Extremely bad dream too scary to talk about

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Hi ladies. I just awoke from a very bad dream that seemed so real that when i woke up i started shaking. My body is so out of wak right now. I need to take a break. I am having to head into work in 2 hrs and hope i calm down. Have you ladies experienced bad dreams so real they are scary. Why is all this happening. Not even sleeping we are safe. I hate this peri i am stuck in

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, happens to me all the time too. I'm 51. and crazy dreams are one of my symptoms too. They are SO vivid. I feel like I'm the star in my own movie. some dreams are very scary and I too just this morning woke up after one and my whole body was shaking and trembling. Makes going to sleep terrifying. This all just started for me 5 months ago. Go Google the 66 symptoms of menopause. It's crazy how many symptoms there are. Dreams are one of them. Hugs to you

    • Posted

      Thank you Tracy for your response makes me feel much better. Just came back from a walk around the block and feel much better. Dear God last night was a rough one for sure. Its good to know that this is a part of peri because i was afraid this something would happen. My mind could now be at ease. i have to now get ready for work. Hugs to you too

  • Posted

    Oh yes and just like Tracy says you feel like the star of your own show.. I journal my symptoms daily and bad dreams are on my list at least a few days out of the month.. And usually the same days as the previous month, which makes me suspect hormones.. Also makes me headachy after a ling dream like I didn't sleep all night, I always feel like crap the next day!

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    Same with me.

    some day i donot sleep and other if i sleep little i have scary dreams i get up tried in morning

  • Posted

    Same with me.

    some day i donot sleep and other if i sleep little i have scary dreams i get up tried in morning

  • Posted

    very real and vivid dreams were a part of my peri struggle towards the end, right before official menopause set in. My dreams weren't so much scary, just very distressing for me. My dad had died 10 months prior to my symptoms swinging out of control. He had a prolonged, horrible death and told me several times that he didn't want to die, that he thought he'd have more time, once when he thought he wouldn't make it another week, we were saying our last goodbyes and he confided in me he thought he was going to hell once he died. I was shocked and too afraid to ask him why he thought that as my dad was genuinely and lovely man. I was very close to my dad and of course, missed him terribly even though he was finally free from his health issues and suffering. My distressing dreams started right when my other peri symptoms went wild. I would dream of my dad. It still makes me tear up just texting this. In my dream he was still sick, just sitting there and I would see him and be so surprised and elated the wasn't dead. I'd run up to him and hug him and he'd just sit there... no emotion and wouldn't acknowledge me. Then, I'd realize he was still sick and feeling horrid and would just watch him. I would actually feel the surge of emotions as if it were a reality in my dream and then it would wake me up and I'd be crying for real. It would take me hours to get past the dream and the emotions and I'd mourn my dads death as if it had just happened again each time. This almost exact dream happened several times close together, to the point where I'd beg God and the Universe to not let me dream about my dad that night. If I woke up and hadn't dreamt of him, it was a relief! The good news is, once I was several months into menopause (even though I didn't know it at the time - I was probably 8 months in) I had one last very vivid dream of him where he was healthy and on his farm and I was flying above the farm ( sitting on the wing of a biplane of all places! HA!) and as I was flying away but was low enough to see his face and he looked up at me and smiled and waved his usual wave and kept waving this content and casual bye and it brought me so much peace. I could tell he wasn't sick and felt good and was happy. It was truly like he was saying to me he was ok and feeling like himself and I could let him go. It was a gift for me and I hold onto it dearly. I have since had little snippet dreams where my dad appears in them and I recall them, but they don't cause me emotional pain. I don't know if it has anything to do with my hormones, but my dreams have calmed down and are normal now that I am post menopausal ( for 23 months) Hang in there!

  • Posted

    Every night:( Some are very scary.

    So vivid, I can, feel things smell things. Sometimes i will wake up and smell strong perfume smell sometimes i feel as if there is another presence. Its very traumatizing at times feel like im in a whole different life, nothing is familiar anymore, nothing. My prayers go out to you, its an awful thing. ❤

  • Posted

    Yes, that happens to me too. So scary and vivid dreams that I'm even afraid of going back to sleep. It's not every night thanks God, but it comes and goes.. At first I didn't know what was going on but later and with all the other symptoms (burning sensation, migraines, palpitations..) I realized it was another perimenopause related symptom. They all get worse at night. I hope it will go away..

  • Posted

    I've had dreams like that too. They feel SO real and it can be hard to snap back into reality after those. I also tend to have dreams about my husband with other women, especially a few days before my period. He's never given me any reason in 14 years of marriage to suspect anything like that, though. Those dreams are still very upsetting because of how real they feel, though. I think it's part hormones and part insecurity from the way I feel about myself right now and all of my peri craziness 😦 Hang in there!! You're not alone.

  • Posted

    I've had dreams like that too. They feel SO real and it can be hard to snap back into reality after those. I also tend to have dreams about my husband with other women, especially a few days before my period. He's never given me any reason in 14 years of marriage to suspect anything like that, though. Those dreams are still very upsetting because of how real they feel, though. I think it's part hormones and part insecurity from the way I feel about myself right now and all of my peri craziness 😦 Hang in there!! You're not alone.

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