Extremely scared I have cancer... very narrow stools, feeling like something is blocking when I go

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I've been having problems with my stomach since I was really young. Having diarrhea, stomach pain, or just soft stool and stomach pain. I had my first colonoscopy at 12 and I'm 22 now. They found nothing but too much acid. I've always had extreme anxiety issues only getting worse as I got older and so did my stomach problems. When I was about 17 I had bad stomach pain and nothing but blood conning out when I tried to have a bowel movement. I went to the doctor and he said it's probably just a stomach virus....thankfully next day it went away. Then when I was 20-21 been having yellow stool alot of times diarrea and stomach pains, all my liver and pancreas blood test came back normal and no gallstones. And now at 22, I'll go a few days with my stomach okay but then I'll get nights where when I'm going to the bathroom my stomach hurts so bad it makes me so nauseated, I've been having very narrow stools non stop for a month now and feels like when I go i haven't finished all the way like something is blocking it off. I'm feeling tired often. I have a gasterologist and she did stool samples and they found i had C. Diff in my bowel but no toxins, everything else came back ok. In the past when I was 21 they also did a ct scan and saw colitis in left colon. I have a colonoscopy in about almost 3 weeks. Tbh, I'm scared it's cancer because everything I see on internet is cancer. Also when I go to the bathroom food like leafy greens and these very little chunks of stuff is in my stool.

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9 Replies

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    C. Diff can cause blood in stools, and it is a main symptom for ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis can also cause the pain and feeling like something is being blocked. Colon cancer takes years to develop, that's why they recommend colonoscopies every 10 years. So I think they would have saw something on the CT scan and it is also of course, very rare at your age. Anxiety will make the feeling worse, it impacts your stomach and bowels a lot. 

    • Posted

      Thank you for easing my mind. This actually makes me feel a bit better. I've been making myself scared as ever with this.

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    Pay no attention to what you read on google. Only listen to your doctor and trust what you are told and your test results.  Worry makes stomach/bowel problems worse.  A colonoscopy will determine whether you have IBD (colitis) as was found before or whether you have IBS.  If you have IBS, nothing will show.  However, it is possible to have borh IBS and IBD.
    • Posted

      Thank you, I will try to stay calm and positive. And hope things go well at the colonoscopy.
  • Posted

    I have had narrow stools for years too , had a colonscopy 4 years ago that showed nothing wrong so I have never worried about it. Many times when I eat lettuce, I get irritable bowels and the lettuce will be in the waste. I have always soft or loose stool as well with intermittent diarrhea. Just got over a bout of it. I have been having issues too that are scaring me a great deal to the point I can barely breathe and I too have been googling my symptoms and scaring myself. I have a cat scan next week because of my a low hemoglobin and high white count and I am really scared about it. All I can say is try ( as I am ) and not worry. More than likely all is well and we both are just fine. !  Bless you! 
    • Posted

      Thank you! It means a lot to have support to get through this dreadful fear. I'm glad nothing showed up on you colonoscopy, I hope that is my case too. I'm sorry you've been having other problems, I hope everything comes back ok. And yes that's the the best thing to try and stay positive through this. And things could always turn out okay just like your colonoscopy. Sometimes it could be the minor things instead of the scary things. And it's usually in rare cases it's the worse. Thank you again. smile

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      You’re right ... we fear and fear and it’s a simple fix ... or at least not as bad as the worst thing. ??💝

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    Letting anyone that wonders the same thing ive been wondering...Good news is that I have a normal colonoscopy every thing looked clean but, they still took biopsies on right and left colon because of the chronic diarrea I've been having I'm still waiting on that.

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