Extremely High Systolic BP
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I am 70 YO White Male. I was overweight by 38 lb. BP was a little high and was put on 10Mg Lisinopril X2. (A.M/PM). Lost 20 pounds, started walking and BP came down tremendously. Had to start cutting in half to prevent being way too low. Recently, I have come under tremendous Financial and Marital Stress. The Systolic Reading stays in the 160+ even though I've gone back to the 10Mg X 2. Diastolic up a Little but not significantly. Can extreme Stress affect just the Systolic? Only other Med of significance is "Diazepam" - 5Mg X 3. Any thoughts before contacting Cardiologist. He gave me Clean Health about 8 Months ago except the BP and "Inverted T Wave" of which He wasn't concerned. Performed Physical Stress Test, Ultra-Sound and couple other Tests.
Why the High Systolic and fairly normal Diastolic?
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lily65668 ErnieSC
Hi Ernie,
That's precisely the effect stress has - it raises the systolic but not the diastolic. Sounds like you've diagnosed your own problem.
ErnieSC lily65668
I believe just knowing this will help!
lily65668 ErnieSC
It probably will. Just worrying about your BP is enough to raise the systolic.
That's a moderately high dose of diazepam btw...
ErnieSC lily65668
Thanks again Lily. Yes, I've been on and off Diazepam since I was 19 - shortly after it came out (Valium before Generic). I seemed to get my emotions together in my 30's - 40's and came off all Meds on my own but with a Dr. Friend Supervising. Around 50, things went South on me. My fault. Left high paying job because I thought I wanted my own Business. Before I knew it, I was on different Meds for Depression, Anxiety, OCD, Elevated Cholesterol, High Tri-Glycerides, and other issues. They added BP recently. I realized about 2 Years ago they were totally over-medicating Me. Not blaming the Doc's. I started coming off EVERYTHING about that time. The hardest were Clonazepam and Diazepam. Up until one month ago, I was down to Two 5Mg Diazepam (From FOUR!) and 1/2 of 10 Mg. X 2 of Lisinopril. We experienced some unexpected Horrible Financial Setbacks about 6 Weeks ago - and I'm 70! When one is 70, it's harder to cope. One knows they don't have as long to recover and one does not wish to become a Burden to anyone else. Your comments today - along with other Kind Replies have Picked me up a bit. I'm going to start back exercising (which is hard to do when one doesn't have the energy and/or motivation to even get out of Bed due to Anxiety and Depression.) I hope you continue to follow Posts by others. Your Words - and those from others - have really helped today. God Bless and Merry Christmas to You and Yours. Ernie
lily65668 ErnieSC
Thank you Ernie - and all the very best to you too.
I'm glad you didn't take my comments about diazepam (Valium) as a criticism. It's just that I've volunteered in a mental health centre for the past seven years, and many of our older clients are in a similar position, battling a 50-year benzo addiction. I'm afraid benzos were handed out like sweets back in the 60s and 70s, when I was working in the NHS (in a profession the site moder8or won't let me mention!) and we're now reaping the result of over-prescription of this highly addictive group of drugs. They're fine for a couple of weeks, to tide people over a hard time like bereavement, but shouldn't be taken long-term. Unfortunately, the doctors didn't realise that 50 years ago, when they were still considered to be wonder-drugs.
You've done incredibly well to reduce your dosage of diazepam and clonazepam as far as you have. I know just how hard that is, and how horrendous the withdrawal effects are. Don't beat yourself up if you can't get the dose down any further. At your age, and after more than 50 years on these drugs, it's normal that you'll need to take them for the rest of your life.
Exercise is exactly the right thing to do too. It will improve both your BP and your mood - though you'll need to take it very slowly at first. At our age (I'm older than you) brisk walking is about the best exercise you can do. You can do it as part of your daily life too. No need to take out a subscription at the gym and don lycra!
(I'm visualising myself in lycra here and it's not a pretty sight!)
ErnieSC lily65668
Thanks again, Lilly! Although your comment about picturing yourself in Lycra at (Your Words - not Mine) Older than Me, it's obvious you're Beautiful Inside. Sort of like a Friend who called me the other night as I was soaking in an Epson Salt Bath. My Old Friend (Male) opened up with - "What are you doing". I told him and then said - "Now if you can get that Picture out of your Mind, We'll talk about whatever you called about"! LOL! Take care and Keep helping others. You're obviously a Kind person! Ernie
falcon007 ErnieSC
Within a few days after removing myself from the people/place, my BP went back to normal!
ErnieSC falcon007
Thank you Sooo much to "Falcon 007"! I have asked this question everywhere - and answer is always - Yes, it can Raise BP. But never answering "Can it just affect Systolic "!
My Diastolic is not Perfect but ok!
Woke up in middle of night yesterday and Systolic was 166. Diastolic was Normal. Took 1/2 of 10 mg Lisinopril and top number was back down in less than an hour!
(They don't recommend breaking these Tabs as they are coated but if you need Quick Relief, Doc said OK.)
Thanks again!
henpen1980 ErnieSC
ErnieSC henpen1980
Thank You henpen1980! Your Reply and others like Falcon007 and Lily65668 have really helped today. It's nice to know there are some really kind folks out there compared to those People who Post on Yahoo. I'm trying to stop even reading the Posts and Responses. There are some really cruel People around this World. I try to remember, it's the WWW. Some Posters are from People in other Countries that just don't like Americans. (But not All!) And BTW, Not a single one of you said - "I've been there and got over it. If I can do it - so can you"! I absolutely hate that phrase! Thanks again to everyone!