Extreme Bowel issues IBS?
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I really find this very embarrassing but i just need to find someone who knows what im going through maybe? I have been suffering for a very long time with my bowels doc says ibs and i have all the symptoms but i dont think thats all it is.. For the past 2-3 years i have to help myself pass stools. I get constipated and diarrhea at the same time. It starts of hard then it loosens up and sometimes goes to watery/bitty stool.
I also pass alot of mucus at the same time. I have piles as well and sometimes i do tear myself because i have to use my fingers to help push the stools out. The stools can be hard or loose it makes no difference they still get stuck and i cant push so i have to force it out. I strain ALOT and this causes problems. I can spend over a hour on the toilet because of this. Also i hate having to get of the toilet if i know there is stool left inside (within reach) i feel like i HAVE to clean myself up no matter what.
As you can imagine this causes so much problems for me and makes me feel dirty as well. I get so bloated and i always feel like i need to go. Oh and i have a prolapse as well. Now this hasnt been seen by any doc but its so very obvious that its what i have. How can i explain...When i push to poop my whole insides seem to come outside. Its actually getting quite bad i think. I mean im not sure. Im only 30... I feel like this is not something normal at all.
So is anyone else in the same boat as me? Or is my problem really unusual? I hope i can get some form of help here. Even if just knowing im not alone with this problem would really help. Its not like i can just tell anyone about this issue. Thankyou for reading. x
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nancylynn18 katyxcat
katyxcat nancylynn18
nancylynn18 katyxcat
katyxcat nancylynn18
pim katyxcat
Hi, I have decided to check this site for the same reasons. I think I am the only one, now I know differently. I am a male 79 years old who has had a BM problem for over 70 years. I have a theory why but that is not important. Over the years I have used all kinds of laxatives, which helped for some time, unfortunately as the years went by researchers decided some of them were not safe, not sure how they came to that conclusion because I never had any problems from them. Things like Liquid Paraffin and beechams pills. As time went on I started to eat more fruit which helped and managed to get by as normal for some years. However over the past couple of years things began to get difficult and I resorted first to FibreGell drinks and fruit. I struggled on. Perhaps I should explain that I am one of these people who need to go once a day, I need to know I am cleaned out, this has caused some difficulties. Early last year out of desperation I started to use Glycerine Suppositories each morning, this induced a BM but just recently It has become even more difficult to have a BM without using two, one gets rid of the wind and the second moves the stool, they are only in for about 4 to 5 minutes before I get the urge to go. I also take something I was given while in hospital for a heart bypass in 2005 its called Lactulose Solution 3.35g, I take one cap at night and this softens the stool. It all helps but things have begun to get more uncomfortable and I feel like you, bloated, full of wind even though I know I don't have anything inside. If things don't improve I will have to go see the GP. I hope you have had good advice and I hope some of the things I do may help. I wish you all the best.
shelia22921 katyxcat
pim shelia22921
Hi Shelia, Thanks for the suggestion. This is what Lactulose is, I was given this when in the Royal Brompton having a heart bypass so you didn't strain and burst the stitches. I will keep it in mind though; a change is as good as arrest they say. Sorted my diet a little and left a few things out to see if that made a difference, luckily it has.
shelia22921 katyxcat