Extreme Brain fog / Lightheadedness / Head pressure for 10 days...

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For 10 days straight.. I've had Brain fog / Lightheadedness / Head pressure( Forhead/back/left/right side/ and recently my neck and back of head has been soar.. but for 4 months or so ive had muscle tension all over my body in which I would find my facial cheeks /shoulders / arms / legs constantly tensed up..). But the lightheadedness / brain fog / head pressure.. It hasn't left at all.. It hasn't got worse or better most of the time.. Some days I do feel 20-30% better to the point where I can watch youtube on my phone but most days its bad to where I cant function. I noticed when I wake up it isnt their 50-70% but it gets worse maybe 30 minutes to an hour later in the day.. 

I went to the ER after it started and didnt go away for 24 hours. They did a MRI/EKG all clear.. Said it was stress / Anxiety. Gave me a Xanax and I felt way better.. I could function. Before.. I had to stay in bed all day with my eyes shut 24/7. The ER Doctor gave me 5 Xanax doses just to get me through until I see a GP doctor. It got me through and I was able to function and I only had very little brain fog.. Everything else was gone.

I went to the follow up doctor and he's going to do a full blood work test(As he thinks my thyroid function is low).. But he only prescribed me Welbutrin. He refused to give Xanax. He wouldnt give me anything for the Lightheadedness / brain fog / Head pressure. So now I have to suffer and stay in bed all day with my eyes shut for a week. 

Nothing has worked.. Tynenol / Motrin.. Only excederin tension headache has helped me (30-40% but the brain fog remains) But it has 65mg caffein per dose which gives me really bad anxiety. Anyone ever have this problem? What over the counter drugs helped?

I do believe it is anxiety if Xanax is working.. So it might be tension related.. But the brain fog is always their.. Just not as bad. Ide appreciate any advice / help

Ive been suffering from anxiety since 2011.. But it recenlty came back in september.. It started with me getting my car and I couldnt feel the steering wheel untill 2-3 seconds later.. things got slow.. felt a delay in sense of touch. I got really brain foggy and lightheaded. That happened 2-3 times this past 7 months(2 times when I sat in my car and another time recently after I got up).. And anxiety always follows. My typical anxiety symptoms is ( Chest pain / Lower throat pain / Heart flutters / palpitations / racing heart / Brain fog / cold feet and hands / Body jolts sometimes.. Shakiness) But recently these new sypmtomss ( head pressure / Lightheadedness and brain fog has started almost 24/7 ) Is this really anxiety? The ER / GP Doctor / nurses / Ambulance thought so.

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49 Replies

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  • Posted

    Have you ever had constant symptoms of anxiety or do they usually go away in time
    • Posted

      For the past 7 months it's been constant anxiety. Some weeks pretty bad.. Some weeks with minor anxiety. I'm seeing the doctor Thursday so I will finally get on anxiety medication.. And see what the brain fog and Lightheadedness is all about.

      I have to say tho.. I took 2 aleves today and my head pressure / Lightheadedness / brain fog is down probably 40-50%

    • Posted

      Oh but you have had constant anxiety before and it eventually went away?
    • Posted

      I started having anxiety attacks in 2011 after smoking pot. I immediatly got on medication and it went away within 2 months. In 4 months I was off medication after I improved my lifestyle (better diet / gym / sleep / stopped overworking) 5 years later it's back after I had too much coffee one day while working. I had a really bad panic attack that day (chest was hurting really bad and was spazzing out) but I calmed down and it went away. But ever since that day I've been agoraphobic and haven't left the house much due to fearing anxiety attacks. But I'm not sure what to say within these past 7 months in the beginning I had less anxiety.. Then I started having panic attacks and from their anxiety levels got worse for a couple weeks.. Then it goes down for a couple days and then it comes back.

      But ever since I started having these new symptoms I'm worried.

  • Posted

    I've had all of those symptoms before as well, and they went away in the end, if that helps. It's amazing what anxiety can do - it affects your whole body, not just your mind. And then you start thinking that something has to be wrong with you because you genuinely do feel ill. But you've had many qualified people examine you, and there definitely seems to be a consensus that it is "just" anxiety. I'd say that if the Xanax is helping, that's a definite sign it's anxiety. Maybe also ask the doctor if you could try a different antidepressant if the Welbutrin isn't working? There are a lot of different ones out there, and sometimes you have to try a couple before you find the one that's right for you.
    • Posted

      I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one. Did They ever check if it was your thyroid?

      I've been on Welbutrin / Mirtazipine / Celexa in the past and Mirtazipine and Welbutrin was great but Mirtazipine made me gain 100 pounds in just 3-4 months.. And Welbutrin is more for depression so I don't even know why I was on it. So I kinda wana just go on a anti anxiety med that has the least weight gain.

    • Posted

      Did they mirtzapine just put random weight on or did it make you super hungry then you ate a lot?
    • Posted

      Both. I remember when I went from 215-286 at that point I just had it and just went on a plant and meat diet.. Probably eating under 1688-1800 cal and was exercising and wasn't loosing weight. As soon as I yelled at my psychiatrist that I'm gaining weight and I'm almost over 300 pounds he took me off it I lost all the weight quickly.
    • Posted

      Do you feel physically normal and grounded though? Or atleast before the fog would you feel clear in the head etc physically?
    • Posted

      The fog came randomly. And then 2 weeks ago it was constant. Yesterday it was bearable now today is horrible can't even be on my phone much. I can move around physically but I just don't feel right.
    • Posted

      Before though did you feel physically normal or like clear in you're head?
    • Posted

      In 2011 they came often after I started having anxiety attacks. After My anxiety went away I never had brain fog again. But now in 2016.. Same thing.. When I started having anxiety they came back.. In fact it was part of my first panic attack.
    • Posted

      But in non anxiety times .. Yes I always felt fine In my head.. I'm not the type to get headaches / Lightheadedness / brain fog.

      My sisters doctor said its most likely a migraine / tension headache with anxiety. I'm just surprised it's been 2 weeks.

    • Posted

      But it's not all day you do feel clear at some points during the day and feel normal
    • Posted

      For the past 2 weeks since it happened it's been all day everyday. Just not As bad when I wake up. And certain days like yesterday I feel 30-40% better. And yes certain times during the day it can improve.

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