Extreme neck and back from anxiety won’t go away

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Ive had anxiety on and off my entire life. recently not sure if from work or something else a small muscle pull turned into me worrying non stop now my lower back middle back neck every single muscle in my body has been insanely tense over the last week with no signs of getting better. I can actually feel a giant not right next to my head on my neck and then that causes horrible headaches and its a vicious circle all over again. i dont feel stressed anymore but i feel like the last week of stress has left my body in knots and my muscles are now all tight and i can seem to get myself to loosen back up how long does this take to go away its actual physical pain which i know will lead me to more anxiety.

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3 Replies

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    I have had tight muscles on and off for years from anxiety and stress. It takes a while to relieve it. I take a hot bath to relax the muscles. I also get massages or if you have somebody that can massage your neck muscles that helps a lot.

    and from my experience, it’s really important to get the anxiety under control or else it’ll just keep happening.

    i have weekly virtual counselor appointments which really helps. Do you get any exercise? I’ll tell you one thing that is absolutely fantastic for the muscles and that is yoga. It’s amazing what it does to the body. You can do it for free on YouTube .

    so many men are doing that now and they swear by it. Anyway those are just a few suggestions and I hope you feel better

    • Posted

      it all started for me getting the covid vaccine. I got crazy worried and it hasnt really quit because now i have to get the second shot and im worried about that too.

      im sure i will be fine but i still worry about it.

  • Edited

    when i get so tense like this a hit bath or heating pad really helps.

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