Extreme dizziness .. anybody else ?!

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i have anxiety/depression and two days ago i was laying down .. i just woke up and got dizzy bad.. i hadnt even got up yet.. but it was really bad.. took about 10-15 seconds and went away but anxiety kicked in.. then it happened at the beach but i was laying down.. lasted a few seconds.. i noticed when i turn my head to the left or right is when it happens more.. then today i was laying on my back and turned torwards tv and it got bad again.. lasted 5 seconds.. it doesnt feel good & i have no other stmptoms .. has anyone else experienced this before!? i tend to panic & i hate it.. going to see dr tho but was hoping i could get some answers so my anxiety isnt so bad

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  • Posted

    it’s most likely caused by your anxiety. Just go get the check up at your doctors. He or she will most likely not find anything wrong. I’ve had this happen to me countless times because of anxiety and the doctors never find anything.

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