extreme dry mouth and pooping machine!

Posted , 3 users are following.

sorry to blow ip the posts this am. jusy feel like death is knocking at my door. sp hard to beleive that meno can cause this. i have had so many tests run all to come back normal.

i have had very dry mouth past few days

i drink so much water. new symptom?

i have become a pooping maching! i feel thats why im so tired. i crap out all my nutirents.

anyone have this? im going to dr AGAIN today to ck thyroid levels and ask for b12 shot. ugh.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi kim

    i had the dry mouth for 6 weeks straight got mouth infection use some salt water after brushing in some warm water seem to help me out its gone away for now but ive got a whole new load of symptoms now its a nightmare im really fed up but every body on here as been so helpful keep posting theres plenty who offer good advice hope it gets better real soon for you x


    • Posted

      thank you. i will have to try that smile

      this site has been a God send

    • Posted

      It sure as 🙂 I hope you get some relief soon all the best xx

  • Posted

    sounds awful. Have you had sugar level tests? What tests have you had?
    • Posted

      everything. lots of bloodwork last month

      thyroid tested in may. maybe i should have it checked again for hypertyroid. suppose to go to dr today but i go in so much its getting embarrassing and tired of going

    • Posted

      Hmm. If sugar levels were fine, that is good. I guess you should ask the dr. But dont ever feel embarrassed- he gets paid and can ask and go whenever you need or want. I am also tired of going- I get you on that for sure. Have you seen a gastro?

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