Extreme Nausea - Please help!!
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Hi Everyone -
I went to the doctors 5 weeks ago with a bad UTI - nausea, fever, low abdominal pain, frequent urination etc.. I was given 3 rounds of antibiotics as the first 2 didnt seem to work, the last ones I was given was TRIMETHOPRIM and was fine on those.
I finished them over 1 week ago and the urine infection has gone as I went back for a test - HOWEVER, i am now suffering from on and off headaches everyday, extreme nausea everyday, chest pains (stabbing feeling), low abdominal pains, heartburn, fatigue, and my bowel movements have gone from once every few days to a few times a day! I am very worried and do not have time to have more tests etc as I am jetting off this sunday for a 2 year round the world trip!
Does anyone have any idea what this could be and if it could be related to the antibiotics? To be honest, its the nausea that is causing me the most discomfort! Please help!! (Not pregnant!)
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mary27278 georgiawx
georgiawx mary27278
fernando90225 georgiawx
Have your gallbladder checked. Mine gave me almost the same symptoms. After taken out o felt no more nausea. I felt great. Other issues need to be checked out. Well have great time hope you are well enough for your trip. Good Luck to you.😄
pippa58442 georgiawx