Extreme fatigue anyone/scary? AND EXTREME CHANGES FROM PERI TO MENO!!!OMG
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I have been fatigued this whole time through peri, now think I am starting to enter meno because all off the symptoms are changing alittle,, Not as amped and anxious but this lose of energy and weakness is horrible much more fatigue then beginning peri I feel I should stay in bed all day and doesnt help I have hashimotos on top of this and I have heard others say it activated there chronic fatigue not sure if this is it,,, have lost so much muscle mass in such a short time like 2 months, and the nightsweats are now drenching also my body temperature seems to actually run cold,, what is up with the sudden change after 3 years of anxiety,hot flushes, itchy crawely, blood preasure problems, blood sugar problems, anger, etc....I HAVE HAD THEM ALL!!! Did anyone yours symptoms change like this so radically!!!!!Hugs to all
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lisa95354 Beverlys1
oh Beverly, you are describing my experience for the tea. It’s like somethings slightly go but they’re just replaced that kind of something worse. I currently have the frozen shoulder back. And I have fibromyalgia so any autoimmune you have unfortunately seems to get worse. I significantly remember the difference from perimenopause to post menopause because I used to be able to take three liquid gel Advil and it would take the pain away but I thought it was my fibromyalgia and it turns out it must’ve been the menopause. Because after my period stopped for 12 months, guess what, the three Advil liquid gel don’t work anymore except for occasionally. I can’t remember if I suggested this before but get one of those spray bottles that has a battery operated fan on it and put witch hazel and water in it with several drops of peppermint essential oil, it feels wonderful. also keep a little cooler by your bedside at night with those little gel ice packs and put it in between your breasts, it stops a hot flash immediately, or behind the neck or both. remember to avoid caffeine and sugar because they’re just exasperates everything. However I’m hearing from any of my friends that they clean and they don’t notice it making a positive difference or that might. I know exactly what you mean, I will look in my yard and see stuff that I have to do and before I would’ve just done it and now I’m like screw it. I also embarrassed to say this however I don’t care if I’m gaining weight I almost don’t care what I look like I’m just sick and tired of it all. try to have a positive attitude, I try to forge through I try to say tomorrow will be better etc. but I’m just sick of it all. I have to be honest I don’t eat healthy and I do like to have my cocktails with my girlfriends. But it’s not like I’m slamming sugar cocktails but I just found out that there is what is called 'purines', in alcohol and certain foods that cause great inflammation. I had on blanched peanut butter on a piece of healthy toasted bread the other day and that type of peanut butter makes me sick, I don’t know why but it does. I don’t know if Nuts have a certain amount of mold? OMG and they’re running cold it’s almost like it’s so unnerving you can’t even sleep. It’s like the cold/wakes you up out of a dead sleep. And then of course do you get warm also directly after the cold, they kind of go hand-in-hand. I have noticed you have to keep material off your chest or the blanket off your chest when having a hot flash for some reason it makes it worse. and the muscle mass, don’t even get me started, I look at my calves and think what happened. and you’re right about how oddly fast it happens. I swear the day my period didn’t come for 12 months it’s like the wrinkles were you grin were there permanently. I mean like the next day they were they are like so much worse I know I’m not imagining it. Estrogen is what keeps us looking new. I’m sure it must’ve plummeted overnight (cry emoji.) you are not alone in this experience, believe me. And you are right... the anxiety and my health anxiety seemed to decrease, but then I swear, it’s just replaced with something else. I am laying down actually as I write this. I take at least 10 or 12 supplements and I question how much they’re working. I just did a saliva hormone test and send it away on Saturday and my pharmacist will get the results six days, I can’t wait to see what it says. He will then compound cream for me based off my results. see if your pharmacist does anything like that, and if he doesn’t, find one that does, cause they’re amazing:) I think my frozen shoulder is coming back and it’s actually making me very panicky, my massage therapist worked it out last time, TG! try to take it a day at a time and hang in there. Sorry your Hashimoto’s gets worse or maybe seems to get worse to at this time. That is a good point about the chronic fatigue. something that has greatly concerned me, is when I had a blood profile last year, my doctor said he didn’t see any inflammation?? and I have no idea how that’s even possible, because I have incredible inflammation. or if it’s chronic fatigue does that even show up? So my thoughts on this are that somehow the hormones are tricking the test, that’s a scary thought, meaning because it’s hormone related, the inflammation doesn’t show up like it should, but it’s the only thing that explains it. have you ever had that inflammation test. also if you have a good pharmacist, is he able to suggest any supplements that can help your Hashimoto’s along with these meno issues? My thoughts are with you 😉
Beverlys1 lisa95354
Hi Lisa,, I do alot of supplements and natural stuff and take bio hormones when I feel I need them they are in troche form to put under your tongue from a natural path,, I do have alot of autoimmune problems for 20 years now,, starting with epstein barr and then it went down hill from there, I do pretty good for having chronic illness but like you I get attitude sometimes and others dont always understand a chronic condition... I know this has made my journey much more difficult even my best friends that have known me forever forget,, they breezed right through this stuff but not me,, cant even work most of the time lucky my husband and i own our own buisness or i would be flat out screwed,, hate to say it that way but that is my life...I also have alot of inflammation, I just thought after this peri thing might get better but it looks like this might just be a trade off of symptoms..I also love happy hour but It seems my body just cant metabolize anymore,,,Im sad,!!! will look into the compounding cream at my place,, Is this in estrogen form that you rub in?? We have spoke before sweetie and I hope things get better for you,, I know exactly how you feel this autoimmune is horrible I also have malabsorption syndrome so the is alot of food intolerances also... Thank you for reaching out girl!!!xxxx
lisa95354 Beverlys1
Hey Beverly, The cream is going to be based off of my hormone level. I won’t know about that for another six days. I know what you mean about metabolizing the alcohol, it’s almost like it takes two days to recover. You don’t need to be sorry about your explaination, believe me, sad is the perfect word 😉 you have a lot going on, I’m sorry about that. Oh babe... I know we talked, but I forgot exactly what I told you because my brains scrambled eggs from mean-o-pause 😉 also after drinking wine or what not, it’s like mentally it feels much different the next day. sometimes it feels like my brain is like someone taking nails and scratching them on a chalkboard, does that make sense? And then other days I’m like OK… Today is the day that I’m going to lose my mind… Something I’ve been hearing about menopausal women for years ...lol I am going to look up that malabsorption syndrome, I’ve never heard of it. I hope you have a good night and peaceful dreams 😉
crystals51917 lisa95354
Thank you for this post. I cried again as you described me in many areas. My muscle mass in my legs, joints etc has scarred me. My back aches down the spine and lower back, the brain fog (fuzzy, cloudy head) s daily all day for 3 months now, appetite comes and goes and the list goes on . The only thing that I can say is that I did order the ladycare plus magnet and the citalopram medicine low dose (10mg) my doctor prescribed and i have notice a slight change. I am not thinking bad thoughts and depressed all day long anymore, I sleep a little better and the sweats have really gotten better. The brain fog is still present with many other symptoms but I'm praying and trusting GOD. Again thank you! X
Beverlys1 crystals51917
Keep your head up crystal,,, did you have the doctor ck your thyroid I found out my thyroid was off on top of all these crazy symptoms,, my brain fog is terrible also....hugs to you!!!xxxx
lisa95354 crystals51917
Oh Crystal, I know, the muscle mass in the legs, I swear it seems like it disappears overnight. It’s like you look down and you’re like what happened. Don’t be scared, I say the same thing, that it’s alarming, but we just have to think of it as part of this. if I walked every day like I used to it would be much better. But as we both know, we just don’t feel like doing as much in these stages. i’m glad you mentioned the bad thoughts, I feel like they fill my head most days. if you hear something on the news about something happening to children, dogs, the elderly, its enough to push you over the edge into insanity. I mean like seriously laying awake in bed at night and worrying about everything/everyone and it’s consuming. I think you’re smart to try the med the doctor put you on;) I still have to look into the Ladycare. I think your pains will improve greatly also on that med, because this pain is for real 😦 We will prevail 😃 xxxooo
jamie37119 Beverlys1
I hear you... mine are starting to change some currently... I am overweight, I feel inflamed all the time and feel fatigued all the time also, I ache...especially when I get my period. Now my period seems to be easing off....hoping I am near the end too.
Beverlys1 jamie37119
my period has been going on for a month now Jamie, like i said also the symptoms have seemed to change, been in peri about 4 years or so... waiting for the ride to end!!!
jamie37119 Beverlys1
Oh bloody hell, I would go to the doctors for that, you will feel fatigued, your iron is probably very low. I have been in peri about 5 years now, was easy early on, was just constantly hot and putting on weight, bit of memory fog was about it. The horrible symptoms started about 1.5 years ago, so hoping it will finish soon. Over it! ... Periods became fortnightly for a little while, then went to every 23 days and only for 3 days, then now...well...still waiting for it to come. So hoping they are spreading out or even stopping now. But yes...I would look at going to a doctor to stop the bleeding. You would feel miserable with that.