Extreme stomach cramp first thing in morning

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every morning I woken at 6 am with extreme stomach pain right across lower stomach . The only way i can allieviate it is by drinking about 4 or 5 cups of water which normally results in extreme defecation. But that is a relief. i can then eat breakfast and feel fine. no signs of blood and it only occurs when I wake up. never during the day.

it doesnt sound much but when you dread waking up in the morning every day


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11 Replies

  • Posted

    You are suffering from dehydration. You may have to get in the middle of the night to drink water.

    • Posted

      I drink a lot of water during the day. i ease down in the evening dont want to keep getting up during the night 😃

    • Posted

      i drink about 75% of a pint of water during the night.

  • Posted

    It may be related to your food intake at night time. You should sort out which one may be the culprit. It can be bread, pizza, burger, milk, egg etc. Try to experiment avoiding them one by one and check the result. Also try not to sleep immediately after eating. Get a walk for 15-20 mins outside. Check the result if things improve.

    • Posted

      Tried every permutation of food. The walk in the evening sounds a good idea though.

  • Posted

    Does your pain move about and do you experience any constipation along with the frequent bowel movements?Temporary relief of pain after a bowel movement is an IBS symptom. Are you eating enough fruit and vegetables? Do you cook from fresh or eat processed foods? Are you stressed and how long have you had the pain? Have you seen a doctor fir tests?

    • Posted

      im a good eater not too much. eat processed and fresh food. ive been known to have an evening meal of just raw fruit and vegatables but only occasionally. Dont Drink alcohol or smoke.

      Tried a week of only processed meals and a week of only fresh meals, a week of both.

    • Posted

      the pain is in a straight line across my lower stomach, I am a stresshead though. doctor just gives me OMEPROZALE and Ive tried similar at various times, no effect.

      im going for a day of tests in November.

    • Posted

      Omeprazole is for heartburn and not for pain. I'm not surprised it doesn't work. Does the pain ever move from the straight line across your lower abdomen to other areas? Has your doctor tried you on an anti spasmodic? One of my doctors tried me on an antispasmodic for my abdominal pain which made made me a lot worse. At least though, she was on the right track because in the end I was diagnosed with IBS which responded well without side effects to a different antispasmodic which I tried myself. Maybe try a food diary and note down everything you eat and any reactions you have. Pinpointing individual foods may tell you more than doing a general food check of processed foods and home cooked foods. You may be reacting to a a specific food(s).

      Stress can upset the gut. Maybe try distraction techniques such as light exercise or a hobby. Good luck with the tests. If nothing shows up, see a different doctor.

  • Posted

    I have extreme stomach pain too when I wake up, the area under my belly button, feels swollen or bloated. And then I feel like this the whole day depends what I eat. Do you drink 4 or 5 cups of water in a row in the morning? that's a lot.

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