Extreme fatigue, forgetfulness, depression, this is HELL
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I feel like I'm losing my mind!!! Im sooo tired ALL of the time, could sleep forever, and when I am up, I dont feel like doing anything! I've had open heart surgery twice, and am on Warfarin, so that restricts me from taking any kind of herbal help, and to be honest, drugs always have the opposite effect on me, so i am stuck and dont know what to do.
Two years ago, and had blood work, and was not producing anymore eggs...said I was in perimenopause. I havent had a period in 10 months.
I cant remember simple words, my mind is always racing 100mph, my body feels like I have lead in my veins! One minute I can be "ok" and the next, I'm depressed, sad, or mad. I'm 51, and feel like I'm 81!!! UGHHHHH! HELP!
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Sassyr12a amy20553
Hello Amy
You've been through so much! You must be so strong. I've used bhrt, kliofem and kliovance. Obviously I don't know how they would work for you as they all seem to have a risk of stroke etc but by far the best result was with bhrt. Less anxiety, more energy... Fab! Unfortunately after about 9 months they didn't work quite so well, so I'm on the synthetic stuff. I still struggle with everything you've listed, but walking/exercise/meditation helps xx
amy20553 Sassyr12a
My Dr prescribed Prempro for me today. Would you happen to know anything about it?
Sassyr12a amy20553
Hi Amy
Sorry for the delay, no I haven't heard of that one before but it looks like it's a synthetic hrt so guessing the doctor has opted for that one to suit your medical needs. Are you going to give it a try? I tried natural remedies for a long time, but when I hit that wall I knew I needed something else. I know hrt isn't for everyone, but I'm definitely better on it than off xxx
amy20553 Sassyr12a
i havent decided. ive rreeaad gd thin and bad, more bad than good.... 😦
ive read good and bad things, but more bad than good.... 😦
i dont know what happened in the above reply!