Extreme forgetfulness and language issues
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Hi ladies-
I know we've talked about the language issues before, but things are starting to worry me a bit. My 45 y/o perimenopausal brain doesn't seem to retain anything short term these days. You know when you walk into a room and forget what you were doing? This is me several times a day, even within seconds from one thought to the next. I can forget 2 or 3 separate thoughts within the same minute. I barely recalI memories that have occurred within days or weeks (unless they are something memorable...like holiday gatherings and such). I mean, I can remember we did the event, but specifics elude me . I recently tried to study for an exam and had such a difficult time. I had to write things down over and over and over to retain a fraction of the things I was supposed to. This is totally unlike me. I used to be able to read something maybe a couple of times and then retain it. My speech also seems to be worse. I confuse my words and choose words totally inappropriate for the context. Sometimes, I'll say a word that ends up being totally garbled from what it should be. I had a partial hysterectomy a few years ago, so I know my hormones aren't functioning at an optimum level. They seem to fluctuate frequently. Is this from hormones? Has anyone else experienced this? Did you end up getting better after getting through it or getting on hormone therapy that helped? I feel like I'm losing my mind, and I see 60 y/o's that can remember more than I can!
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sabrina1971 charcey97
I don't have any answers for you, but I can say you are not alone. I am going through exactly the same and it's really affected my social life as I feel like an idiot when I speak these days. I don't bother to go out much because I'm always embarrassed about the fool in the room (me!).
charcey97 sabrina1971
Ugg! Im sorry, Sabrina! I sympathize with you. I feel the same around my friends. It can be so humiliating...
Thank you so much for replying. Atleast, I don't feel alone.
charcey97 sabrina1971
How long has this been going on for you? I'd say mine started a few years ago...but have gradually gotten worse in the last 8-12 months. It seems like it fluctuates a bit here and there where I'll have better times then others. This leads me to believe it's hormone centered, but its still very unnerving and I have no real answers.
sabrina1971 charcey97
Yes, I am 48 and say it's probably been going on for 5+ years. I stopped counting after 5! Definitely got worse as time has gone on.
You are not alone! I wish I could connect in person with women who have the same issues. It would make it easier to practice being out in the real world without any judgement!
Beverlys1 charcey97
Hi Charcey,, I have this exact symptom right now, it started about 1 week ago plus buzzing in my ears... Have had this before but nowhere near as bad as this time its scaring me,, like u said I forget thought on top of thought... I did notice if I slow down and do not multi task as I usually do It gets much better,, I also get anxiety when this starts which is horrible.. sending big hug!
andrea00523 charcey97
Hi Charcey,
I'm sorry this is plaguing you, I've had so many symptoms its honestly exhausting for myself & my husband. However, he's been very supportive & understanding through this roller coaster ride. I'm one of the older ones in this forum, 55. The forgetfulness
started while I was pregnant 28 years ago.......Then it stayed pretty dormant while raising our children. Presently, I do go through bouts of foggy memory & go in to a room saying "Why did I come in here"? I can be absent minded & forgetful in instances. However, its never happened driving or forgetting "what" I do with keys-rather then "where" are my keys. I do own a business & there are procedures I must follow & thankfully I have those in the forefront of my mind.
In addition, I do play games, matching objects, word search, crossword online to keep my brain stimulated. I truly believe its very important to read books & become engrossed then I can share the story with my husband. He enjoys listening & I'm happy I'm
able to recall details.
I, like Sabrina, believe anxiety can make every situation worse. Unfortunately my anxiety, fears, ocd & some depression which pops up here & there has caused me to become crippled socially & reclusive as well. I've lost more then a few long time friendships. I question were they really true friends, but I own my faults knowing I didn't make it easy for anyone, barely returning phone calls & failed communication attempts. It became to overwhelming to think about meeting up with someone or meeting up with another couple.
I realize my mental health comes first, I will not dwell on the past. Everyone comes in one's life for a reason & sometimes
just for a season. So, right now I'm doing my best to stay present & take each day as it comes.
The entire peri menopause~menopause~post menopause has wreaked havoc, I do prefer to focus & think of the fun & happy moments in between the madness!
I hope I shed some light for you while not being a complete downer.
Hang in there, you're going to be okay! Here for you,XO
Thank you so much ladies! You have no idea how much I appreciate your responses. Merry Christmas! I pray you all get a break for a day or two from these symptoms to enjoy yourselves.
Beverlys1 charcey97
I have the mixed up word thing also,, all the time and then sometimes I'm as sharp as a tack.. Do think it is hormones also lack of sleep if I am very tired from insomnia another wonderful symptom,,also mix up my sentences all the time and I always feel crazy and no one seems to notice.. but I sure do!! HUGS XXOO
Rainbow976 charcey97
I am 43, in perimenopause I believe and get this issue off and on. I also believe it's hormone fluctuations but not sure which ones as it comes and goes.
More and more, I think all my issues are related to ovulating or not ovulating. I have read we start to have cycles where we do not ovulate, progesterone is only produced with ovulation so maybe an imbalance occurs non-ovulatory months but not every month. Or we are now overly sensitive to ovulation when it happens.
It's so frustrating, I sound like I am just learning to speak English sometimes. I mix up word order like "Put the sink in the spoon " or mentally think 1 word but a different word comes out of my mouth. Or a very basic word is on the tip of my tongue but I can't remember it to say it.
I am hoping this passes after perimenopause .