’s fine, just get it out of your system. Are you in the UK? I am no expert but I don’t think they can make you redundant on health grounds I’m not sure that’s legal. I think you need to speak to your doctor? Maybe they can help you or at least try you on therapy, it may well help you to talk face to face with someone. Is there something (other than the interview) that makes you anxious? Feel free to chat, we are all here to help each other trhough
  • Posted

    I dont think you can lose your job over medical issues...you do need to speak to your dr...don't forget you are stronger than you think...you can do anything you put your mind too...anxiety is like a monster trying to keep control over you but you have to show him who's boss and make that monster go away...tell him nothing is harming you, nothing is hurting you, nothing is wrong and to stand up to him

    • Posted

      My company is going through a restructure, so jobs are being reduced. It means having to apply for your own job. If I don’t do the interview then they will make me redundant. Sadly I have no rights if this happens. The anxiety is so bad I just want to curl up in a ball and die, I feel like I’m going mad. I would never harm myself but this anxiety is extreme, there is no way I can do an interview in this state. I will be devastated as I’ve been there years but my health may have to take priority, as right now I’m scared I will end up in a psychiatric unit. Need some advice on the best therapy when things are getting to crisis stage. I’m an intelligent person who knows how ridiculous it is to get in such a state over a job interview but it’s always been a phobia of mine. Got my jobs through temp work so no interview, I’ve always avoided them my whole life. Even went on an interview skills course but the anxiety monster has won again 🙁

  • Posted

    Your body is over Producing Adrenalin...have you tried going for walks and just being at peace with no noice around...maybe a lavender bath will help...
    • Posted

      I just cannot get out of my room, the agitation from the anxiety is making me feel like I’m losing the plot. Plus loud noise makes it worse and I live in a city so can’t get out! Thank you though, just knowing people care enough to respond  helps me right now 

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