Extreme water retention a symptom of Lyme?
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Hi everyone. Long painful story short, I was finally diagnosed two months ago with Lyme after suffering through two years of unexplained fatigue, hair loss, muscle weakness and severe depression. I'm currently under a protocol of antibiotics and natural herbs to combat the disease. I know it's too early to feel much improvement (and I don't) but I'm very curious if anyone has had major fluid retention as a symptom of the Lyme. I've had it since the very beginning and it encompasses my entire body. I'm normally an avid fitness fanatic with weight lifting and HIIT cardio. I've also followed a low carb, no sugar, no dairy diet for 20 years and the only time I ever experienced water retention was when I would indulge in the occasional higher carb meal. But that was always temporary and went away after a few days. This fluid retention has been plaguing me for two years. It gets so bad my legs are nearly twice their size sometimes. And it is everywhere. My face, arms, back etc. Has anyone else encountered this symptom? Most people only complain about their face or feet swelling. It's starting to really add to my depression because I don't know if it will ever go away. I'm hoping as the disease subsides this will subside with it. Losing hope here! Thanks!
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pineapplex2 Zilla1
Hi there ... I know this post is old but when I first started out on my Lyme journey I also suffered from water retention and inflammation. I was petrified at the responses I got when I asked other forums this question. Please remember that tick bourne illnesses cause inflammation and some individuals are more sensitive to inflammation and water retention than others. What I found helpful is to follow a gluten free diet and get on antibiotics. The only relief I got - in regards to inflammation - was to be put on IV antibiotics for a year. It is not a silver bullet - I still have Lyme and coinfections but the inflammation is now gone (for now).
If inflammation/water retention is paired with heart issues it may be wise to get an EKG or other work up that your doctor can provide. Hope this helps.
christina8020 Zilla1
Zilla1 and others, I know this discussion thread is old, but I wanted to jump in to see if anyone was still following it, because I am having crazy water retention issues and inflammatory water weight gain over my whole body for the last few years and it’s making me so depressed and frustrated. From what I know about tickborne disease, this is not uncommon, but it doesn’t seem like people talk about it a lot.
I am carrying 80 pounds of uncomfortable, non-normal fat. My movement is restricted. It's like I am overinflated. OK maybe only 70 or 65 poinds, because I used to be underweight before the water descended upon me.
I had a no gluten, no sugar, low low low carb high vegetable diet for 20 years. It did not stop this weird water weight gain. I am in perimenopause, but my weight gain is far more than i have heard about with other menopausal people.