Extreme pressure build up in upper abdomen

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Hi!! I've had 6 back surgeries in the past three years. My life has not been the same since. I went to the Dr for extreme leg pain and that's when My condition started - when I was put on Lyrica. It put 20 pounds on me in a week. Stopped taking it right away. I was referred to a specialist And then sent to the pain clinic. After my first surgery and recovery I looked 5 months pregnant... It was awful!!! (Let me also say this .. I take pride in my body.. I've worked hard to get into and stay in shape. I lost 60 pounds 22 years ago and I've kept it off till that Lyrica week!!!) so I did not sit and eat while recovering. And I got high blood pressure after my first surgery.

I have seen numerous doctors and had numerous test .., all come back good. I can't get relief ... I've tried so many things... It hurts so much.., I always feel like a balloon is in my upper abdomen and it's like it's getting blown up and ready to pop. One doctor said it was probably all the anesthesia and that it took 6 months or more to get rid of and it made you gain weight.. That was a new one on me. My last surgery was in April of this year. I take align and Zantac everyday!!! I'm not allowed to do any exercise but walking and pool exercise... Which I do 4-6 times a week. It's hard because it's hard to breath sometimes.and it's just so painfull. This all makes me so depressed ... I cry a lot .. I just want to feel a sense of release from this...I hope someone reads this and has been though this and can shed light of this for me!!! I'm too young for this!!!! (41) :-)

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    So sorry you are having to go through all this. It certainly sounds as if you have a stomach problem - have you had an endoscopy to check. I can't relate to your particular symptoms but I suffer from gastritis and its made my life hell, everybody experiences slightly different symptoms with this condition. I think the doctor that said it takes 6 months to get rid of the anaesthesia was having you on and I certainly wouldn't take that too seriously. Maybe you could ask for a second opinion from another doctor as it is not normal to feel the way you do.

    Hope that you bfind some relief soon.

    Best wishes

    • Posted

      Yes! I have been to 5 doctors .... Always the same, never find anything. Endoscopy and biopsy , complete blood work up, two sonograms. It's so frustrating . Thanks
  • Posted

    this could be water retention? How's your heart and kidney's ?What other meds are you taking? Sound as if you could be depressed because you have gained weight and the pain is excessive? back surgery is no fun either.. This will cause you to be less than mobile..Try drinking mint cordial  and Magnesium tricilicate which will help with wind/flatulance which can build up from anaestheti in the gut/abdomen ..as you don't run around it can take longer for your guts to get going again.. Try and do some stretch excercises for your back look on Pinterest for some videos..movement will help with peristalsis in the gut..these are stretch movements not too strenuous at all I do them.. Go on a low carb diet  no more than 50 grams of carb which will help with weight loss..I do this as well must be strict, no bread sweets biscuits only low carb replacements. 😀 Atkins on Amazon. 41 is young and you can turn this around.. Good luck! Any question I can help or at least try just try..
  • Posted

    I know how you feel. I have had 3 op on my back, tried lots of pain killing meds,even when on trials.

    I have been on some tablets that made me put on weight that made me feel worse.

    I had found out about a sensory nerve stimulator that could be fitted in my back to relieve pain.I was already using a tens machine .

    I asked the pain specialist if I could have one fitted and after questions and examination he said it may work for me.

    4 years ago I went into hospital and had one fitted.the best thing I have agreed to.I have a remote control ,easy to operate and it stops my pain.

    without pain I could start to come off pain meds and antidepressant.

    my weight came back to normal. you can search on line for more info.

    I have days when I am in pain but I can do something about it and can control my life again

    I would speak to a doctor /specialist and see if it may help you. Living with pain is so bad, and medication can make you feel worse,putting on weight making things worse.

    • Posted

      I had the stimulator implanted 2 years ago and had it removed 6 months after. It radiated on my rib cage and made me sick all day and I could not eat. They tried and tried but they could not get it to stop. We tried to switch to a paddle lead but the surgery didn't go as planned and they removed the whole thing!!! It did help with the pain. I was just so sick!!! Thank you for your help!!
    • Posted

      Really sorry it don't work for you. Keep getting back onto dr .I after wonder if meds are available but they don't give them owing to cost.I was perscribed morphine by specialist but my gp wouldn't give me another perscription.

      Some medication really made me sick and I am now on meds for my stomach owing to the damage they have caused. Don't let this happen to you keep going back untill they get you sorted.I found drinking ginger cordial diluted in warm water best for my stomach.

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