extreme fatigue
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well hello again ladies ( my life savers )
I am beyond tired. exhausted. i sleep all nite to wake up tired and barley make it thru the day. i just want to stay in bed all day
am i alone? i have had so many tests ran. all nornal except one of my ears came back as 95% pressure, which i guess explains off balance/dizzy but i am still worried i am going to drop and die at any moment cause they missed something. that peri cant truley be this horrible
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becky53379 kim74983
Hi Kim, I remember that fatigue. I still get that way sometimes but nothing like before. If you can lay around all day then do it. The more that you can rest the better you will feel
I fully believe that this is perimenopause for you. Try not to worry too much. Take care!
kim74983 becky53379
carmen_22574 kim74983
I'm exhausted right now. I fell asleep driving home one day. Talk about scary. Thank God for the rumble strips. I wake up at least 3 times a night. So when i can catch a nap after work i do.
kim74983 carmen_22574
colleen55 kim74983
I understand the tiredness and extreme fatigue. Some days I can barely function. My body just hurts and aches so much that I can barely walk. It is very discouraging and depressing. I feel ancient. I cannot even deal with idea that this could last for years. I am grateful to be able to communicate with others struggling with peri. Take care of yourself.
colleen90305 colleen55
The possibility that this can last for many years frightens me! I can't live like this many yrs!
kim74983 colleen90305
michelle_79406 kim74983
I used to be that tired but then I got an allergy test I cut out bread out of my diet. And with in a few days , I started to see the difference and it just got better and better. Like you the dr said all is fine, and it was just my busy life style. But I knew it was more than that I was just to tired .3 years ago I actually went to a. Woman in a health food shop . She can tell from looking in your eyes , she can see what vitamins your short and if your organs are sluggish , so she will also tell you what you need to take vitamins wise . Instead of taking multi vitamins that you don't need. You just take what you need. 😀😀and eat to get it right. I'm actually going back to her on Friday just for a check to see if I'm lacking anything now with all this hormon stuff going on. See can she help with my brain fog. Not sure if she can on that but worth a try
kim74983 michelle_79406
michelle_79406 kim74983
Definitely worth it. Should go. I remember when she told me it was the bread that was doing it, I thought is she for real , this is a joke. But then I figured I had noting to lose. So I tried it . I I was so delighted with the difference. But every one is different also if you eat alot if sugary stuff and choclate it actually drains your energy to. I don't eat it any more either . It also causes high anxiety .
kim74983 michelle_79406
michelle_79406 kim74983
Usually eating sugar drains your energy so you should have more energy now now from cutting it out, do you drink plenty of water , you could also be dehydrated, and if you go for a walk it boost your energy, I know it would be the last thing you want to do when your drained, but it gets oxygen to all the organs and revitalises you,I actually only went back walking this last 3 weeks , I bring kids to school and go walking straight from there because I know if I go home first I won't go, I started with short distances like half km, then every day I walked a bit more as I felt more energy, so now I do 4km, he. Straight home , fly around doing my house cleaning , full of life, there has been some morning I'm like no, to tired to walk today, but I have t given in, I tell myself only a short walk today, but she. I actually get out and start walking, I just keep going, and delighted I did then when I get back,😀😀
carmen_22574 michelle_79406
I wish i could go to her. Wow that's amazing
michelle_79406 carmen_22574
I'm sure you have a health food shop around your area. Or not too far away . It's really worth your while looking in to it.
carmen_22574 michelle_79406